The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 852 What's wrong with your damn expression

Chapter 852 What's the matter with your ghostly expression
Error stared blankly at the delicate little cake, knowing that it tasted so sweet even without tasting it.

And the hand holding the plate looked softer than a cake.

What's the matter with this little girl?

He actually gave the cake to a bastard who was so bad-tempered that he would shake his fist at any time.

Just such a good girl, the gangster Error thinks he can knock down a row with one punch.

"I don't like sweets." Error coldly refused, "Eat it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he walked to another place with few people and took out his mobile phone without looking back, standing there casually fiddling with it.

In terms of appearance, his appearance can crush all the boys present.

But he exudes a ruffian evil spirit all over his body, which makes people don't know how to approach him.

Miki withdrew his gaze and returned to Vanessa: "I'm sorry Miss San, I failed."

Vanessa's attitude was even colder than before, and she gently gathered the shawl on her shoulders: "You stay here, don't move around, I will send you back after the party is over."

"Okay." Miki stared at the ground, waited for Vanessa to walk away before raising his head, and then looked at the place where Error had just stood.

People are not there.

She changed direction.

Not at the swing either.

Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye?

Miki carefully looked for the figure of the boy in the crowd, and turned around little by little.

Then she found that the person she was looking for was standing behind her, two meters away.

Miki:! ! !
With his hands in his pockets, Error laughed when he saw Miki's eyes wide open in shock.

"What's the matter with your ghostly expression?"

His tone was scary, but his hearty smile revealed his true emotions.

Miki blurted out: "Who told you to scare me with [sprinting]."

Wait, she seems to have said the name of the skill in the game.

Error laughed even more heartily, "If I really used sprinting, you would have been the ghost of my gun."

His smile froze.

It's over, I'm crazy about playing games.

Thinking of the game, Error's face softened: "What do you want from me?"

Unexpectedly, the girl who was as cowardly as a little rabbit bravely approached him, looking expectant: "Are you Error?"

Error was stunned.

Who else could he be if he wasn't Error?

Wasn't that woman who sent her here just now because of the contract?
So this little girl didn't even know his name for a long time?

Error felt it was necessary to remind this little friend that intriguing family struggles were not for her.

These small arms and legs, don't be eaten until there are only bones left.

"Go another way." He patted the little girl's head earnestly, "You can't play with them."

Miki didn't know that the other party had already thought of a very far place in just a few seconds, so she tiptoed happily.

"Error, I'm Miki, I didn't expect to see you here!"

"You said to go another way, what is that?"

Error froze for a long time before calling out in disbelief: "Miki?"

"Hmm!" Miki blinked and smiled brightly.

The little girl in front of her suddenly lost her sense of discomfort, where is there any fear in her eyes?There is only joy and intimacy left.

Error inexplicably felt that his palms were a little hot, but he felt uncomfortable instead.

"I..." I couldn't get the swear words out of my mouth.

Error withdrew his hand, and asked uncertainly: "You said you have something to come to this party?"

"No, what I said is that Elf took me for a test." Miki's voice became smaller and smaller, "I came here on a temporary notice."

Error now completely believes that the soft and harmless little girl in front of him is Miki who said in the game to protect him.

He couldn't help but look at Miki again.

The appearance was similar to what I had imagined, with satin-like hair and fair skin that was translucent and smooth.Like a little daisy in spring, cute and pure.

Error's heart was itchy as if it had been swept by a feather.

This is too tm obedient!
 Happy Valentine's Day babes!Are you full of dog food today? (= ̄ω ̄=)
(End of this chapter)

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