Planar Causal System

Chapter 370 Li Xuan Discusses the Sword

Chapter 370 Li Xuan Discusses the Sword
Patriarch Wang Quan wondered, "How do you say that?"

Li Xuan said with a smile: "My senior brother doesn't like to kill, so there are not many dead souls under the sword in his hands. He uses offense instead of defense. The second brother is on the contrary. Horizontal swordsmanship is originally a swordsmanship that is good at defense, but His personality is too strong, he seldom takes shots without harming his fate, and forcibly practiced horizontal swordsmanship into offensive swordsmanship."

Wang Quanfugui frowned slightly, as if he didn't quite understand Li Xuan's words.

Li Xuan took the workcloth and said to Wang Quan Fugui: "I'd better demonstrate it, Fugui, do your best."

This Wang Quanfugui doesn't hate his own name like Wang Fugui after his reincarnation, so it can only be said that it sounds better with a double surname?

Patriarch Wang Quan backed away quickly. He only saw the tip of the iceberg of Li Xuan before, but now he can finally see the whole picture.

Although Wangquan Fugui's fighting power is similar to that of Dongfang Yuechu, Li Xuan can't beat Dongfang Yuechu if he competes, but he can beat Wangquan Fugui, Wangquan Fugui can't beat Li Xuan, but can beat Dongfang Yuechu.

It is because Dongfang Yueyue's use of strength to break the pure Yang Yan is too buggy, so that Li Xuan has no way to start.

But the royal power and wealth are different, he also has Dongfang spiritual blood, so he is not afraid of pure Yang Yan, he can directly enter Dongfang Yueyue's defense range and then slash him.

The swordsmanship in this world is basically not skillful, just fast and fierce. Compared with Li Xuan's masters of swordsmanship in Qin Shimingyue, it is not 01:30 points.

Li Xuan's eyes were fixed, Gongbu was not out of its sheath, and he rushed towards the royal power without any fancy.

Patriarch Wang Quan frowned slightly. This was different from what he said before, but he soon realized that he was wrong.

When Li Xuan attacked Wang Quanfugui, he would naturally resist, but he found that he couldn't stop Li Xuan's sword at all. He was obviously not as fast as him, but the sword and sword attacked the enemy, and he would save Wangquan Fugui.

Li Xuan's swordsmanship is not complicated, but every sword is directed at the Dao, making you unstoppable.

Li Xuan has been attacking for half an hour, and the king's power, wealth and honor have faintly been unable to resist.

Li Xuan suddenly shouted: "Attack me with the sword technique that I attacked you just now."

King Quan Fugui was taken aback, and instinctively used Li Xuan's sword technique just now, and attacked Li Xuan. He found that his sword was no longer chaotic, relying on the power of sword energy and magic weapon to win, but began to learn how to use it. Find Li Xuan's weaknesses and attack them.

Patriarch Wang Quan's eyes lit up, Li Xuan actually wanted to teach Wang Quan Fugui swordsmanship in actual combat.

Now Li Xuan's sword has changed, and he is like a hedgehog. No matter how the royal power and wealth attack, he can easily defuse it, and counterattack with the power of defuse.

Now Li Xuan is using horizontal swordsmanship.

Patriarch Wang Quan sighed: "What a ghost valley, what a ghost valley, with such a sword technique, my Wang Quan family's sword of heaven and earth is not worthy of the name."

Li Xuan laughed from the side: "It has nothing to do with swordsmanship, it's just that the people who practice swords are strong. Although the Wang Quan family's swordsmanship is not good, but the ability to refine immortal swords, sword arrays and kung fu are beyond the reach of any sect."

Brush, brush, brush, brush...

Just when the king's power and wealth were getting smoother and smoother, Li Xuan suddenly made four swords.

The first sword cut loose the King Quan sword in his hand, the second sword directly cut the sword flying, the third sword broke the king power's rich and noble body protection essence, and the fourth sword put the sword on his neck.

across the Quartet.

Li Xuan said indifferently: "This is the unique skill of Hengjian Dao that traverses all directions, how about it?"

Wang Quan Fugui nodded and said, "Good swordsmanship."

Patriarch Wang Quan suddenly said: "Since horizontal swordsmanship has unique skills, what about vertical swordsmanship?"

Li Xuan pointed to the Wang Quan sword, Wang Quan Fugui waved his hand, and the Wang Quan sword was in his hands.

Li Xuan suddenly drew out his sword, aiming at Wang Quanfugui, Wang Quanfugui swung the sword instinctively, and Li Xuan was thrown a hundred steps away.

Li Xuan held the sword in his right hand and stood in front of him, while the two fingers of his left hand held the sword tightly.

A majestic aura ignited from Li Xuan's body, and the royal power and wealth suddenly felt fear, feeling that he could no longer move.

It felt like he had angered a giant ancient beast and was being stared at by the other party, as if he would be trampled into a pulp without hesitation as long as he moved.

Li Xuan threw Gongbu directly when he was a hundred steps away from him, and he rushed towards Gongbu like a roc spreading its wings.

When Li Xuan held Gongbu, he felt that it was not a person flying over, but a stretch of towering mountains.

The sword light slashed across, and there was only a little green mark on the royal neck, which was the rust on Li Xuan's scabbard.

If Li Xuan hadn't kept his hand just now, Wang Quanfugui would have been a dead man.

Guigu's swordsmanship is still sharp in this world, but at this time, Li Xuan may not be able to lock the royal power and wealth in a life-and-death battle.

I feel that Guigu swordsmanship should still be useful, after all, as long as it is close combat, it will never be outdated.

But if you encounter a world higher than the fox demon little matchmaker, it may not be so, especially when everyone can fly, and when flying all over the sky, the hundred-step flying sword will be useless.

This is still an ordinary mythical world, what if it comes to that prehistoric world?Melee combat is basically useless, people are playing magic weapons.

Are you good at swordsmanship?I have the Zhuxian Sword Formation.Are you good at swordsmanship?I have a golden wheel of merit.Are you good at swordsmanship?Once I pull out the Xuanyuan Sword, you won't even be able to move the sword.

What's even more frightening is the magic weapon like the Pangu axe, which directly splits a space and throws you in, no matter how good the sword is, it's useless.

Li Xuan took a breath and said, "How about it, which set of sword skills do you want to learn?"

Patriarch Wang Quan was a little tangled and said, "Can you learn all of them?"

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, but if you learn everything, you have to exchange it for one thing."

Patriarch Wang Quan frowned and said, "What should I use in exchange, exercises or magic weapons?"

Forget it if it's a skill, it's the foundation of the sect.

Li Xuan heard something from Rongrong that Wang Quan's family has a good treasure called the Ningbing Ring, which is a magic weapon that can resist the cold air. If you cultivate the cold air yourself, it will help you in your cultivation.

Li Xuan said indifferently: "The ice ring."

Patriarch Wang Quan was stunned for a moment. Although this icing ring is a high-grade magic weapon, there are very few masters who can cultivate cold energy.

Li Xuan continued: "I will attach my experience of practicing swordsmanship, and then I will teach the rich and the noble for three days."

Only then did Patriarch Wang Quan nod his head. A high-grade magic weapon can be exchanged for two sets of such swordsmanship, and it can even be used to popularize it in the future. Although what he brings out may not be the best, his sincerity is enough.

After all, this sword technique seems to be unique to Guigu?
(End of this chapter)

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