Mr. Lu's Exclusive Sweet Wedding

Chapter 4 So You Care About Him So Much

Chapter 4 So You Care About Him So Much
Hearing her question, Lu Tingxiu's eyes turned cold instantly, "You still want to go back to the Lin family?"

The overwhelming shock force came oncoming, Ji Luoan shook his head with some doubts, "No, why should I go back..."

The Lin family sold her like a commodity, so what was she going back for?
Even if Lin's father and Lin's mother love her as their own daughter in the future, what's the use...

After her voice fell, the cold breath dissipated a bit, "If that's the case, stay here."

Lu Tingxiu stared at her closely, as if waiting for her answer.

It was only then that Ji Luo'an realized that he was being embraced by this strange man in front of him.

She stretched out her hand quickly, struggling to get away.

Feeling her struggle, Lu Tingxiu let go.

It's just that his eyes are still firmly on her face.

Staring at him with deep and dark eyes, Ji Luo'an felt a little flustered for no reason.

Her eyes flickered, and she murmured: "We are strangers, what am I doing here..."

Hearing this, Lu Tingxiu's eyes became a little colder, "Don't forget, the Lin family took money to send you here, and you will be my man from now on, understand?"

"Why?" Ji Luoan was puzzled.

This man has good looks and money, no matter what, it is impossible to lack women.

Seeing her confused face, Lu Tingxiu's eyes darkened a little, and he said lightly, "There is no reason."

Ji Luoan lowered his eyes, "I won't stay here."

"Aren't you afraid that I will bankrupt the Lin family?" Lu Tingxiu clenched his fists.

"up to you."

Anyway, without his [-] million yuan, the Lin family would almost go bankrupt.

Seeing the girl determined to leave, Lu Tingxiu's eyes darkened, he took out his phone and made a call.

"Hey, find someone to break Lin Mingze's leg..."

Hearing his words, Ji Luoan was startled, and rushed over to grab his cell phone.

"Are you crazy?"

Lu Tingxiu raised his hands and looked at the girl who was thumping in front of him with deep eyes.

"Yes, I'm crazy..."

You are crazy, you want to use this method to give yourself a chance.

Ji Luo'an jumped a few times and didn't reach the phone, feeling a little discouraged.

"Don't be like this, I can't betray myself..."

Hearing her soft voice suddenly, Lu Tingxiu's heart softened, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Meeting the serious eyes of the man, Ji Luoan felt his heart skip a few beats.

She raised her head and subconsciously asked, "Really...?"

Seeing her cautious appearance, Lu Tingxiu was a little amused.

"Don't you dare to come here with a knife? Isn't it very courageous? You're so afraid of me, huh?"

Sensing the smile in his words, Ji Luoan was a little annoyed.

"Whoever is afraid of you, stay call quickly, don't allow anyone to hurt him..."

Lu Tingxiu took a deep look at her and said slowly, "So you care about him so much."

After finishing speaking, he handed her the mobile phone in his hand. There was no call record at all.

Ji Luoan returned the phone to him awkwardly, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

If you didn't fight, you didn't fight, why look at her like a husband who is catching his wife cheating.

Lu Tingxiu picked up the phone, turned and went upstairs, "The housekeeper will arrange a room for you later."

Looking at the back of him leaving, Ji Luoan breathed a sigh of relief.

This man's aura is too strong, fortunately he didn't force her to sleep with him.

She looked at the low-key and luxurious hall, and let out a soft breath.

In fact, as long as you don't share a room with him, it's not impossible to live here.

Anyway, if she leaves the Lin family, she has nowhere to go.

 Aww, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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