The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 895 Error & Miki

Chapter 895 Error & Miki ([-])

Lobes and Helsting came over to give presents when they saw people arriving.

Robes waved his hand and took the portfolio from the servant.

"Miki, here are all the jewelry stores in District S. From now on, if you like the jewelry in it, let the store manager deliver it to your home."

The expressions of the female circle changed in surprise upon hearing the words.

"I remember that there are several big brands in the S area, and they gave them all away. It's too rich and powerful."

"With so many jewelry stores, there must be more than a billion?"

"It's nothing compared to the demon king who bought a servant with a contract of nearly 700 billion."

"It will only ruin the development of the family. It's really ridiculous."

"I also don't understand. 700 billion can be used to marry Miss Qianjin, right? It was wasted on a useless servant."

"Look at that servant, I'm afraid he has never seen so much money in his life?"

Miki looked at Error helplessly, it seemed inappropriate for her to accept such an expensive gift.

"Take it." Error smiled and motioned her to reach out, "Master Robes will give you better ones when we get married. He doesn't care about such a small amount of money."

Robes' smile froze.

Wow, are you still married?He forgot!
The Demon King clearly asked him to come up with better things next time.

If I had been fooled, I would not have sent so much if I had known.

Helsten took a small box from his pocket.

"I asked someone to make a pair of rings from 'Love in a Fallen City', try wearing them."

Drana gave Helsten a surprise look.

Love in the Allure is a priceless treasure, and even Jin's family only keeps a small piece, and they are reluctant to use it to make jewelry.

There was a little restlessness around, and several young ladies were staring at the ring in Miki's hand.

Even if they didn't have the chance to come into contact with such a rare material as Allure Love, this servant is too lucky.

After putting it on, Error turned his palm, turned his head and asked Miki, "Is it the right size?"

Miki nodded: "Yes."

"Then keep it."

"Okay." Miki didn't know its value, but thought the refracted light was beautiful.

"thank you all."

Seeing the little girl smiled, the two felt relieved.

Drana took out a white card without a pattern and put it in Miki's hand: "Our family doesn't have as much money as them. It took a long time to choose a piece of land. This is the key card of the villa. If you come to play with us, you can live in it." , Treat it as a vacation. The land deed has not been delivered yet, and it should take some time before it is delivered to you. "

Yasali then stacked the car keys on the white card: "Miki, happy engagement."

Miki smiled sweetly: "Thank you for your blessings."

Miki's social status suddenly approached that of children from lower-middle-class families, and many people already disliked her.

Seeing Jin He's delay in moving, Error couldn't hold back and asked, "Don't you express it?"

Jin He glanced at him, "What's the hurry?"

Before the time was up, a few people chatted casually.

There were wealthy families who wanted to ridicule Error and Miki, but because Bert was by their side, they had to hide their thoughts.

Miki expressed her love for Error in front of everyone under the clichés of the Drana sisters.

Error's face immediately turned red.

Before he was in a hurry to explain, Jin He teased: "Hot?"

Error choked, and it took him a while to respond: "Yes, what's wrong?!"

Robes couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Yasali and Drana sighed "Ah" meaningfully.

Miki didn't realize it until she finished speaking, and lowered her head shyly.

A few people were arguing for a while, and suddenly they heard movement not far away.

"They should be here."

Jin He reckoned and said.

(End of this chapter)

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