The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 817 They Can Compete With You

Chapter 817 They Can Compete With You
"How should I introduce this?" He Qi didn't understand, "I can't let the boss of the company personally lead the interns to meet the leader, right? Even if they are related, it's too much."

"The position of the company's brand director is still vacant." He Tingyi patted He Qi's head, "Before you get familiar with the company."

"I heard that the deputy director of the brand has retired, so the deputy director..."

Xu Mo was interrupted by He Tingyi before he finished speaking.

"The marketing department is going to change managers, and you will take over."

Xu Mo snorted, "Marketing is a big head, will you be short of people?"

"Can they compare with you? Monor, the black hand who once shook the stock market, didn't those people from the Xu family lose to you?" He Tingyi looked at him with a half-smile, "I really underestimated you." Is it possible to poke the sky if I miss you and push you into a hurry?"

He Qi also looked at Xu Mo.

Awesome, did the old fox do this kind of thing before he came to the first test?

"I won't work so far away from Ah Qi." Xu Mo's attitude was very firm.

He Tingyi didn't care, "If you don't mind the trouble, I can also make room for you next to Xiaoqi's office."

"But the two departments are separated by two floors, you can figure it out."

"Make room." Xu Mo didn't hesitate.

He Tingyi saw Ye Bing and Director Wu who was in charge of the project hurried over and dragged He Qi to the door.

"I'll take Xiaoqi to understand the department first." He waved his hands leisurely, "Come on."

Xu Mo couldn't hold back and smashed the candy on the coffee table.

The candy hit He Tingyi's head and landed in He Qi's hand.

"Ah Qi, eat sweets." Xu Mo looked at He Qi gently, "You go shopping for a while, and I'll come to you after I'm done."

He Tingyi: "..."

He Qi pushed He Tingyi's back, "Okay, come on."

"Director Wu, this is the Mr. Monor I just told you about." Ye Bing felt the oppressive stalemate in the atmosphere as soon as she entered, but she still insisted on introducing Xu Mo, "Monor, this is Director Wu."

Xu Mo simply greeted Director Wu, stopped wasting time, and started asking questions about the contract.

"Ye Bing, you stay here." He Tingyi's face softened slightly when he heard their conversation, "Bring him to us when it's over."

"Okay." Ye Bing stopped at the door of the office.

In the elevator, He Tingyi said distressedly: "Xiao Qi, why did you choose him?"

He Qi didn't know how to answer, so she could only keep silent.

"I'm relieved to entrust the company to him, but this guy looks really evil, and the city is so deep, what if he cheats in the future?"

He Qi choked, "Cheated?"

"You're still too young to think about many things." He Tingyi pondered for a few seconds, then seriously suggested, "It's better to just break his leg, so that he will stay by your side honestly."

He Qi was stunned, "Brother?"

"I'm sorry Xiaoqi." He Tingyi sighed, "I just got angry."

"You scared me." He Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I trust him, he won't do such a thing."

Then she changed the subject, "Of course, if something like that really happened, I would do it myself and not bother brother."

He Tingyi was completely relieved.

"Well, today I saw him dressed up beautifully and worried that you would lose yourself because of his fascination. Now it seems that I am thinking too much."

He Qi responded, and turned her head guiltily.

The old fox has fascinated her several times, and he may be only one step away from losing himself.

(End of this chapter)

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