Planar Causal System

Chapter 321 The Twins

Chapter 321 The Twins

After the two agreed, King Ma Cang Ye turned around and left.

The rest of the people have already obtained such power, but they are not tempted by this power. Although they are still terrorists, X-laws will no longer entangle them.

Everyone was excited for a while before realizing that Li Xuan was not there, but Li Xuan just found a reason and prevaricated.On the contrary, Anna looked at Li Xuan a little strangely, wondering if she had discovered something.

Ma Cangye also got an interesting sword, a national treasure weapon, which was the weapon used to seal King Ye.

The rest only needs to go through this red canyon and go to a place called Black Desert to reach the destination that everyone needs, Pachi Village.

After determining the direction, everyone moved towards the goal.

This time, it was still the three girls who blocked the way before, a mech, a pumpkin, and a grimace puppet.

Li Xuan didn't make a move this time, Ma Cangye and Daolian Wooden Sword Dragon easily crushed them.

The holding spirits of the three became as huge as Li Xuan's Xiang Yu, and every move was very heavy.

But they still don't understand the true meaning of power. Although they are much bigger, they can't use it perfectly at all, and they can easily be found by agile opponents.

Due to his great progress, Ma Cangye could no longer satisfy him with one sword, so he directly used another sword and started the two-sword style mode.

Ye Wang and those angels became gigantic because they were already familiar with that power, otherwise they would not have changed from gigantic to strengthened growth blades, and then finally turned into the original short blades.

In the final battle, the decisive battle between Ye and King Ye became huge again.

This is a process of returning to the basics and then reaching the top.

The three girls didn't seem to understand why they failed, or Anna told them that they surrendered to King Ye's power, but Ma Cangye and the others did not surrender and continued to climb hard. How could they have won?
A huge red fire appeared behind everyone, and the destructive aura made everyone turn their heads. It was Ma Cang Yewang's spirit fire.

He opened his hand slightly, put Wang Ye in his hand on the ground, and disappeared again.

Ye Wang said to the three girls: "Enough is enough, you have worked hard."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the three girls. When he passed by, everyone was in a state of tension, only Xiao Yu, Li Xuan and Anna didn't care at all.

Their fear of King Ye has not been weakened in the slightest by gaining great power.

Even Dao Run summoned her new spirit, Hua Mulan, who looked solemnly at Wang Ye passing by.

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't be nervous. There is an old saying in our country that people should be courteous before soldiers. Even if they have to fight to death tomorrow, everyone can sit together and eat and drink today."

Dao Lian took a deep breath and relaxed like Li Xuan.

Seeing that Dao Lian was like this, everyone also took away their holding spirits. They felt that even if Li Xuan was stronger than them, he wouldn't be able to last much longer under Ye Wang's hands. Since he wasn't bothered, why were they bothered?
In fact, this is a matter of mentality. When Li Xuan assassinated Qin Qin, he was only half breathed, and he could chat with Ying Zheng calmly, let alone now.

Even if he really fights to death, he won't care, it's not that he believes that he will win, but that he is not afraid of death at all.

There is a big difference between ancient scholars and today's students, whether they are unparalleled in eloquence, full of tricks, or generals in battle.

As long as they reach a certain level, basically none of them are afraid of death. Li Xuan is the one who came out at that time. He has experienced too much life and death. Even if he dies in the next second, he will give the world a smile.

Anyway, no matter how you calculate it, it’s enough. The initial obsession with time travel has faded with time, and now he is him.

Ye Wang smiled at Li Xuan and didn't say anything. Others were puzzled and wondered if the two had reached an agreement, or if Li Xuan had surrendered.

Li Xuan didn't care about the gazes of the people around him at all, and looked at Ye Wang full of fighting spirit in his eyes.Others who looked at this look felt chilly, and they could only curse inwardly: Crazy.

Ye Wang stopped when he came to Ma Cangye, and said calmly: "It's stronger than imagined, but it's still far behind that guy. I won't get your body back now. Although it's mine , but I took a challenge and if I win him I'll take it back."

After speaking, he walked forward.

Ma Cangye's complexion changed, and he shouted at King Ye: "Wait, what do you mean?"

Wang Ye waved his hands to the back and said, "Goodbye, brother."

At this time, he had already walked in front of the three girls, the fairy fire appeared and then a burst of fire swept past, and Ye Wang and Huazu all disappeared.

Dao Lian said solemnly: "He said, brother?"

Wan Tai also looked at Ma Cang Ye and said, "Ye, what's going on? He called you brother?"

"Ah, that's actually the case."

A masked person appeared in front of everyone, he was wearing white clothes, it was Ma Cangye's father Ma Cang Qianjiu.

His appearance followed Ye Wang's disappearance, and his ability to hide his figure and aura was very good. No one except Li Xuan and Xiao Yu found out how he got here.

Li Xuan also said with a strange face: "By the way, don't you know? Ye and Ye Wang are twin brothers, otherwise you think I went to that guy yesterday for the afternoon."


Everyone was petrified immediately. An outsider knew about these things, but neither of them as partners or Ma Cangye himself knew about it. This is too weird.

Wait, more importantly, did Li Xuan disappear last night to find King Ye?

Ma Cang said to Li Xuan for a long time: "Unexpectedly, there are still people who know this secret. Should it be said that they are from Huaxia?"

He walked up to the crowd and said calmly: "My Ye has been taken care of by you, thank you." He bowed and continued: "My dog, please take care of me in the future."

Holo Holo scratched his head and said, "We are."

Dao Lian roared: "Compared to this, let's talk about the twins first!"

Ma Cang said for a long time, "I still want to hear it?"

Dao Lian was angry, her hair twitched and said: "I haven't finished talking yet, okay!"

After his explanation, everyone knew that Ye Wang's birth was accompanied by the birth of another person.

Although they wanted to kill the newly born King Ye, they didn't expect King Ye to be so powerful. He had the spirit fire when he was a baby, and defeated the family who wanted to kill him.

Then he disappeared and said that he wanted to take back Ma Cangye's body.

But Li Xuan just wanted to complain, okay?Even if he is the World Destroyer Demon Star, he should be raised well. This is the responsibility of his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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