The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 815 I Have So Much Influence On You

Chapter 815 I Have So Much Influence On You

He Qi turned around and said to Xu Mo seriously: "Juju is right."

Xu Mo looked at her in confusion, and when he understood what Ah Qi meant, he found that she was on the phone.

"Give me 10 minutes, and I'll come down to pick you up right away."

"it is good."

He Qi hung up the phone, saw that the old fox was in a better mood, and pinched his face.

"I was easily attracted to you, but now I may not be thinking about work." He Qi frowned, "What's the situation with Juju, how many times have you cheated."

Even pitted her in.

Xu Mo held her other hand and rubbed her fingertips, "Do I have that much influence on you?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's the truth." He Qi pouted helplessly.

Then she saw the old fox and laughed.

Eyebrows like ink painting, eyes like autumn waves, like ice lotus in full bloom, so beautiful.

He Qi's heart was pounding.

Xu Mo suddenly felt the strength of the hand on his face increase, and then the hand slowly slid to his chin.

He was forced to look up, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

She has a face with the flowers of a high mountain, but reveals a youthful and hesitant expression.

He Qi opened her hand and slapped Xu Mo's face, then opened the door as quickly as possible, got out of the car and let the air blow.

Xu Mo opened his mouth, dazed and astonished.

When Ye Bing rushed to the front desk, he greeted the staff and picked He Qi and Xu Mo away.

As soon as they left a few employees started whispering.

"Sister Ye Bing came to pick her up in person, she seems to be a major customer of the company."

"That boy looks so good, I'm so excited!"

"Yeah! I've never seen such a good-looking man! He's just a gentle scum, a top-quality abstinent male god!"

"That young lady is so royal. I observed it and guessed that the young lady is the domineering female president, and the boy is her assistant secretary."

"Which one do you think is more powerful, the young lady or Ye Bing?"

"Ahem, ahem, the lady from the Zhao family is here, and the sisters will take care of you."

"By the way, doesn't the prince have a girlfriend? Why doesn't she give up?"

"After all, the crown prince of the imperial capital, apart from the Zhao family, won't the other families come to give things? They are not giving up!"

"Speaking of which, I have never met the prince's girlfriend. I don't know which little fairy came down to the world to charm our prince."

"We don't know, and we can't ask."

Zhao Xinjuan walked to the front desk step by step carrying the dessert box.

The employee nodded to her with a polite smile, "Miss Zhao, we will take the things up, don't worry."

Zhao Xinjuan asked shyly, "Did the prince say something about the dim sum I made before?"

"This Ms. Zhao has to ask the boss herself. We are only responsible for giving. How could the boss tell such a small employee like us?" The front desk smiled, "Is there anything else Ms. Zhao can do?"

Zhao Xinjuan shook her head, "No more... Oh, by the way, is the crown prince busy today?"

"Our boss, Ms. Zhao, also knows that she is very busy every day. Didn't Sister Ye Bing pick up a big client just now?"

"oh oh."

Zhao Xinjuan turned around and walked slowly towards the door. Suddenly she saw something and walked outside the company excitedly.

"Mr. He, hello!"

He Tingyi was on the phone, but he just nodded to her and continued walking inside without pausing.

"Ye Bing, you pour drinks for Xiao Qi and the others first, I'll be in the office soon."

The joy in Zhao Xinjuan's eyes disappeared immediately.

Little Qi?Could it be...

She turned back to the front desk and asked anxiously, "Is the client you mentioned just now a woman?"

"Yes, a man and a woman, they seem to be the boss's new customers." The front desk said hesitantly, "May I ask what's wrong with Ms. Zhao?"

(End of this chapter)

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