Planar Causal System

Chapter 427 Counterattack

Chapter 427 Counterattack
Listening to her younger brother's speech, two lines of tears flowed down Madobusa Ci's face, all for the sake of the family and the Dragon Kingdom.

Sacrifice is inevitable.If necessary, even he can die calmly.

In order to make the soldiers have no choice, and to make the opponent mess up, he committed suicide frankly.

Now is not the time to think about it, it's time to counterattack.

Seeing that the enemy had already begun to hesitate, Ma Duo Busa shouted: "For the Dragon Kingdom, for Ma Duo Busa! As long as you kill the rebels, you will not be blamed. Jihad is now."

Achilles was startled, she never thought that the king would be so strong, he would really be the only one who could inherit the throne once he died.

There are still many soldiers in the city who support Madobusa's resignation, and even more soldiers only support the legitimacy of the throne.

"What are you hesitating about? The king has taken refuge in Kuiba, come to me!"

A man who looked like an officer kicked a hesitant soldier in the leg.

A trace of hostility flashed in the soldier's eyes, and he stabbed the weapon into the officer's heart with his hand back.

The soldier said coldly: "Don't you like to embezzle military pay? Don't you like to bully us? Today, die to me! I've had enough."

The officer pointed at him in disbelief. Although he was fatally wounded, he still had the strength to kill the traitor in front of him.

But just as he raised his hand, he found that the four soldiers behind him stabbed their weapons into his body at the same time.

All his people rebelled.

Not far away, a soldier also chopped off the head of the officer, and said to him: "Didn't you say that I won't send my sister to your house within three days, so you can find a way to expel me from the army, and then get rid of me?" Kill us? Now, you are the one who died."

This is the morale of the army. If a general wants his soldiers to be loyal, or even risk his life, he can't rely on drinking the blood of soldiers.

Since you have done something to bully your soldiers, don't think that your soldiers will still love you.

It's okay in normal times, even in war, soldiers really dare not rebel because of Wen Yao.

But it's different now. There are two different voices in the country, and they will naturally choose the one that is beneficial to them and the one they love.

As for killing the chief?Anyway, His Majesty the King has defined them as traitors.

Although the two major families were not cruel and heartless after they came to power, they treated the soldiers much worse than when Madobusa resigned. The long-term oppression has created today's resistance.

Especially now that they are upholding righteousness, they have nothing to fear.

Seeing the chaos on the battlefield, Madobusa shouted: "Kill! Kill all the people from the two families!"

Numerous soldiers responded to Madobusa's words and began to attack the officers around them.

The officers realized that something was wrong, and quickly gathered the private soldiers of the two major families, but there were only less than [-] people left.

There is the Karashok family in front, and the wolf-like army behind them. They are a little bit crying now.

But it's not over yet, there is another army.

Boom, boom, boom...

In the distance, countless dragoons galloped up. They were not the private soldiers of the two major families, but carried the banner of Madobusa!
The leader was once a personal guard of Maduobusaxi, and he rushed here with half of the soldiers.

The combined garrison of the two major families is less than [-] elite soldiers, but how much can be left after the [-] elite soldiers fight a few times?

Countless war weapons slashed at his former colleagues, but there was no trace of sadness, but endless pleasure.

The officers are basically selected by the two major families, how could they be too kind to the soldiers?
Ma Duobusa said coldly to Achilles below: "Did you see that? This is the morale of the army, and this is the opinion of the people. You didn't care about this before, but now you are implicated by these people."

Achilles Lan murmured: "How is it possible, these untouchables, how dare they? What did those officers do to make everyone start to mutiny."

Ma Duobusa said disdainfully: "I don't understand now, it seems that you are hopeless, get ready to bury your family, within three days, there will be no more two families of yours. In what Li Xuan said, If you come out to play around, you will always have to pay back."


Just at this time.

Three war weapons were pierced into the body of a Karashok tribesman. With a big wave of his hand, three heads shot up into the sky.

Slowly retreating, looking at the approaching private soldiers of the two families, he could only give a wry smile, and shouted: "Pan, I will leave it to you to revitalize the Karashok family!"

He is Kara Shoksu, a 20-year-old youth who was found by Kara Shokpan on the road, and together they embarked on the great cause of reviving the Kara Shok family.

It's a pity that he died before leaving the teacher.

He couldn't see the revival of House Karashok anymore.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and the private soldiers of the two families had already arrived in front of him and stabbed their weapons into his abdomen.

His eyes suddenly burst into an unprecedented light, and his six meridians opened up, and he shouted: "Karashok, immortal!"

Then they stared at the soldiers in front of them, they didn't dare to look at the dead man.

Even if the victory on the battlefield has gradually moved closer to Madobusa, it cannot cause a crushing situation after all.

I chose this battlefield before because it was beneficial to myself, but now it is beneficial to the opponent, and they may hold on for a while.

Karashokpan was not moved at all, because he knew that to be moved was to die.

Although there are more soldiers here, the soldiers on the other side are more elite.

They are all from two big families, and they have their own battle formations, so Pan couldn't do anything for a while.

The opponent has already been attacked from the front and back, and they even have to guard against the knives handed over by their subordinates, but their basic combat power is still higher than that of ordinary soldiers.

Now there is only one way to survive, and that is to defeat the defense line of the Karashok family and those monsters, and directly kill Maduo Busaci on the high platform.

Ma Duobusa seemed to have seen through the other party's premeditated plan, and smiled sarcastically and said, "You want to fight one last time? Ahleuselan, your people are not without brains."

Achilles sneered and said: "It appears that the outcome is [-]-[-]. As long as you kill you, you can win this war. Our family's reinforcements will arrive soon, just wait to die."

Ma Duobusa smiled and said: "Really? But no one from your family has appeared yet, you don't know why, do you? The person who came was my brother's personal guard, not our ace Li Xuan. "

Achilles Lan's complexion changed, and he shouted: "How dare you?"

Ma Duobusa said with a smile: "You all dare to usurp the throne, why should I not dare? Presumably such a big incident has alarmed the old patriarch, and they will definitely discuss countermeasures. Therefore, Li Xuan is going to do this .”

Achleuselan gritted his teeth and said, "They have more than [-] six-vein powerhouses, and Li Xuan is the only one?"

Ma Duobusa shrugged and said: "Of course, haven't you seen the deeds of Prince Zhaoyun? He is a man who can support an army."

(End of this chapter)

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