The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 880 No one wants you, I want you

Chapter 880 No one wants you, I want you

"What did you say?"

Miki's mother stood up anxiously, but her knees became numb after kneeling for a long time, and she was about to fall down again.

Error gave her a hand and repeated: "I've already told my family that I will marry Miki."

"You, you—" Miki's mother was speechless.

Does the kid know what he's talking about?

In a large family, marrying a wife is equivalent to marrying power, and marrying a servant's child is equivalent to giving up fighting for power.

Although there are only two children in the Brown family, can his younger brother live a good life after his elder brother takes over?

"Before, I only thought that your temper would hurt Miki, but now it seems that you have no brains. Why do you think you can protect Miki well?" Miki's father got up to support his wife, hesitated and continued, "You are right about Miki. I’m very moved by your attitude, but you can’t even protect yourself, so I don’t trust Miki to you.”

Lobes couldn't listen anymore, he walked down the stairs, and asked Miki's father sharply: "You, an outsider who doesn't understand anything, have the right to dictate to the devil? You are blind, the little girl followed The Demon King must be happier than the life you took her away!"

"Lobes." Seeing his red eyes, Error patted him on the back reassuringly.

"What do you know..." Robes choked up, "How much he has sacrificed to maintain the family relationship, and even got an unwarranted notoriety... Our poor devil, no one wants you, I want you!"

Error kicked him with a black face.

Helsting said to Miki's parents: "The rumors are unbelievable, you might as well wait for a while and see is believing."

He looked at Error again: "You sign the employee contracts for the two of them, three months is enough for them to understand the situation of the Brown family."

"Hmm." Error nodded and looked at Miki's parents, "What do you say?"

Miki's father was full of confusion, but his wife made the decision: "Okay."

Seeing their ignorant looks, Helsting couldn't help reminding them again.

"You can't make decisions for your children on your own. You have to ask Miki who you want to live with. This is related to her future life, and she should have the right to decide."

The two looked at each other, feeling guilty towards the child.

They didn't seem to have much discussion with Miki, and they always felt that they had considered a lot for their children and could make their lives less painful.

But actually?
Master Yazheng said that Miki was very distressed and lost himself.

"Miki, do you want to be with Error?"

Miki's father asked confusedly.

Miki looked at them, then at Error again.

"Mom and Dad, I like Error. I want to trust him, can you give him a chance?"

Error couldn't help laughing at her words.

How can she be so cute.

Miki's parents exchanged glances and said to Error: "If you can really take care of Miki, we agree."

Error was in a particularly good mood, and his depression was completely dispelled by Miki's words.

"Robes, take your uncle and aunt to see the room."

Lobes patted his trousers and came back, with some reluctance on his face: "There are many such good girls out there, and there are a lot of them in the school, why choose her..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked again.

"You want to die?"

Robes hung his head hurt.

"Come with me."

Miki walked up to Error and apologized to him softly: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I understand." Error patted her head, "Where's your luggage?"

"Over there." Miki pointed to the two suitcases at the door.

Error walked over and was about to mention it, but Helstein picked it up first.

"The room next to yours?"

Error withdrew his hand, nodded with a smile: "Yeah."

(End of this chapter)

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