Planar Causal System

Chapter 258 King Qi's Mansion

Chapter 258 King Qi's Mansion (200 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

Li Xuan and Li Maozhen returned to King Qi's Mansion. On the way, they found that Li Maozhen was also a man of great talent, but this person gave Li Xuan the feeling that he was more conservative than aggressive.

Zhao Yun and Guo Jia had other arrangements. Zhao Yun went to assist Fengxiang City in deploying defenses, while Guo Jia entered a place similar to the staff department.

King Qi's mansion has an elegant environment and beautiful scenery. It can be seen that King Qi is a very careful person. He has planted some harmonious-looking flowers everywhere. Should he be called a woman?
They found a place with stone tables and benches directly in the gazebo of Prince Qi's Mansion and sat down. A servant saw that Li Maozhen had a guest and quickly set a tea set for them.

Li Maozhen poured a cup of tea for Li Xuan, sat down casually, and said indifferently: "May I ask Mr. Guigu what is his opinion on the current situation in the world."

Li Xuan handed the tea to Xiaoyu, and took out a gourd of wine out of thin air, and said with a smile: "Da Liang looks powerful, but in reality he is in decline. In addition, Zhu Wen is cruel and unkind, and the Xuanming Sect has made people angry. is the weakest."

Li Maozhen nodded, and didn't mind Li Xuan's behavior just now. Anyway, these high-ranking people have some eccentricities, and they have seen anyone who is addicted to alcohol, let alone Li Xuan, a little alcoholic.

What made Li Maozhen more concerned was where did he put the wine gourd, even such a big thing couldn't hold it.

The texture and production technology of that wine gourd are obviously from the pre-Qin period in ancient times. It seems that this guy is very rich and uses antiques for drinking.

Li Xuan continued: "King Qi is more than successful, but not aggressive. Although he has the dual identities of the Queen of Huanyinfang and King Qi, he still lacks a bit of grandeur in his work."

Li Maozhen's complexion changed slightly when she heard Li Xuan reveal her identity, but she also quickly recovered, as expected of a person who does great things.

Li Maozhen frowned and said, "Then the world belongs to Li Keyong?"

Li Xuan shook his head, opened the gourd, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: "Then why does King Qi want me? Besides, King Qi seems to have ignored that organization back then, that is, bad people, and Li Xingyun."

Li Maozhen's eyes lit up immediately. She didn't know Li Xingyun's real identity at all. Due to the delay on the road, Li Xingyun had just been captured by King Qi's Fan Yintian, and the news had not yet been conveyed.

Huanyinfang is an intelligence organization as well as a killer organization, and there is Nine Heavens Saint Ji in it, who is the core strength of King Qi.

Li Maozhen cupped his hands to Li Xuan and said, "I hope you can teach me, sir."

Li Xuan said indifferently: "Li Xingyun is the prince, which is the so-called orthodoxy now. As long as he is taken down, he can coerce the emperor to make the princes, but this is still not the most important thing."

Li Maozhen's complexion changed again, she never thought that Guiguzi was so well informed, she actually knew such secret news, and she also learned this news from Li Xuan.

Li Xuan continued: "In war, the most important thing is financial resources, national strength, talents, soldiers, and King Qi's ambition. These are the fundamentals. I hope King Qi will not put the cart before the horse."

While Li Xuan was fooling Li Maozhen with the help of his understanding of the plot, Xiao Yu was doing the most important thing, which is what Li Xuan was most afraid of, and that was shopping on Taobao.

[The mission is completed, join the King Qi camp, and get [-] karma points. 】

[Final task: Help King Qi unify China, the time is not limited. 】

[The side mission hidden mission rewards will be automatically triggered when the time comes. 】

Xiaoyu saw that Li Xuan had promised her about Xiao Hei before, so she was not polite, and when Li Xuan was talking nonsense, she spent a thousand karma points to exchange for Xiao Hei's soul.

There are not many people in this world who can see souls, at least there are no such talents in Fengxiang City. After thinking about it, Xiao Yu found that Xiao Hei is a little weak now. Because this is a waste of Li Xuan's karma points.

Xiao Yu also bought the orc cultivation technique for Xiao Hei, and spent five thousand karma points.

This technique is only applicable to the soul, and the highest level can only be cultivated to the Grand Master, and it depends on one's own efforts.

Just like this, Xiao Yu is already content.

Xiao Yu exchanged for Xiao Hei another four days of cultivation in the Spiritual Time House, and spending a year there is only equivalent to one day in the outside world, and it is a veritable gold medal training place.

It's a pity that this is a weakened version, not as strong as in Dragon Ball, it will stop growing inside, and the temperature is constant, and it doesn't have ten times the gravity.

The official version costs [-] karma points a day, and Li Xuan can't afford it.

Li Xuan is still talking to Li Maozhen about some of his ideas for later generations, combined with some of Han Fei and Zhang Liang's understanding at the beginning, especially in terms of talent discovery.

After chatting for less than half an hour, not only did they drink up a gourd of wine, Li Xuan also became a proletarian again.

Li Xuan's wine gourd has bottomed out, and finally concluded: "In short, now we should win over the Mohists or the public losers, and build more cannons, large Suzakus, and bombs. This is the age of technology, and we should also consider the assassins I mentioned. organization and decapitation."

Although experts still pose a great threat to people, it is no longer the era when experts can control wars. Now it depends more on technology, air force, and understanding of emerging tactics.

In far away Europe they are still fighting in barbaric ways. There are already musketeers here. Li Xuan can no longer understand whether the world of bad people is the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms or the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty was not so advanced. Aircraft There are so many...

Li Maozhen nodded and cupped his hands and said: "I have benefited a lot from talking with my husband this time, so let's come here first, and I have to deal with the matter of Huanyinfang, and I will learn from my husband tomorrow."

Li Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and said goodbye to Li Maozhen. This empress has been fooled by the third-line war and special war that she has done. Get crushed by technology.

Li Xuan remembers that after entering King Qi’s Mansion, he seems to have obtained [-] karma points. Let’s see what to buy first. I remember that there is a soldier talisman that can generate [-] troops in three hours. Although it is a bit slow, it is very useful in this era. .

But when Li Xuan saw his remaining karma value, he was stunned, and the huge zero egg was extremely eye-catching.

Seeing that Li Maozhen had already left, Xiao Yu hugged Li Xuan's arm and said happily: "Big brother, I exchanged Xiao Hei, and also exchanged it for the cultivation technique of the beast clan, and added four days of spirit!" Practice in the time house, it will soon be able to form combat power."

Seeing Xiaoyu's cute eyes, Li Xuan burst into tears. He found the exercise in the shopping records. It takes a hundred years of practice to become a grand master, and Xiaohei's four-day practice is equivalent to the combat power of a middle star. , There is no way to fight physically.

But how could he blame Xiao Yu?After all, Xiao Yu is so happy now.

That's all, let's work hard to earn karma. Only by becoming a local tyrant can we be truly fearless.

(End of this chapter)

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