Planar Causal System

Chapter 155 Night Color

Chapter 155 Night Color (Seventh Update)
Li Xuan threw the two teenagers on the roof and said with a smile, "Is it fun?"

The two teenagers looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Tianming got up and danced and said, "Brother Li Xuan, you are too powerful. Those scoundrels look at you with fear, especially when you cut off a mechanism bird with one sword and stepped on another one. Now I know it’s great.”

Shaoyu smiled slightly and said, "Although it's a bit dangerous, it's good to exercise your muscles like this once in a while. Brother Li Xuan, I'm going to trouble you again today."

Li Xuan waved his hand and said: "It's okay, anyway, if you little devils don't cause trouble, it wouldn't be you."

After speaking, Li Xuan said to Xiao Yu above: "Come down, Xiao Yu, you're fine."

Whoosh, bang.

Xiao Yu jumped lightly, landed as smoothly as Li Xuan, stood up and smiled at Li Xuan, "It's fine."

Li Xuan sat down directly, patted the seat next to him and said, "Sit down."

Xiao Yu obediently sat next to Li Xuan. Shaoyu and Tianming were taken aback when they saw Xiao Yu, but they didn't get entangled after thinking about the fact that the two of them had always been inseparable, and sat together on the other side of Li Xuan.

Li Xuan and Xiao Yu were always together when they were in the inn, although Shaoyu was a little strange about Xiao Yu's clothes as a buddy at that time, but it was a matter between Zongheng and the Mo family, so he didn't ask much.

Li Xuan looked at Tianming beside him and said indifferently: "Tianming, learn from shopkeeper Ding carefully in the future, his sword skills are amazing, and he is a very good skill."

Tianming said in surprise, "Isn't that only for peeling fruit?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said, "How can it be so simple to have a unique skill that has stood for thousands of years? I see that you have the ghost valley breathing method, and you have acquired Yandan's strong skills. Naturally, your achievements in the future will be limitless, but you don't know what to do now. Just use it."

Tianming patted his chest and said to Shaoyu next to him, "How about it, am I good? Remember to ask me if you have anything to do in the future!"


Shaoyu patted Tianming, smiled and said: "Brother Li Xuan is talking about the future, not the present, and now you have to rely on me, brother. Besides, I have been growing, and you will definitely not be my opponent in the future."

Tianming snorted without saying a word, and lay down directly on the roof, quietly admiring the moonlight.

Shaoyu said from the side: "How about it, do you want to come out with me in the future?"

Tianming snorted and said sadly, "I'm hungry."

Hearing this, Li Xuan took out a roast chicken from the ring and handed it to Tianming, and said with a smile, "Eat it."

Tianming immediately got up and took the roast chicken, and said with a smile, "Brother Li Xuan, how did you conjure up this roast chicken?"

Li Xuan smiled and said: "You don't understand even if you say it, let's talk about it when your Mohist mechanism is perfect."

Tianming sighed: "I have to study again, I hate studying the most." After speaking, he took the roast chicken and ate it in big mouthfuls, and he didn't forget to give Shaoyu a chicken leg.

Shaoyu was also amazed at Li Xuan's ability to create something out of nothing, but he didn't struggle, anyway, Guigu has always been mysterious.

Li Xuan and Xiaoyu are not hungry now because they ate very full at night, but they are a bit greedy to see how delicious their food is.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan took out a stack of snacks, a few side dishes and a pot of wine, and said to Xiao Yu, "Let's eat some too, it's still a long time before dawn."

Xiao Yu nodded, took small bites of snacks and began to eat, while Li Xuan was drinking by himself, looking at the mirage in the distance, with a dignified expression.

It was Donghuang Taiyi who suppressed Dongjun's mirage, and it was best to avoid meeting him. He was not arrogant enough to fight Donghuang Taiyi with the strength of a small master.

Although Master Xun is also a great master, Master Xun is not good at fighting.

As for Chu Nangong Li Xuan, he couldn't see the depth at all, and he didn't know how strong this person was.

There are many traps on the mirage, even Li Xuan is not very sure, the moon god and star soul are all strong in the late stage of the great heaven, plus the Yin Yang family's strange spells, he doesn't know if he can break through ten thousand spells with one sword.

But who let Xiaoyu's clansman and elder brother be on top?If you can't do it, you have to do it, especially men can't say no.

Just as Li Xuan was thinking, there was a snoring sound, but Tianming fell asleep after eating. I really envy this kind of big-hearted person, who doesn't have to think about anything, and runs amok with the protagonist's halo.

Shaoyu shook his head helplessly, but he was also a little sleepy, and slowly yawned.

Seeing that Shaoyu had also fallen asleep, Li Xuan gently hugged Xiaoyu in his arms, and said softly to Xiaoyu, "You should also sleep for a while, it's okay if I don't sleep because of my deep internal strength, don't worry, I will watch of."

Xiao Yu blushed a little at first, not knowing what Li Xuan was going to do, but she was also a little touched by Li Xuan's words, she closed her eyes gently, and fell asleep.

Li Xuan stroked Xiao Yu's beautiful hair, took out a quilt from the ring and covered Xiao Yu's body, after thinking about it, he took out another quilt and put it on Shaoyu and Tianming's bodies. They hugged each other, Shaoyu was fine, still maintaining that posture, and Tianming had already hugged Shaoyu's thigh, Li Xuan was amused to see it.

Li Xuan was idle and bored, so he practiced the Guigu mentality and cultivated his inner strength quietly.

Just after dawn, a horn sounded.

Li Xuan patted Shaoyu and Tianming on the side, and shook Xiao Yu beside him.

Shaoyu and Xiaoyu woke up first, Xiaoyu looked at the quilt on her body and smiled, sat up, Shaoyu was also stunned looking at the quilt on her body, is this Li Xuan a treasure chest?

Li Xuan put the quilt back into the ring and stood up.

Tianming also woke up slightly at this time, rubbed his eyes and said, "What's the sound?"

Li Xuan said indifferently: "They are here."

Shaoyu asked in surprise, "They?"

A cold light flashed in Li Xuan's eyes, and he said calmly: "Climb the mirage team."

Tianming and Shaoyu also stood up at this time, and looked towards where Li Xuan was looking.

A group of people carrying lanterns walked quietly on the street, surrounded by imperial cavalry guards, in order.

Tianming looked at these people with some doubts and said, "What do they do?"

Li Xuan said indifferently: "Fairies and fairies, Yun Zhongjun said that they are prepared to serve immortals in the future."

Shaoyu murmured: "Mr. Yunzhong?"

Li Xuan looked into the distance, pointed to the humanity being carried on a high platform, and said, "That is Lord Yunzhong."

But Shaoyu's eyes were not here, but looking at the general in front of Yun Zhongjun, clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his arms began to bulge, he said through gritted teeth, "It's Meng Tian's Golden Fire Cavalry!"

Tianming looked at Shaoyu and said, "Is that the scoundrel who killed your father?"

Li Xuan put his hand on Shaoyu's shoulder, and said calmly: "I will kill him on the battlefield in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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