Planar Causal System

Chapter 329 Rescue Soldiers

Chapter 329 Rescue Soldiers
Wantai fell from a high altitude, Ma Cangye desperately ran backwards, trying to catch Wantai.

The Yamata no Orochi of the Dragon of the Wooden Sword quickly snatched Wantai before Li Seru's holding spirit, and did not let Wantai be captured again.

When Ma Cangye ran halfway back, Margao shouted angrily: "Ma Cangye, do you want to escape?"

As soon as the words fell, the two angels rushed towards Ma Cangye quickly.

Daolian and Huo Luo Huo Luo threw Ma Cangye's weapon towards Ma Cangye, Ma Cangye quickly caught it, and summoned Amida Wan at the very moment, resisting the attack of the two angels.

Just as Xiao Yu was about to attack, Li Xuan stopped her and shook his head at her.

This time, we must annihilate this weird organization in one fell swoop. Li Xuan didn't want to tolerate them anymore for committing so many crimes for the sake of so-called justice.

Behind them is a huge magic circle, and all the members of X-LAWS are surrounded by the iron maiden in the middle, Joan of Arc should be inside.

Now that their witch power is gathered, even Li Xuan is secretly startled. Only he and Xiao Yu may fall here, so we still can't underestimate these people from this world.

Fortunately, I found an ally who seemed very strong in the early stage.

Margao shouted: "It's just a human spirit, don't overreach yourself here, don't hinder us!"

Li Xuan couldn't help it when he heard this, a huge sword energy directly knocked his and Li Seru's two holding spirits into the air.

Li Xuan said coldly from the side: "Is the human spirit very weak? Two trash."

Margao said bitterly: "There is no way out. If you don't catch him quickly, all this will be in vain. Go, Li Seru."

Li Seru responded, and the two were about to rush towards Li Xuan and the others.

"Enough Margaret."

A sweet voice sounded, and the Iron Maiden opened it slowly.

The cute girl Joan of Arc appeared in front of everyone fully armed, opened her eyes and said calmly: "Leave the rest to me."

Margao said anxiously: "How can Lord Joan of Arc personally..."

Joan of Arc said indifferently: "This is a last resort, we have no time."

Margao nodded and said to Li Seru, "Let's go."

After speaking, the two of them dispersed to the side.

In order to let Joan of Arc succeed, Li Xuan and Xiao Yu dispersed their superspiritual bodies, only the remaining people did not know why, and confronted Joan of Arc there.

Joan of Arc said indifferently: "Xia Matthew."

The god-level holding spirit rushed out of her body in an instant, and his hands in the air exuded a light that seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Joan continued: "Detention."

The huge golden light enveloped the crowd, and then gradually shrunk, and those big spirits gradually became smaller, and a golden cage of more than ten cubic meters gradually became four to five cubic meters.

Everyone's super-spiritual bodies were scattered, and they could no longer continue to bless the super-spiritual bodies.

Even Li Xuan and Xiao Yu were also affected. If the two broke out with all their strength, it would be no problem to break free from the iron cage, but these children are probably over.

Amidst the curses of the crowd, the cage quickly flew directly above Joan of Arc.

Daolian said to Li Xuan: "Hey, aren't you here to help? Think of a way!"

Li Xuan said with a smile: "It's not difficult for Xiao Yu and I to escape, as long as we use witch power to open the cage, that little girl and this organization can't restrict our actions."

Li Xuan's spiritual power can only be called witch power, otherwise the illiterate people might not be able to understand it.

Holo Holo said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for, let's start!"

Ma Cangye shook his head and said, "If they use their witch power to push them away, none of us will be able to survive, only the two of them will be left. Or, which of us can completely resist their full force burst of witch power?"

Everyone was silent, and Li Xuan and Xiao Yu's words would be terrifying to think about.

Joan put her hands together and said sadly: "Everything is for world peace, the evil must be buried."

"It's really ugly."

An indifferent voice sounded in the void, and Joan of Arc seemed to have fallen into the abyss in an instant.

A palm made of huge flames grabbed Joan of Arc, and on the other palm stood a smiling Ye Wang.

His subordinates were all standing on the back of Fairy Fire. This guy was a bit hunchbacked, and he could stand up completely.

Fairy Fire passed through their barrier smoothly and looked down at X-LAWS.

The other party just wanted to make a move, but Ye Wang smiled and said: "I advise you not to move around, if you die, you will not be able to protect it, your most important Lord Joan of Arc."

This is Hong Guoguo's threat, and those X-LAWS never dare to move again.

Wang Ye looked up at the cage and said with a smile, "You guys are really going too far. What exactly do you want to do to my brother? Although I promised someone not to devour him, I shouldn't be at your mercy."

Joan of Arc didn't show any fear in the hands of the Elven Fire, and said indifferently: "Our purpose is only one, and that is to impose justice on you."

Different from everyone's seriousness, Li Xuan smiled and greeted Ye Wang below: "Hey, remember to help later, I really hate being in a cage."

Ye Wang smiled and said, "I never thought you would be in such a mess."

Margao said coldly from below: "They actually colluded with King Ye."

But before he finished condemning, Li Xuan continued: "Isn't this all for fighting against you, the strongest, otherwise you think these bastards can control me?"

Everyone in X-LAWS looked at Li Xuan bitterly. In Li Xuan's eyes, the organization they were so proud of turned out to be trash?

It's not because of anything else, the main thing is that their ceremony is called Babylonian Passage, but Li Xuan knows a guy who is better at using the Babylonian Gate, and he is a bastard when he talks and shuts.

Ye Wang nodded and said with a smile: "It's true, it's okay for these guys to control my brother, but it seems to be a lot worse to control you."

After speaking, he glanced at Joan again, his expression turned cold instantly, and he said to her, "Don't get too carried away."

A huge flame ignited on Jeanne's body.

Ye Wang said calmly: "Forget it if you burn it."

"Lord Joan of Arc!"

The people in X-LAWS are all jealous, wishing to replace Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc looked at Ye Wang bitterly in the raging fire, and slowly turned into a pile of coke, the spirit fire opened her big hand and let her fall to the ground.

She was also pulled back into the cage by the thorns of the iron maiden, and it seemed that she had gone to heal her wounds.

The huge magic circle dissipated, leaving only Ye Wang in the air: "What should we do next? The Joan of Arc you rely on has become like that, and the Babylon passageway that everyone expects is useless."

Li Seru was full of despair at this time, but the rest of the people were still optimistic. After all, the cage in the air was still there, and Joan of Arc had not been burned to death by the flames.

The rest of the people tried their best to protect Joan of Arc.

Ye Wang whispered: "Having faith is a good thing, but it is unforgivable to attack my opponent and my brother casually."

King Ye's team and X-LAWS fought together in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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