Planar Causal System

Chapter 256 Test

Chapter 256 Test
When the time was up, countless people started to walk towards Li Xuan in an orderly manner. Without exception, everyone was holding a piece of paper in their hands, some were carrying spears, some were carrying swords, and some were holding sledgehammers.

The old god Li Xuan sat there comfortably, and the master of Guigu Sect was in front of the gate, expelling those who were unqualified at first glance, and left the rest to Li Xuan to choose slowly.

Li Xuan took a sip of his wine and watched the person who came over gently put his resume in front of Li Xuan.

Li Xuan took a look at this kid's appearance, a bit strange, why is he white-haired?Li Xuan took a look at his resume: Name: Zhang Zifan.Origin: Tongwen Museum.Specialty: Martial arts, minor cultivation base.

Li Xuan shook his head, threw his resume aside and said, "Tongwenguan is thorough in Confucianism, and pays attention to etiquette before soldiers. It is also an assassin organization. I, Guigu, will not accept people from other families."

Zhang Zifan nodded, took his fan and bowed to Li Xuan before leaving. He knew this would be the end. Although Guigu didn't care if he was a member of the big power before, he cared about the literary thought they had practiced before.

I didn't expect to see a supporting role so soon. I don't know if there are any surprises in this recruitment.

However, under Li Xuan's screening, they were slowly shaken. These guys have all kinds of people, and most of them have no real talents and learning, and they are not smart enough.

That's right, what Li Xuan wanted to see was their workarounds. It wasn't as simple as handing over their resumes. There were many ways for Li Xuan to accept their resumes, but they didn't do it.

Even what is written on the resume is very simple, not brilliant at all.

After a whole morning, there was finally someone who caught Li Xuan's eyes.

Name: Guo Jia, styled Fengxiao.Origin: poor family.Specialty: military strategy.

These are nothing, just a person's name, the world has changed now, Li Xuan even met Zhang Liang, the sage, and generally wouldn't be swayed by this, maybe it's just a coincidence.

But there are eight words written below the resume: There are hundreds of schools of thought, but I am the only one.Although these eight characters are exactly the same as the previous ones, these eight characters have written a person's god. From the hand of the general.

Li Xuan handed the resume to Xiao Yu, waved his hand and said, "Passed."

Guo Jia saluted Li Xuan and said, "Thank you, Mr. Guigu."

Guo Jia was smart, and he could tell at a glance that Li Xuan was the real person in charge. Although he felt that the reincarnation of a god and man was a fantasy, he didn't underestimate Li Xuan because of it.

Sitting there, Li Xuan seemed to be integrated with the ghost valley, like a continuous mountain, making people unable to see the depth.

The current Martial Dao Wenzong has begun to decline. Without the breakthrough in the past, there will be great momentum. Those little masters are all inherited from their ancestors without exception, and there is no pioneering and innovative.

Not to mention other places, even Guigu is like this. Wei Chen is Wei Zhuang's black dragon back then, and he is more than a step weaker.

Li Maozhen, Li Keyong, Zhu Yougui and others even used evil methods to advance to the realm of masters. Although their combat power was extraordinary, they did not have that trace of charm and the opportunity to advance to the Dao.

This era is even more unlike the great Qin period when literary sages emerged in large numbers. Fu Nian's sage king status, Yan Lu's calm cloud and wind, and Han Fei's quicksand status have all dissipated in this era.

So when Guo Jia saw Li Xuan, it was like seeing a stone statue of a saint, and he was overwhelmed by the aura of being alive.

Li Xuan said with a smile to Guo Jia: "This is just the first test, isn't it just the admission, let's work hard after the screening is over, look after you, boy."

Guo Jia saluted again, and walked to the room specially vacated by Ghost Valley for passers-by.

When Li Xuan was reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he always liked Guo Fengxiao, a natural genius. Unfortunately, he died young, otherwise the Battle of Chibi would be another scene.

Afterwards, Li Xuan fell into a long period of boredom, so few people can see it?

I've drank a whole jug of wine, and I haven't caught one or two.

Just thinking of this, Li Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and a name appeared in his eyes.

Name: Chu Xuan.Origin: poor family.Specialty: Analysis.

Li Xuan looked up at the person with the same name as Senior Colonel Chu, and found that he had no expression on his face, so he nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand and let him pass.

It's just that Li Xuan thinks it's fun. Anyway, the final pass depends on real talents and practical learning.

The following resume made Li Xuan spit out a mouthful of old wine.Name: Zheng Zha.Origin: poor family.Features: great strength.

Li Xuan glanced at Captain Zheng, who had a scar on his eye, and was carrying a huge tiger-headed sword, which was a bit like Zheng Zha's setting, so he waved his hand to let him pass.

Speaking of Xiao Honglu, Zhang Jie, when will they come over, can you form a Zhongzhou team?

While thinking wildly, another interesting resume appeared, with two ingots of gold ingots on it.

Li Xuan saw that this guy was very interesting, so he waved his hand directly to let him pass, and the people behind looked at each other, can this be bribed?

As a result, the second one came up and put four ingots, and Li Xuan let him leave without even looking at it.

The man was taken aback, and asked: "Why, I know that person just now. Although his family has a lot of assets, it can't compare with mine. I also doubled the amount."

Li Xuan stretched his waist and said: "The first thing to do is to be smart. It's boring to follow the trend. I, Guigu, don't need your money. Let's go."

Everyone thought that Li Xuan was greedy for money, but they didn't expect it to be a test.

But yes, every time a person in Ghost Valley becomes an official, the receiving party will send a large amount of gold and silver as a thank you gift. This is already an unwritten rule, so although Ghost Valley is not rich, it is never short of money.

After a while, a handsome young man walked up to Li Xuan and handed a resume to Li Xuan. Li Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw the handwriting. This word was written with kung fu, although it was not It's beautiful, but with a touch of charm.

Name: Zhao Yun, nicknamed Zilong.Specialties: Marksmanship.Origin: Chang Shan, studied under the gun manual left by Tong Yuan, a gun prodigy in the late Chu Dynasty.

Changshan Zhao Zilong is full of courage, so he has to keep it.

Li Xuan waved his hand and let Zhao Yun walk in.

Later, some strange people were recruited, many of whom had the same name as Li Xuan's "acquaintances".

However, during the second assessment, it was discovered that only Zhao Yun and Guo Jia had real materials. The rest, Zhou Yu, Sun Ce, Xun Yu, Xia Houdun, and Huang Zhong, were all really just names of the same name.

After three days of selection, it was Zhao Yun and Guo Jia who were left behind. If the rest were from poor families, they would be given some travel expenses to go back. If they were from big families, they would be self-sufficient.

Although he was a bit regretful, Li Xuan was still relieved. If the Three Kingdoms invaded randomly, it would be even more difficult for him to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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