The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 849 Be careful to beat you again

Chapter 849 Be careful to beat you again
"It seems that I know about Miki." Yazheng shook his head disappointedly.

Although he doesn't know what will happen to the family in the future, he can see Miki's state.

Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, her mind has matured a lot now.

What to do, how to do it, most of them already have a rough idea in their minds.

On the way home, Miki began to recall when she was a child, she thought those broken pictures were the memories of the witch, but now that she knew the truth, she found it easy to sort out those memories.

There is a feeling of enlightenment in the whole person, although this memory is accompanied by heavy pressure.

After returning home, Miki ate something, then changed into a high-end lavender evening dress, pulled her hair with the help of her mother, and put on delicate makeup.

The eyes are like full of autumn water, and under the delicate Qiong nose is a beautiful pink lip.

The moment Miki's mother turned around, her nose was sore.

Silently raising her hand to wipe away her tears, she collected her emotions, turned around with a smile and boasted, "Our Miki is so pretty."

Miki lowered her eyes shyly.

The couple used the remaining time to tell Miki about the party's precautions.

"Just stay by Miss San's side. If other people come to talk to you on their own initiative, ask questions and answer them, and don't say anything unnecessary. Miss San is deeply in the city, this time it should be to see if you are worthy of being included under her command."

Miki kept their words in her heart silently, and when someone came to pick her up, she turned around and comforted her parents, and got into the car pretending to be calm.

At the place of the party, Miki was led to Miss San.

This is an open-air party in the garden outside the Crown Hotel.There are waiters in work clothes everywhere, and a macaron platter and dessert snacks are placed on each table.However, few people will take the food on the plate, most of them are holding their wine glasses, smiling and chatting with the people around them.

The third lady, Vanessa, was wearing a short black skirt, with glamorous makeup and extreme curves, she was as noble as a black swan.

She looked Miki up and down, and asked after a while, "I heard that Jin Yuan accepted you as a disciple?"

Miki calmed down the impetuousness and hesitation in her heart and answered her: "Yeah."

"The young master of Brown's family will come over later, and you can follow me to see him then."


Seeing that she was well-behaved, Vanessa said a few more words in satisfaction: "The Brown family is looking for a partner, I want this contract, you find a way to get that young master."

Miki nodded knowingly, "I'll do my best."

In the following time, Vanessa led her to meet several outstanding peers, and they would all lose their minds for a short time when they saw Miki.

Different from the hard-edged young ladies who are usually exposed, this girl is so obedient that it makes people's hearts soften.

Suddenly there was commotion in the distance, Miki clamped a lock of hair on her shoulder to her ear with her hands, and looked over at the sound.

Vanessa didn't squeeze up, but watched the movement over there with cold eyes.

A group of people blocked over there, circling around to please someone.

Several brothers and sisters who were evenly matched with Vanessa all came together and talked carefully about the contract.

Half a minute later, a violent and violent voice came over.


"Don't you see that I am very annoying now? Be careful to beat you again!"

The people around fell silent in an instant, and the few people in front got out of the way in fear.

Miki finally saw the boy who was sought after by all the stars, wearing a black sweater, with a blue ribbon on his gray hair, with a strange style of painting.

His eyes were wild and cruel, like a dangerous object that might explode at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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