The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 865 The Beautiful Miss Elf

Chapter 865 The Beautiful Miss Elf
Hearing this announcement, the online players all exploded.

"I'm kneeling, what kind of fairy boss?"

"My friends and I dared to enter the level 70 elite dungeon only after reaching level 80. What happened to the one who cleared the level alone?"

"This is definitely Gao Wan! No, Gao Wan can't even show his awesomeness!"

"How can there be such a terrible player? May I ask which god is on the level list?"

"You have to be in the top five of the level list to play, right? Without level 95, I dare not even think about it."

"The top five are Elf, Miki, Error, Yasali, and Monor."

"Error and Yasali are excluded, and so is Monor."

"How do you know it's not theirs?"

"These big guys are right in front of us. You may not be able to imagine how powerful they are. They are probably the strongest in a single profession + the combination of gods."

"So it's either Miki or Elf?"

"I saw the invincible warrior! My God, the beautiful young lady Elf!"


Like the girl with the mysterious weapon, the player who came out of the teleportation array had the same beautiful long hair.

There was a small gem embedded in the pointed elf ears, and the pair of different pupils glanced at them calmly.

Both groups of people forgot their respective missions and shouted excitedly.

"Look so good! How can there be such a beautiful elf!"

"Look at those two standing together, don't they look like the Elf Queen and the Elf Saint!"

"Like like! Help I can't breathe!"

Except for Miki, everyone looked at He Qi in amazement.

"Are you ugly? Are you ashamed?!" Thinking of what Elf said in the last video conference, Error blamed bitterly.

Although he thinks that Elf is nonsense, there is a big difference between not being ugly and being beautiful, okay?
He Qi was exhausted from playing in the dungeon, and every position had to be calculated in advance, finally grinding the Snow King to death.

After changing into a set of purple outfit and frost heart, she sent a voice message to Error and asked them to put the five people into the copy.

When she came out, she saw that Miki had changed his equipment, so she knew that the announcement was about the Emperor Ou.

Gold equipment.

She is also hungry.

"Everyone has worked hard." He Qi bowed to them.

"No, no, you are the hardest." Selene gave her a cryptic look.

As expected of a couple, they are equally astonishingly strong.

As soon as Miki saw He Qi, his mood improved a lot, and he shook his head shyly: "It's not hard, it's not hard."

"Will they chase you out if they find you're not inside?" Jin He still didn't dare to relax, "They can't kill you, so Uford doesn't care about cheating?"

Error also became serious when he heard the words: "Then let's get out of here first?"

"No, they can't get out." He Qi knew from the magician that she was safe for the time being. "No accident, their account will be gone in a few minutes."

Not to mention that the level is not high, and he doesn't know how to play games. He can't even beat the mobs in front of him with his bare hands.

At her strong request, the bigwigs outside also deleted the permission to quit the game for these five people.

You can only play dead characters and wait for the account to be destroyed.

Jin He nodded, then thought of something to ask her out loud.

"How's Monor going?"

He Qi smiled, "It's all done."

The old fox has made a big contribution this time, and when she goes out, she will take him and Auggie to have a good talk about how to calculate the credit for saving him.

"Be careful, the other party won't let it go." Jin He kindly reminded.

He Qi raised her eyebrows, with a smile that was not a smile: "Do you think I will obediently wait for them to mess with me again?"

When she quits the game, she will have a good talk with the expert group.

No matter what, you have to add seven or eight protection measures to her account, right?

The promised hundred days are absolutely safe?
(End of this chapter)

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