Planar Causal System

Chapter 297 Adopting Two Little Ghosts

Chapter 297 Adopting Two Little Ghosts
Li Xuan shook his head and said, "You are the first spirit host I have seen besides her, I don't know anyone else."

The little boy sighed, and said to Li Xuan vigilantly, "Then what do you want to do to us? We won't go with you."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Don't worry, kid, I have no plans for the two of you, it's just that my wife sees you pitiful and wants to adopt you."

After speaking, he sucked in his hand, and the baby in swaddling clothes was sucked into Li Xuan's hand, and handed it to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu quickly took it, and glared at Li Xuan, saying angrily, "Be gentle with the baby."

Li Xuan stroked his forehead helplessly and said, "This kid has great potential."

"What do you want to do to my brother?"

The little boy stood up, with the palm of his right hand up, and the palm of his left hand down, he hammered each other vigorously with both hands, then formed a straight line with his hands, turned half a circle, intersected again, then divided his force, and shouted: "Guardian!" Spirit, summon!"

He saw a transparent figure appearing beside him, taking a fighting stance.

The figure is blue, with a bamboo hat, a piece of cloth covering half of the face, extending to the right hand, with a lake-blue light in his eyes, and wearing a suit of armor.

A general appeared in Li Xuan's hand, and he said with some surprise: "This is to summon the spirit body to fight. It is really eye-opening to see the strong men of the same era in this era."

Yu Jin looked at Li Xuan vigilantly and said, "Let go of my lord, or I will not be polite."

It was already very late, and there were no people on the street, only Li Xuan and Yu Jin were confronting each other.

Although Yu Jin's spiritual power is strong, it's a pity that his master is not very powerful. Currently Yu Jin only has the level of calling, which is completely different from Li Xuan's concept.

A cold light flashed on Li Xuan's sword, and Yu Jin had already pressed against his neck before he could react.

Li Xuan smiled at the little boy below: "Well, I don't have any malicious intentions, otherwise you are so weak, and your spirit is not my opponent. If I were a bad person, I would have killed it long ago."

"My lord..."

Yu Jin said anxiously: "This man is too strong, run!"

Li Xuan sucked the little boy into his arms before he could react, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we really just want to adopt you."

The situation is stronger than people, and Li Xuan and Xiao Yu did not show any malice.

The little boy had no choice but to say: "Okay...Okay, but if you want to hurt us, we will definitely not sit idly by!"

Li Xuan nodded and said: "Anxin, Anxin, since you don't want to leave here, then I'll buy a house nearby to live in."

Thanks to the current prices in the capital, half of Li Xuan's money is enough to buy a house.

Yu Jin said coldly: "If you dare to hurt my lord, even if I die, I will summon the guardian power of Great Wei to die with you."

After speaking, the figure slowly disappeared.

Looking at Xiao Yu who was making fun of the baby, Li Xuan shook his head helplessly, put down the little boy and accepted the go-getter, and said to Xiao Yu: "By the way, let's find a place to make do for the night. Tomorrow Find another house."

Xiao Yu said happily: "Okay." After speaking, he took out the baby bottle that the little boy used before to feed the baby.

Every time Li Xuan and Xiao Yu travel through, there are unknown dangers, so it is impossible for the two of them to have children. They don't want to leave their own flesh and blood in a world to fend for themselves.

After that, it was much easier. The two found a hotel to sleep for the night. Xiao Yu held the baby so that Li Xuan had no chance to take advantage of it. It seemed that the little boy had to be raised to be self-reliant, at least it would not affect their sexual life. .

Zhuyan Pill has a strange effect, not only can people stop the growth of appearance and body, but also can make people's mind stay at that point in time.

The longer you live, the more perverted you become. The old bug is a good example. Li Xuan and Xiao Yu didn't have the state of being closed for hundreds of years, so this kind of elixir is very suitable, at least it can maintain people's mood. Will be weary of living too long.

Early the next morning, Li Xuan and Xiaoyu looked at the houses near Luocha Street. The little boy felt relieved when he saw that Li Xuan and Xiaoyu really had no malicious intentions, and they only looked for Luocha Within ten meters of the street, the scope has not been expanded.

As for the occupation of Rakshasa Street, the little boy didn't intend to say that it was not only his business, he also didn't fully trust Li Xuan and Xiao Yu.

He has seen Li Xuan's ability, it seems to be similar to the bad guy who occupied Luocha Street.

If Li Xuan knew that it was his home, but his parents were not there, and it was occupied by others.What if Li Xuan has bad intentions and occupies Luocha Street?
If Li Xuan knew, it could only mean that he was thinking too much, and his Raksha Street didn't pay taxes, so it was of no use to him.

What Li Xuan and Xiao Yu didn't expect was that there happened to be a family eager to sell their house. It was just next to Luocha Street, and it was a two-story house with an upper and lower floor of about 120 square meters. Below it was a convenience store.

Xiao Yu happily said to Li Xuan: "We want to go here. There are three rooms upstairs. The kitchen and bathroom are all complete. We will change the furniture by ourselves. The two of them can sleep together, even when they grow up, why not?" Sample?"

The seller was an old man who looked very honest. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "I want to sell them all and live with my son. I will sell them in packages. No counter-offer for 5 yuan."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders. It was rare to see Xiao Yu like it so much, so he said to the old man, "Okay, but I only have [-] cash in cash. I'll go to the bank to take out the rest and give it to you. Wait here for me."

The old man nodded in satisfaction.

240 square meters plus furniture and goods is really a conscience price.

Li Xuan went directly to the place where the goods were sold yesterday, and sold the real antiques that Li Maozhen gave him, but they were antiques from that era, and they were different from the real ones. Works, Li Xuan earned another 10 yuan.

After this time, Li Xuan didn't plan to sell it anymore, otherwise it must be a troublesome thing to be targeted by the relevant department, even if the boss mistakenly thinks that there is a source of goods, it will be troublesome.

When Li Xuan went back, Xiao Yu was taking the two little ghosts to visit the furniture city excitedly. After Li Xuan left the money to Xiao Yu, he went to settle the bill for the old man and went through the handover procedures.

Well, if Li Xuan returns to modern times, he can proudly say that he has a 240-square-meter house in the third ring road of the capital.

That night, after finishing the replacement of the furniture, several people were exhausted and fell asleep deeply.

[Hidden mission completed: protagonist halo. 】

[Explanation: The host adopted Cao Yanbing, Cao Xuanliang, the protagonist of Zhenhun Street, which changed the fate of the two. If you want a house, you can come to the house. I have to say that they really have the aura of the protagonist. 】

[Reward: 5000 causal value. 】

(End of this chapter)

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