The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 838 With a 1[-] chance we meet again

Chapter 838 We Meet Again With One in a Thousand Chances
Miki used his long sword to block the arrows shot at him, and laughed twice.

"After all, you said that."

She had to hurry up and meet him.

Everyone saw the figure in the dark night costume move, flowing like water among the crowd.

The movements are delicate and gentle, but full of strength.

Players who fought with her in melee couldn't stop her attacks and retreated steadily, and it was impossible to defend against her.

"Captain, that man is actually stronger than Error."

"After I'm done, I'll have a good talk with the guild leader. Don't provoke this guild anymore. Everyone in it is monsters."



When Miki opened his eyes again, he found himself standing on the disk alone.

After making sure she was the only one here, Miki sent Error a separate call.

"Where are you?"

Error's voice was playful, "I chose a random path after resurrection, how about you?"

Miki answered him while walking: "I'm heading to the first intersection."

"Well, I don't know if we can meet again before the end." Error said with a smile, "If we meet again, does it mean that we are destined?"

"That's right, there are many entrances in this maze, and the paths are even more numerous. It's a coincidence to meet again."

Miki went to the fork without stopping and picked a way to continue walking.

Neither of them spoke for several minutes, but they didn't hang up either.

Until Error suddenly asked her: "Miki, why don't we meet at the exit?"

"Ah?" Miki was stunned, "Why don't you just end it when it's all the way to the exit?"

"Didn't you agree to walk out of this maze together?" Error took it for granted.

Miki's heart beat faster when he thought about what he said before he disappeared.

"Well, as long as the person from the third guild doesn't show up, the other person will wait for the other party to come."

She finished the sentence as quickly as possible, reached out and hung up the call.

After clicking it, I was annoyed and asked myself why I hung up the call.


It's not that she and Error didn't talk alone. In the past, Error would pester her to PK when Elf and the others were away, and it wasn't once or twice that she talked and encouraged her when they were online. Why did it feel so strange this time?

Amidst her emotions, she came to a big road, which was completely different from the road she had walked before.

Have you found an exit?

There was a puzzled look on Miki's delicate little face.

No way?She just passed a fork, so she can't be resurrected near the exit, right?
Miki walked forward for a long way, and vaguely saw a large teleportation array in the distance.

She couldn't help speeding up her pace, and when she got closer, she realized that there was still a person standing in front of the teleportation formation.

The man was facing the sun with his back, and his long fluttering hair was shining with bits and pieces of light.

Miki couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but there was a voice in his heart that wanted to come out.

"There is a one-in-a-thousand chance that we will meet again."

"Miki, we are really destined."

As she walked in front of the other party, that Xie Ni's surly face came into view.

The stretched eyebrows and the upturned corners of the mouth all revealed his joy.

Miki had never been in such a mood.

Anticipation and surprise blended to occupy her heart, and her heart beat non-stop.

"You've been waiting here for me?"

"Yeah, let's go out together!" Error held out his hand to her.

Miki's eyes moved to the hand, and she gave it to him a few seconds later.

Error's smile deepened, and he turned around to leave the maze, but his left foot suddenly stopped in mid-air.

"what happened?"

"Miki, does it still count when you said you would protect me?" He turned his head stiffly.

Miki nodded firmly, "Well, of course!"

"Then..." Error took out a hair tie, looked at the ground in embarrassment, and his voice was as soft as a mosquito.

"Can I trouble you to tie my hair?"

(End of this chapter)

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