Planar Causal System

Chapter 103 Fame

Chapter 103 Fame
[System prompt: Obtain the token of the head of Guigu, and the fame system is activated. 】

[Title: Guiguzi. 】

[This world's reputation is +20, and the world's reputation is +5. 】

[Function: The higher the reputation, the more likely the task will be triggered. Dealing with the aborigines will be respected, and it may also be hostile by the opposing forces. 】

[The lowest reputation is 0, the highest is 100, and the reputation bonus varies according to different camps. 】

[Ghost Valley is a neutral force, and its reputation is not divided into camps. 】

Inexplicably, Li Xuan turned on another seemingly unknown function. It turned out to be the case. Guiguzi's title is so good that he ignores all forces of good and evil, and is respected everywhere.

If Li Xuan does a few big events, maybe his reputation will be even higher. This system is too mysterious, with all kinds of messy functions.

Li Xuan encountered a lot of things today, and now he is completely confused. One is that Guiguzi asked him to stop the two senior brothers from fighting, one is that he suddenly became Guiguzi, and the other is that he is actually from the royal family of Chu or Yi. God that guy.

By the way, I can't say that seeing Shaoyu would bully and bully him. After all, in the original history, he sent someone to assassinate me. As for whether Qin Shimingyue developed like this, Li Xuan didn't care about that.

Coupled with the inexplicable new functions of the system, this so-called prestige system, I don't know what to do to increase the prestige value.

Li Xuan felt that he was in a mess and needed to sort it out.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan put away Guiguzi's letter, put it in the ring with great care, then turned around and walked out of Guiguzi's room towards his own room.

Sure enough, he put his identity certificate under his pillow, as well as the current information of the world and the latest map of the hundred secret locations.

My identity certificate is a jade pendant, which can only be worn by the Chu royal family, and a letter written by myself, on which I wrote the location of my birthmark, which is on my right shoulder.

When Li Xuan first arrived, he thought he was wearing the clothes he brought with him, but he didn't expect that his birthmark and that Emperor Yi's birthmark were in the same position, or was the other party obliterated by the system and forcibly reversed the identity of Emperor Yi?

It's really possible.

Li Xuan casually hung the jade pendant on his waist, and then threw the handwritten letter into the ring casually. Anyway, this thing is useless. Compared with Guiguzi's handwriting, the treatment gap is very different.

Then I picked up the map of Baijia first, and saw that the original positions of the doctor's house and Quicksand had been crossed out, and some circles had been marked on the new positions.

The place where Xia Kui lived in the peasant family was also erased, but the other hundred families remained unchanged.

What frightened Li Xuan the most was that the map marked the location of all Qin's secret troops, as well as the strength of the garrison, as well as the strongholds and deployment of those anti-Qin forces.

This is no longer described in words. The relationship between this picture is too great. Only a person like Guiguzi can draw it, and there is no such possibility for another person.

Li Xuan put it away again with great care. He didn't intend to give this picture to anyone, otherwise no matter who it fell into, it might bring disaster to him.

Daqin's hidden strength is too strong, and it feels like everything is a game set up by Yingzheng, from destroying the Mohist family to disrupting the peasant family to burning books and burying Confucianism, this guy's heart is too big.

If it weren't for Yingzheng's natural death, the plot of Qin Bichu's death would not have appeared at all. It can be said that half of Daqin's demise was due to Zhao Gao, and half because of Hu Hai's lack of power.

Li Xuan doesn't intend to tell anyone about this matter, even the two senior brothers and Han Fei, their strength is not enough to protect this map, especially Han Fei, his plan with Mr. Changping has failed , I don't know what to do when I wake up again.

Finally, Li Xuan picked up the map of the Mohist Trick City, which clearly and completely marked the locations of the top secret locations of the Mohist, as well as those hidden traps and ways to crack them.

Guiguzi, a strange person in the world!
Li Xuan was a little touched. Although Guiguzi is now a great master, there are definitely not no one who is similar to him. Donghuang Taiyi of the Yinyang family, Su Lao of the Taoist school, and Master Xun of the Confucian school are all hidden bosses, and if Qin Shihuang's palace It is not believed that Li Xuan was killed by only one great master, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

But Guiguzi still drew all these things, and he probably went to explore Yingzheng's palace. Li Xuan has now regarded Guiguzi as his grandfather, and the treatment he and his two senior brothers have been treated is simply heavenly. The difference is that those two Gui Guzi, who are estimated to be dead without a corpse, will not take a look at it, and will only say that this is the fate of the political strategists.

What if it was Li Xuan instead?Whoever becomes Li Xuan will definitely be torn to pieces by Guiguzi.

[System prompt: The rescue of Han Fei is complete. 】

[Reward: 30000 causal interval lottery starts. 】

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "This guy didn't expect to wake up at this time, it's really interesting, but let's draw a lottery first, let him accept it for a while, there must be many problems about waking up from a big dream."

After speaking, Li Xuan directly chose to draw a lottery.

I don't know if it was because he succeeded Guiguzi that the turntable became so powerful this time. Gold never appeared at all, nor did the peerless delicacy such as roast chicken appear.

Li Xuan looked at the lottery roulette quietly, feeling neither sad nor happy. Although the realm of the little grandmaster is simply the place to be beaten in many worlds, Li Xuan has a feeling that the power he masters in this thousands of reincarnations is not that important , what is important is this realm.

Strength can be accumulated, but the realm is not good. If Guiguzi is born in those difficult worlds such as Xingyue, he might be another magician.

A top person is top in any world, and a weak person is a weak person in any world, even if he has the power to destroy the world.

The pointer of the lottery draw slowly stopped, and this time it turned out to be an ability category that had never been encountered before.

[Grand Master of Chess: Originated from the World of Chess Soul, the owner is Zuo Wei. 】

Uh... How should I put it? Although Li Xuan doesn't know much about the Six Arts of a Gentleman, it seems that this chess skill is really useless. It can only be used for entertainment. If Zuo Wei's soul is here, it's almost the same. It's okay to bring a soul to play. It's also very interesting.

It seems that you really can't rely on this system in the future, this time it's chess, last time it was roast chicken, next time you get yourself a lady onion or something, won't it be more tricky?Sing to the enemy to influence the enemy?It's not bad to keep it for being cute.

"Brother Li, I... my ninth brother... my ninth brother is awake!"

Han Bin pushed the door open with excitement and ran in. It was because he met the soldier who announced the good news on the road. Originally, he wanted to go directly to Brother Nine, but this Brother Nine was actually very strange to him. When he had no idea, he Still chose to tell Li Xuan immediately.

 Thanks to Bloodstained Tears for 500 rewards for two combos, thanks to Pinellia 388 for rewards plus rewards for four combos, thanks to Moon Yin for 500 rewards, thanks to Remilia s for 500 rewards, thank you Hua Luoyu Brilliant 500 rewards, thanks to the Internet for ruining his rewards for the second combo, thanks to MG Wang Feng for the rewards, thanks to Yunji Starlight for the rewards, thanks for the rewards buried in my heart, thanks for the rewards of goodbye, and thanks for the rewards of sloths.Ask for recommendations at the beginning of the month! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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