The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 700 Not good!His target is the magician

Chapter 700 Not good!His target is the magician

Miki gradually calmed down.

Yes, if it is Elf, such a situation can also be handled.

She will not agree to something she is not sure about.

But what Error said made her very concerned.

"Error you don't think?"

"Ah." Error admitted generously, "I really want to try it, how about you?"

Miki froze for a moment.

Fight with Elf?
She never thought of such a thing.

It may be because she knew that she would lose, so she never had the idea of ​​challenging.

The topic that Error brought up out of the blue really knocked her out of the question.

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Yasali.

Has Yasali ever thought about this?

Then she noticed that Yasali didn't seem to be participating in the topic, staring blankly at the people on the field.

"She's been like this ever since Elf agreed to free mode." Error leaned over and explained to Miki, "The loser has to give the other party [-] gold coins."

"fifty thousand?!"

Miki exclaimed softly.

"Yeah, people who can afford dark night fashion must be very rich." Error grinned cheerfully, "Now they are full of windfall."

"If I lose, I will pay the [-] gold coins." Yasali faced them and bent down earnestly, "I should have settled with them, but it involved you, I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize." Miki immediately shook his head and put his hands on Yasali's shoulders, "This is the result of the lack of communication between the two sides. If you insist on saying it, we cut you off halfway."

Yasali raised his head slowly, gazing into Miki's eyes with emotion.

"So if Elf wins, the [-] gold coins will belong to you?" Error let out a sigh, and suddenly realized, "I didn't realize that you are so shrewd, and you have already set your sights on these gold coins in advance!"

Yasali and Miki were stunned at the same time, and quickly realized that this was Error's unique way of comforting.

"Thank you." Yasali said sincerely.

The three men on the field exchanged glances with each other, and attacked He Qi according to the coordination method of team battles.


Compared to their high emotions, He Qi pulled out his sword very calmly.

The professions of the three are swordsman, spearman, and dark magician.

He Qi glanced at the dark magician who was protected behind, and after making a plan in his heart, he took the initiative to go forward to fight.

The spearman in the front used his skills before He Qi approached.

He Qi bent over to avoid the opponent's sweep, and after rolling around on the ground, he swung his sword and bounced the swordsman next to him away without pausing.

In three seconds, she came in front of the dark magician.

"What?!" The gunman stared in astonishment when he didn't see a figure after his skills went down.

The swordsman next to him didn't expect the opponent's skill to be so sensitive.

"So fast……"

"Not good! His target is a magician!"

The gunman roared, and the two quickly turned around and rushed back.

He Qi's long sword was already near the magician's neck.

The dark magician hurriedly avoided, but the opponent seemed to have seen his every move in advance, and the sword followed wherever he hid.

Any attack by the magician requires a certain buffer time to determine the attack range and the skills to be launched.So once the enemy gets close, the magician can basically only be beaten as a living target.

Outstanding magicians would try to create a distance to give themselves time to chant spells, but the one in front of He Qi was obviously out of order.

Of course, even an outstanding magician would not be able to escape easily if she became her prey.

"Save me! Save me!"

Seeing his blood volume drop rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, the dark magician panicked and asked for help.

(End of this chapter)

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