The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 891 Error & Miki

Chapter 891 Error & Miki ([-])

Error can actually feel that my brother treats him differently after he stays.

But he understood Bert, and knew that those in the clan had put too much pressure on him, and he had been encouraged to keep a distance from his brother.

People at different stages have different ideas.

At the beginning, he only wanted to be a man who stood upright in the eyes of his younger brother, so he naturally worked hard towards the master.

But the more he comes into contact with new people and new things, especially the more he learns about other families, the older brother's heart is a little shaken, and Error is understandable.

Rather than saying that he doesn't understand Bert, it's better to say that he knows Bert's psychological activities well because he is too familiar.

Bert is very conflicted with him, sometimes distant and sometimes close.

Error knew that he was having a psychological struggle, so he was willing to wait, pretending not to notice, and not to put unnecessary pressure on his brother.

Jin He said that he was deceiving himself, but he was not.

He knew it very well, and he was always trying to keep it in his own way.

As long as he was a little useless and useless, the clansmen on his brother's side would relax their vigilance and stop forcing Bert to be wary of him.

But Jin He was right about one thing.

Error really had no goals, nothing in particular he wanted to do other than maintain his relationship with Bert.

Jin He's knockdown woke him up a bit.

No wonder the group of people are still worried about him, maybe they suspect that he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, right?
Replenish your energy first, and take advantage of Bert's inadvertent rise to overtake.

Some people who stubbornly support him and a small number of people who don't take sides probably think so too.

The decadence of wanting nothing is more threatening than the seriousness of hard work.

Unsure of the bottom line and unclear strength, this type of person is often the most difficult.

After Error understood what the problem was, he thanked Jin He.

Coming out of the room, he had a good meal first, and then took the game console to find Jin He.

When Jin He's parents saw him, they hurriedly invited him into the house, and at the same time asked the servant to call Jin He down.

Jin He walked up to Error with some awkwardness, and didn't speak.

Didn't this bastard say he didn't want to see hypocritical people?

So today are you looking for abuse?

"Hey, we don't know each other without fighting, let's be friends."

Jin He frowned.

It turned out that he was beaten stupidly.

Jin He returned home and was locked up for a day, deeply reflecting on his beating behavior.

His mother took care of him for two days, and finally the fever subsided.

Jin He's parents didn't insist on their son trying to please others, but they didn't force him to get along with Brown's children.

Not having to deal with bastards anymore, Jin He heaved a sigh of relief.

Before enjoying a peaceful and beautiful life, this person appeared in front of him again.

But he couldn't refuse in front of his parents, so he agreed in a muffled voice.

As soon as Error entered Jinhe's room, he was startled by the two cabinets of books.

"Have you had time to read so many books?"

Jin He didn't answer him.

"What are you doing at my house?"

Error raised his eyebrows: "Didn't I just say, come to make friends with you."

Jin He looked at him strangely.

"Did I break your mind?"

Error took out the game console and sat down on his stool.

"You can do whatever you want in private, don't care about my feelings."

"I like the natural way of getting along."

Jin He snorted lightly.

He reached out and grabbed Error's clothes, "I want to read a book, you go play somewhere else, don't make any noise."

After breaking the news, Jin He no longer obeys Error in everything, and will clearly point out what he doesn't like.

Error realized with dismay that the old man had never liked him from beginning to end.

After getting acquainted, Error told Jin He about his and his brother's affairs.

Jin He didn't run on him anymore, and didn't comment on the relationship between the two brothers.

Error started studying again under Jin He's supervision.

He still learned easily after missing a lot of knowledge points, and it didn't take long to make up for them all. However, he would keep his score around 70 every time he took the exam, fabricating the illusion that he wanted to work hard but his grades were not satisfactory.

Three months later, Bert started going home to play with him every week.

Error has family and friendship, and feels that he has reached the pinnacle of life.

When Error was 14, the Browns were planning to move.

He was reluctant to congratulate this friend, and spent a long time with his parents.

It dragged on for a month, and Error accidentally heard the evaluation of Jin He from his peers in the circle from students in other classes.

[Why did Young Master Jin He, who is the first in grade, play with that demon king? ]
[The family requested it. ]
[Playing with the devil incarnation, I think he is probably a bad boy with a good face. ]
[You are right, like attracts like. ]
[Those girls were only deceived by his hypocritical appearance, maybe there is a perverted murderer behind him. ]
Error told his parents when he got home that day, and he agreed to move.

(End of this chapter)

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