The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 834 What's wrong with you, big brother

Chapter 834 What's wrong with you, big brother

Drana was a little scared when she was killed for the first time, but she became numb after many times.

Monor doesn't even need her to restore health, as long as she keeps applying auxiliary skills that speed up the increase in mana.

The players who came to kill her were all the players who were driven mad by Monor. Because they were weak and did not dare to face the terrifying dark mage, they came to her to seek revenge.

Monor took care to help her clean up the players around her from time to time, but if he was entangled by a group of people, Drana could only fend for herself.

Although she had been playing the game for a while, the strength of this friendly army still frightened her a lot.

Under what circumstances does her poor sister Yasali do task upgrades?

On the other side, although He Qi didn't need to worry that she would not have the strength to swing the sword, she was also a little mentally exhausted.

Seeing the devil put away his sword suddenly, the vice president told everyone to stay where they were.

He moved forward with trembling legs, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

He Qi, who had been killing for half an hour, sat down pan-pan and answered him lazily.


The vice president breathed a sigh of relief, and asked her after discussing, "Then can we have a 10-minute truce?"

Their mental state has been in a state of tension for a long time, and many people can't bear to go offline.

It's okay if you can be killed, the key is that this person will resurrect infinitely and kill whoever is caught.

He Qi stared at her hands in a daze, "Yeah."

Hearing that she agreed to a truce, the vice president hurriedly asked the members to relax.

Before entering the maze, he never thought that this would be the case!
Originally, he and the president had discussed it. The president led people to enter the maze, and he led people to surround the players on the opposite side until the president succeeded in getting out.

Who knows that the real situation is quite the opposite.

Will a grand duke with hundreds of people be forced into this by two players?

They are too embarrassing!
But this time it wasn't fruitless. At least one thing was certain that the members of the first guild were all celebrities on the rank list.

The vice-chairman struggled for a long time, but finally mustered up the courage to ask the motionless He Qi.

"May I ask which fairy is the elder brother?"

He Qi looked up at him.

"you guess."

The vice president choked, and said cautiously: "Is the eldest brother a top ten boss in the rank list?"

Earlier he called Big Brother He Qi but didn't listen, now that he's almost rested, it's really depressing to hear him call Big Brother openly and silently.

"do not know."

Sensing that she was in a bad mood, the vice president didn't dare to speak anymore, and squatted in the queue.

He asked the outsiders about the current situation, and when he learned that no team encountered the enemy, he immediately issued new instructions.

"All squads must match slogans when they meet."

"The slogan is, have the president and vice president been beaten today? The answer is that they are already closed."

"Hahaha." The players around the vice president laughed, and the oppressive atmosphere was finally relieved.

The president laughed and scolded the vice president a few words, and he felt a lot more relaxed. After realizing that they had nothing to do with them, he went to Xu Mo to negotiate a peace.

"Anyway, we can't get out no matter how many times we fight, how about sitting down and waiting for the people outside to get out of the maze faster?"

Xu Mo waited for them to figure it out for a long time, and answered him directly with practical actions.

Seeing him sitting down, the president gave a naive smile, turned around and asked everyone to rest where they were, and even went to the Bright Mage to comfort them.

Several light magicians were really hit hard. Seeing that other members urgently needed their help, they just couldn't use healing skills to provide support.

"That dark magician is really a bully..." A girl even cried in public.

The other bright magicians quickly forgot that they were being treated equally, and coaxed her together.

The girl almost cried and found that she didn't have a single tear, as if she was crying fake, and then she was amused by herself.

She was hit on the head by something before laughing a few times, and someone picked it up for her. It was a candy carved with pink crystal, which can increase the luck value.

"Who gave it to me? Thank you." The girl smiled even more happily.

Drana looked in surprise at the night mage who seemed unmoved.

If it wasn't for the moment when he dropped something, she would never have imagined that this big man would be such a gentle person.

(End of this chapter)

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