Chapter 411

Seeing that Kara Xiaokepan made him feel a little confused, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little helpless and funny.

This world is a typical people who have not yet developed their wisdom. They don't know what they are fighting for. It seems to be their instinct to honor the glory of the family and the honor of the family.

But Li Xuan felt that this was wrong, and he wanted to change everything.

The siege is the bottom, and the heart is the top.

What the fourth generation of Kuiba did not do well was that he did not reason with them. He could have used speeches to attract some people to support him, but he did not do that, but sent troops to attack.

If he, like himself, puts the facts aside, then the land will be in disarray, and at least one-third of the people will support Quiba.

Even if they can't be allowed to enter the Lingshan Army, they can be neutralized.

This will at least reduce the difficulty.

It's a pity, he is too proud, so proud that he relies on himself for everything, relying on his insignificant Lingshan Army.

To be an enemy of the world, one must be prepared to fail. He is the common enemy of both heaven and earth, so he doesn't know how to change his image?
I believe that Ying Zheng and Zhang Yi have seen through all this, so they set the style of letting Li Xuan do things cheaply.

Kara Xiaokepan struggled and said: "But, that is my country. If you let you go there, many innocent people will die. I don't know whether you want to destroy the Dragon Kingdom, or do what you said. Do."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Wars always lead to death. If you were willing to negotiate with Quebah, so many messy things would not have happened. Your Karashok family is prosperous because of Quiba, and it is also because of Quiba. And the curtain call, this is the best answer."

Kara Shokpan shook his head and said, "You can't say that, the people are innocent."

Li Xuan smiled and said: "Well, if that's the case, then let's use our fists to talk. If you can't beat me, you will let me go. Am I right?"

Kara Xiaokepan seemed to have found his own soul, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said solemnly to Li Xuan: "Wen Yao, the sacred dragon country monster in Youlongtan, Kara Xiaokepan, challenge your Excellency."

Li Xuan shrugged and said, "Your opponents are Guiguzi, Shaman King, Wu Wenyao, Li Xuan."


Kara Xiao Kepan rushed towards Li Xuan, his body was shining with golden light, and he opened the six pulse gates in the air.

He knew that Li Xuan was very powerful, and he had to seize the opportunity and race against time, otherwise he would definitely not be his opponent.

Li Xuan glanced at him in surprise, this guy is much stronger than You Mi Kuang, he also has six veins, the gap is a bit big.

Li Xuan's mountain ax appeared in his hand instantly, blocking Kara Xiaokepan's sword.

Kara Shokpan is very dignified now, this is different from Man Xiaoman's playful duel, this is that he wants to challenge more powerful enemies than him.

With a swing of Li Xuan's big axe, he threw Kara Xiaokepan out.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xuan's eyes flashed with thunder, and a huge white tiger appeared behind him and rushed towards Kara Xiaokepan.

Kara Shokpan didn't mess up his position, and his Kara Shok family's pulse technique also has a trick that can summon the phantom of a dragon, so he is not afraid of Li Xuan's White Tiger Starfall at all.


A real dragon flew out from behind Kara Xiaokepan, with all six veins vibrating, and rushed towards Li Xuan.

Li Xuan smiled slightly, and swung the mountain ax upwards, directly cutting the dragon in half.

Li Xuan had suffered enough physical damage when fighting the Black Fox Clan before, and now he was able to attach evil spirits to the axe, easily breaking through Kara Xiaokepan's real dragon.

There was a golden light in Kala Xiaokepan's hand, and he said calmly: "No quality."

Li Xuan said in surprise: "The pulse technique of Maduo Busa's family? It's interesting."

Absorb the opponent's pulse technique attack through the pulse formation, lock the energy in the pulse formation, and compress and concentrate more energy through the blessing of your own pulse technique. Once the seal of the pulse formation is lifted, the energy of the pulse technique will burst out in an instant, and you can defend the energy Attack is the culmination of Dragon Clan martial arts.

Unexpectedly, even Li Xuan's attack, which is not a pulse technique, can be absorbed, which is really a wonderful move.

Boom, boom, boom...

Countless golden lights flew towards Li Xuan's position, [-]% stronger than Li Xuan's previous attack.

Li Xuan swung the mountain axe and received those energy pulses.

This move seemed a bit uncontrollable, many attacks did not hit Li Xuan, but hit the ground behind him, dozens of big trees were cut off by the pulse technique, and then turned black.

It's really interesting that he can also add Li Xuan's thunder attribute damage.

It's a pity that Li Xuan has never played this kind of long-range attack, he still likes to be more manly.

"Take the call!"

Li Xuan's figure became erratic, and Kara Xiaokepan couldn't catch his figure.

He is known for his speed, but Li Xuan is faster than him, how to deal with this?

Fortunately, Kara Xiaokepan is also a seasoned master. Prince Zhayun protected his surroundings with his sword, and did not dare to make large-scale moves. He only used his small body skills to avoid or meet Li Xuan's attack.


Seeing that Kara Xiaokepan is so powerful, Li Xuan is also a little more interested.

If there were more masters like them, Li Xuan must have a headache, right?
Unfortunately, there is only one Kara Shokpan in the world.

bang, bang, bang...

Karashokpan only felt that his arm was numb from the shock, and now he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

What kind of weapon is this ax?All the god soldiers in this world, Kara Xiao Kepan, know that there is basically nothing that can hit the claws head-on, except for the Ba Steel Blade and the Sky Rifle.

Moreover, there is a strange power inside, as if even a mountain in front can be split by him!

"You should be proud of being able to pick up my two successes."

Just when Kara Xiaokepan was struggling to resist, Li Xuan appeared opposite him again.

What?Only used two successes?No, he must be bluffing!
Li Xuan continued: "It's fine if you think I'm bluffing, but Kuiba may not be my opponent even if he doesn't use weapons. Now, prepare to receive a full-strength attack from me."

Kara Shokpan gritted his teeth and said, "If you can do it, go ahead!"

Li Xuan's body was full of evil spirits, and a vortex visible to the naked eye formed around Li Xuan.

The vitality of heaven and earth poured into Li Xuan's body frantically, and Li Xuan only felt that the mountain ax in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

Li Xuan said coldly: "Take the move, basic martial arts, smash Huashan."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xuan's figure suddenly appeared above Kara Xiaokepan, and the mountain ax smashed down on Kara Xiaokepan!
Obviously it is only the most superficial martial skill, it is obviously only the most common move.

He just couldn't avoid it, he just couldn't stop it, all he could do was raise his sword and make the last resistance!

(End of this chapter)

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