The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 764 It seems like... what should I do?

Chapter 764 It seems like... what should I do?
Selene originally wanted to help them call a car to take them back, but He Qi refused.

He Qi didn't want to take the car, Xu Mo naturally didn't say much, and after saying goodbye to them, he took the initiative to walk ahead and lead the way.

Absent-mindedly following behind, He Qi's mind was still full of the pair of blue eyes she saw just now.

The misty eyes are like blue roses dotted with dew, blooming quietly and quietly, so beautiful.

It would be too dangerous for the old fox to go back like this, He Qi thought about it and walked back.

It takes about 10 minutes or so, and it can wake him up while digesting food.

The night wind blew past He Qi's face, messing up the hair on the ear side.

She stretched out her hand to straighten it out, but she didn't notice that the person in front of her stopped suddenly and bumped into it.

Fortunately, she was walking slowly, but she touched Xu Mo's back lightly.

"what happened?"

However, the person in front did not respond to her, and raised his hand not knowing what he was doing.

He Qi walked around in front of Xu Mo, seeing him rubbing his eyes with his hands, couldn't help but frowned.

"Is your eyes uncomfortable?"

"A little itchy." Xu Mo replied slowly.

"Let me see."

He Qi held Xu Mo's arm and pulled it away, only to find that his left eye was red from rubbing himself.

"How hard did you rub it?" she asked helplessly, "Do you have any eye drops at home?"

The old fox looked at her quietly, without moving or speaking.

Just when He Qi thought he wasn't going to answer, Xu Mo opened his mouth and tilted his head slightly: "Where is it?"

He Qi was silent for a second, then pulled his face with her hands.

"I'll take it as if you admitted that you have eye drops. If you can't find it when you go back, you can figure it out."

Xu Mo looked puzzled and thought for a long time before asking her.

"It can I do it?"

He Qi glanced at him, and simply led him forward.

"A Qi."


"Are you angry?"

"What are you angry about?"


Xu Mo frowned, thinking hard.

What are you angry about?

Just as he was thinking, a sharp cry came from ahead.


A Negro pushed past passers-by and ran towards them.

He Qi pulled Xu Mo aside, and kicked the man unexpectedly when he passed by.

The thief fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

He Qi kicked at the weak parts, and after kicking out, he didn't look at that person again, but looked around to find his accomplices.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive. It turned out that they happened to be patrolling nearby and rushed over when they heard the movement.

The friend probably also noticed the movement and didn't dare to come out.

After showing his ID, He Qi led Xu Mo back.

When approaching the gate of the community, Xu Mo stopped in his tracks.

"You're angry and I'll bring you tea that tastes weird."

He Qi, who was paying attention to the movements of the stalkers behind her, raised her head in astonishment.

He Qi: "???"

No, old fox, you must have thought about it all the way, right?

He Qi was speechless for a moment.

"Sorry, next time I will try the taste first." Someone seemed to be immersed in guilt.

"We'll talk when we go back." He Qi anxiously pulled him forward.

If the thief's accomplice rushed up at this time, the old fox might be injured in this state, so he didn't have to worry about it when he entered the community.

"Those two will give up when they see that we are going to enter this community."

He Qi turned to look in the previous direction.


Those who had followed them before had left.

"Two people?" She always thought there was only one of them.

Xu Mo pointed to the corner with a blank expression, "I was smoking over there just now."

He Qi was a little impressed, "Didn't that person already be there before we arrived?"

"They have their own information network and operating system, and they are experienced gangs." Xu Mo patiently explained to her, "He put his hands in his pockets and groped for them, suspecting that I was a local, so he didn't do anything. They are a group of people who operate in a fixed area, and they pick tourists and people who come here for the first time. If you piss off the locals, they will disclose a few places where they haunt to the police, which will cause a lot of trouble. In addition There are not many people in this neighborhood to mess with, so they have to give up."

(End of this chapter)

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