Chapter 204

After the competition, Li Xuan took his leave and left, and Fusu and others did not stay long, their goal had been achieved.

Although the people from Luowang went to the Xiaoshengxianzhuang library to investigate, but they were completely overwhelmed by Master Xun's world-class cultivation, and they didn't dare to act rashly. This investigation can be said to have ended without a problem.

On the way back to the stronghold, Li Xuan also killed two snare spies. It seems that Zhao Gao is very worried about him, and he doesn't know if the two senior brothers succeeded.

Just as they have confidence in Li Xuan, Li Xuan also has confidence in them. There is nothing impossible for Guigu Shuanglong to come out.

"Xiaoxuan, you are back."

At this time, Zi Nu was playing chess with Han Fei at the gate of the stronghold. She saw Li Xuan greeted him, and then stood up directly.

Li Xuan approached the chessboard of the two of them, um, no wonder he greeted himself, it turned out that Han Fei had never played before.

Han Fei smiled at Li Xuan: "Brother Li must be able to catch it with his hands. How about it? What do you gain?"

Sitting next to Han Fei, Li Xuan patted his chest and said, "The harvest is that if the three of us, Guigu and Senior Dongjun, meet Xiaomeng, how far can we run? One counts as one and no one is her opponent .”

Zi Nu frowned slightly and said: "Is that little girl from Tianzong really that powerful?"

Li Xuan nodded and said solemnly: "As for the others, call them out, they are really that powerful."

Not long after, all the people who were still staying here have already come out, except for the Xiang clan, and Shaoyu is gone.

As for Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, they haven't come back yet, so they're not there either.

Tianming held Yueer's little hand, scratched his head and kept giggling, Dongjun looked at him strangely.

And Yue'er's eyes were red, as if she had just cried, Tianming's nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and she seemed to have been repaired, and the footprints on her face should be Dongjun's.

There is no way, no one in the Mo family can stop Dongjun from making a move. This girl is Tianming's mother-in-law and Yandan's wife back then. Although she has done many wrong things, she has changed sides now, and that is not her With her own ideas, she is just a pawn in the Yin Yang family.

Master Ban and other Mohists were worried, especially Duanmu Rong, she was the one who missed Gai Nie the most.

The people in Quicksand are different. They are full of confidence in Wei Zhuang, but Nongyu Baifeng and Han Bin are missing. It seems that they have also gone to plan.

What surprised Li Xuan was that Shao Siming stood quietly behind Xiaoyaozi, as if everything had nothing to do with her, with a calm expression on his face.

Li Xuan cupped his hands to everyone, and said to Tianming first: "How is it, it was repaired by Senior Dongjun?"

Tianming snorted and said, "I'm an imposing mohist, so I won't fight girls."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "You were not lenient at all when you were the Commander-in-Chief."

Tianming shrinks his head, watching Yue'er laughing through tears.

Li Xuan said to Yue'er: "You are Princess Gao Yue, right? This success is thanks to Tianming. Without him, I'm afraid your mother would not have been rescued."

Yue'er nodded, bowed to Li Xuan and said, "Thank you, Brother Li Xuan."

Dongjun snorted and said, "It's not this brat. It was my husband's spirit in heaven who blessed him and brought his inner power to me. Otherwise, how could it be possible to break the Cherry Prison."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I won't participate in your family's affairs, but do you want to participate in the next action?"

Dongjun shook his head and said, "I'd better guard the Mo family's stronghold. I'm not at ease about leaving Yue'er and Tianming here. You all seem to be on missions."

Li Xuan didn't force it either, looked at Shao Si Ming at the side and asked, "Has she been cured yet?"

Xiaoyaozi sighed and explained the cause and effect.

"Senior Dongjun, can we start?"

Xiaoyaozi and Dongjun sat facing each other, with Shao Siming in between, and they were on her left and right.

Dongjun nodded and said: "That's fine, you have to think about it, Donghuang Tai has sealed her for many years, this seal may not be broken even if Li Xuan and I work together."

Xiaoyaozi sighed and said: "No way, as Mr. Guigu said, although it is not small to have a few more people, Taoism is most afraid of internal conflicts. If she is okay like Yue'er, then the seal is not very strong, and it will be easy. Re-open the shackles."

Dong Jun didn't speak, and put his hand on Shao Si Ming's temple.

Seeing that Dongjun was ready, Xiaoyaozi put his hand on the other side.

The inner strength of the two rushed out together, Dongjun's was as dazzling as the sun, and Xiaoyaozi was also covered in golden light.

At that time, the whole room was filled with golden mystical runes, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Shao Si Ming's face had always been as calm as water, and he didn't care at all what others did to her. She didn't care about her own life or death at all.

But when the internal force began to attack Donghuang Taiyi's blockade, she changed a little.

Xiaoyaozi's internal power is more to awaken her memory in Tianzong, and to stimulate the hidden cultivation of Tianzong.

Dongjun was the complete opposite, violently attacking the seal of Donghuang Taiyi, and he didn't mean to hold back at all.

Both of them have the same idea. Although this girl is pitiful, if she can be cured, she will be on her own side, and if she can't be cured, she will be everyone's enemy, so both of them hold the idea of ​​success or benevolence.

At this time, Tianming was talking to Yue'er in the next room, and was almost hurt by the impact of this internal force, which shows how strong Xiaoyaozi and Dongjun are.

Duan Murong also had a solemn face at the time, although this was not about her Mo family, it was related to the Yin Yang family, so she didn't dare to think too much about it, and was always on standby.

Slowly, tears appeared in Shao Si Ming's eyes, and she finally remembered that important person, her brother, who sneaked into Yin Yang's house in order to save herself, and finally died in Luo Shengtang.

She is his younger sister, but the memory was blocked by Donghuang Taiyi a long time ago. At that time, he exchanged his life for himself the status of Shao Commander.

Donghuang Taiyi said that she could intercede for him if she wanted.

But Donghuang Taiyi is so cultivated, she can't speak at all, how can she intercede for him?I can only watch him fall into the abyss, and finally leave a word of love for myself.

Is this family affection?

What exactly did the Yin Yang family do, and why they could kill such an important relationship.

When she thought of this, she was already in tears, which wet the veil on her face.

Dongjun and Xiaoyaozi stopped at the same time, they knew they had succeeded.

But no matter what Xiaoyaozi said, Shao Siming didn't speak. She wrote on the ground with her finger: I, I don't want to speak again in this life.

Although the young commander who does not speak is the young commander, but this is also the price of restoring memory, right?Originally, she was a person without pain and emotion, but now she has more sadness and despair.

Whether she got it or lost it, she doesn't know, Xiaoyaozi doesn't know, Li Xuan doesn't know...

(End of this chapter)

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