The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 876 Why Can't It Be Me?

Chapter 876 Why Can't It Be Me?

Miki and the others couldn't sleep, so they simply packed their luggage all night.

When it was time to pick up people, they moved everything outside.

Vanessa's most capable assistant came to help in person, worried that Miki's family would escape and he kept watch all night.

Fortunately, nothing happened. The family is very sensible.

In addition, Miss San specifically told him to treat the family well, and the assistant stepped forward to greet them in person.

"Come here."

The Miki family followed behind him disgruntled.

Miki was the last to get into the car, and she saw a sports car coming towards her as soon as she took a step, and stopped beside her.

She couldn't see the person inside, she just thought it was the third lady, Vanessa.

On the contrary, the assistant's expression changed, and he walked to the car window tremblingly.

"Excuse me, is this Master Robes?"

The car window was lowered, and a boy wearing sunglasses smiled and reached out to pat the assistant's hair.

"We're here to pick up the Demon King's new favorite, where is she? Let her get in the car!"

The assistant saw Master Helstein who was studying gems in the vice seat.

Both of them are playmates of the Demon King of Confusion.

So it is very likely that the Demon King of Confusion is sitting at the moment...

As soon as the assistant glanced at the back seat, Robes grabbed his collar roughly.


The car seat was suddenly kicked off, and Robes quickly changed his words.

"I asked you something!"

The assistant trembled in fright, and didn't dare to have any other thoughts, and dragged Miki behind him to Lobes: "Master Robes, this is Miki..."

Robes took a leisurely look at the girl with warm eyes and soft and well-behaved eyes.

I didn't expect the devil to be so good!

Good-looking is good-looking, just like a doll.

But with such a weak little body, I'm afraid it's not easy to play with, right?

Toys bought with such an important contract should not be broken in less than a month.

Robes didn't speak for a long time, and the assistant didn't dare to do anything else.

Miki was disgusted by the boy's stare, she just frowned when she heard a familiar voice from the back seat.

"Come up."

The voice was very impatient, with a strong force.

Helsten raised his eyebrows in surprise, and shifted his gaze from the valuable gem to the little girl outside the car.

But it was only a light glance, and he lowered his head and continued to fiddle with it.

Lobes, a fool, will sooner or later be beaten by the devil with a spear until his ass blooms.

Miki's parents got out of the car in a panic and hugged Miki anxiously.

The back door was opened, and Robes coldly warned the assistant.

"Don't keep the devil waiting."

The assistant felt cold all over and hurriedly urged Miki to get in the car.

Miki's parents didn't dare to let their daughter go in, they grabbed tightly with both hands.

"It's okay, parents."

Miki patted the two people's hands to show comfort, opened the car door and sat in.

As soon as the door was closed, the sports car started, and the exhaust fumes from the assistant's face.

The assistant is not in a good mood to get Miki's parents into the car.

The couple didn't dare to delay any longer, and asked the driver to drive quickly when they got in the car.

The assistant reported the situation to Vanessa, and Vanessa sighed subtly after hanging up the phone.

To be unbearable to others is to be cruel to oneself, so far, she can only provide material help.

While driving, Robes curiously watched the situation of the two people behind.

This is the first time that the Demon Lord of Confusion has had contact with the opposite sex on his own initiative, and he doesn't know how he will get along with it.

In Lobes' view, the demon king who has no patience and good temper towards anyone doesn't know how to be sympathetic, as long as he is angered, it's fine if he doesn't beat the girl to death.

It would be easier for this little girl to be obedient, but if she had a temper with the devil, she would not be able to reach Brown's house safely.

Miki stared at Error for a long time after getting in the car, and the first sentence was:
"Error, why are you?"

Error was a little depressed when questioned: "Why can't it be me?"

He said it a little bit aggrieved.

Robes: "..."

Ok? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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