Planar Causal System

Chapter 182 Infiltrate

Chapter 182 Infiltrate
Tianming pointed at the three-legged golden crow and said in surprise: "There are three-legged, three-legged crows, this, this, this..."

Shaoyu also widened his eyes and said, "The legendary three-legged Golden Crow actually exists."

Xiao Yu's eyes were filled with tears at this time, although Li Xuan knew it was fake, it was transformed by the internal force of a certain master, but now he didn't want to disturb Xiao Yu, he just quietly hugged Xiao Yu into his arms, Gently patted Xiao Yu's shoulder.

Xiao Yu clenched her fists tightly, as if she saw the endless golden fire cavalry, and the removed hibiscus tree. Before dying, the great elder said that he would find the three-legged golden crow, which would guide the way forward.

Li Xuan saw Xiao Yu's mood gradually calm down, wiped Xiao Yu's tears with his hand, and said to Shaoyu and Tianming: "In the legend of Shu Mountain, the three-legged golden crow is the messenger of the sun, and it can illuminate the road ahead. , to guide the lost people."

As soon as the words fell, the three-legged Golden Crow rushed towards Tianming with a golden light like a bolt of lightning.

Shaoyu exclaimed: "Tianming be careful!"

Li Xuan ignored it, and just glanced at the three-legged Golden Crow quietly, just like looking at Dong Jun in the cherry prison.

I believe that woman should also be able to sense herself, right?

Li Xuan and her abilities are equal, and no one will lose to the other, but Li Xuan knows that this is Tianming's chance.

Tianming let out a strange cry, and was shot directly by the three-legged Golden Crow, causing him to fall to the ground.

Shaoyu pulled Tianming, Tianming hurriedly said: "It's nothing, what happened just now?"

After speaking, he stood up and clapped his hands.

Li Xuan shrugged and said: "What else can happen, someone just made a joke with you."

Shaoyu asked with some doubts: "Didn't the three-legged Golden Crow pass through his body just now?"

Tianming said to Xiao Yu in surprise, "Isn't that your sacred bird from Mount Shu? Why did it attack me?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said, "Just look at your hands."

Tianming quickly shook his hand and shouted, "It's so hot, so hot."

Immediately, he stretched out his palm and showed it to everyone, and the totem of Shushan was impressively on it.

Xiao Yu was a little puzzled and said, "It didn't attack you, but chose you. This is the totem of our Shu Mountain. Why did it appear in Tianming's hands?"

Li Xuan shook his head and said: "This is just a guide, it can't explain anything, follow me, I know how to get out."

He didn't apply the principle of the five elements restraining each other, but used his own method. Guigu naturally has his own way to solve the maze.

Sure enough, after a while, everyone walked out of the maze.

It suddenly became clear outside the maze, you can directly see the huge sea surface, and the sky is clear, it turns out that the night has passed, and it is another morning.

Originally, Li Xuan thought that there would be enemies ambushing outside, but there was nothing.

In the original book, Da Si Ming ambushed Tianming and the others here, but this time with Li Xuan leading the way, the speed of the people was much faster, so they didn't catch up.

Star Soul and Moon God are busy intrigue, let alone take care of this side.

For them, the "three" children are not a big threat even if they board the boat. There are at least a thousand warriors guarding the mirage, so how can they be afraid of a few children?
Suddenly, a group of boys and girls walked by, followed by some miscellaneous fish disciples from the Yin Yang family.

Xiao Yu said to Li Xuan: "Shall we go and see?"

Li Xuan nodded and said: "Let's go, just to see what the hell they are doing."

After speaking, a few people tiptoed over and lurked in the past. It would be no problem for Li Xuan to follow up without anyone noticing, but this time there is no way to bring three oil bottles.

A few people frowned and thought for a while, Shaoyu suddenly said: "There is a way, let's pretend to be them."

It's a pity that as soon as the words were finished, he found that the three of them were looking at him strangely. He suddenly understood. Looking at Li Xuan's figure, he suddenly felt a little speechless.

Li Xuan shrugged and said, "I'm fine, as long as you keep up, those miscellaneous fish won't be able to find me."

After talking, they got into the room and changed into boys' and girls' clothes, the unlucky Tianming and Shaoyu only found a woman's clothes.

When changing clothes, Li Xuan stared at Shaoyu and Tianming like thieves. Although he knew that they were not that kind of people, Li Xuan couldn't help staring at them.

After a while, several people changed out, and Li Xuan felt a little funny seeing Tianming's awkward appearance in women's clothing.

The three of them followed the boys and girls team, while Li Xuan quickly dodged the miscellaneous fish's sight with his lightness kung fu, often Li Xuan disappeared as soon as they noticed something.

After walking for a while, a few people came to a place that looked like a market in a real town, and there were cabinets filled with medicinal materials everywhere.

At this time, Li Xuan couldn't follow at close range, so he could only hang from a distance.

Fortunately, the people here are virgins with no internal strength, and the patrol mechanism is not perfect.

The ground was covered with secret signs of Mount Shu, which seemed to be guiding everyone, Xiao Yu and Li Xuan recognized it at a glance, it must be Yu Ziqi's masterpiece.

When they arrived at the alchemy room, a person accidentally fell to the ground, and a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

Li Xuan said in surprise on a wall of the alchemy room: "It's this bastard again."

The figure is really Yun Zhongjun, Yun Zhongjun opened his big hands, looking at the boys and girls like a hundred-foot giant.

I saw him yelling at the crowd: "Time is getting tighter and tighter. If the elixir cannot be refined as scheduled, His Majesty the Emperor will be furious, and everyone on the mirage may be executed!"

Li Xuan lurks, quietly observing the development of the situation.

Yun Zhongjun continued: "How should we punish those who have made mistakes?"

"Sir, spare your life, your lord, spare your life!"

A virgin boy on the ground quickly kowtowed to apologize, and he was the one who accidentally fell down.

Yun Zhongjun laughed a few times, and stretched out a big hand directly above the boy, and a golden light shrouded the boy's body.

In his horrified cry, Yun Zhongjun held him in the air.

Li Xuan smiled coldly, and muttered to himself: "It's all about pretending to be a ghost."

It's not that Li Xuan is cold-blooded, but that he has no obligation to help people he doesn't know.

"Yun Zhongjun, teaching disciples is not alchemy, and relying too much on elixirs will do a lot of harm and not a single benefit."

At this moment, a voice sounded, and Li Xuan looked down, and the figure of Moon God appeared in the alchemy room, and was preaching to the huge Yun Zhongjun.

Yun Zhongjun couldn't get angry again when he saw the moon god, so he had to put down the boy, his figure shrunk rapidly, and walked towards the moon god in the distance.

The structure here is really miraculous, every step that Yun Zhongjun steps in the void, a cloud will appear, I don't know if it is his own ability or the credit of the mirage.

Jun Yunzhong said as he walked, "Master Luna's words are very true. I originally intended to punish you with a small punishment, but I didn't take it seriously."

As soon as the words fell, he had already arrived in front of the Moon God, and shouted at the boys and girls: "Why are you still standing there, why don't you go to work!"

 Thank you Yuluo for the 500 reward, thank you Dandan I like you for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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