Planar Causal System

Chapter 432: Joining Teachers

Chapter 432: Joining Teachers
After Zhang Yi settled Shuguo, he went to other countries one after another. Without any accident, they all agreed to submit to Kuiba, which made Manji feel like he was punching the air.

After preparing for 600 years of revenge and 600 years of unification, he has just recruited less than [-] Lingshan Army on his side, and all other countries have surrendered there.

Show me this with your pants off?

Manji really wants to complain now, very much.

However, the rest of the matter has just begun. Xiao He wants to lead the internal affairs of eleven countries. The first thing is to abolish all hereditary tattoo systems.

These will inevitably arouse the resistance of countless nobles, Manji and the army have to deal with these in the remaining time.

One month has passed now, and in two months at the latest, people in the heavenly realm will intervene in the affairs of the earthly realm.

How many battle-ready soldiers can be gathered in a month, and how many nobles can be surrendered in a month, these are unknown, so everyone's eyes have always been on the heavens.

I am afraid that the heavens will not send a little girl here this time, but will come out in full force, otherwise it will be impossible to eliminate Kuiba who is now standing at the top of the earth.

His soaring lance is a weapon that can kill even gods.

More importantly, he is not fighting alone. Yingzheng's Tianwen and Li Xuan's mountain creation are all weapons that can kill gods.

Although Tianwen has not been strengthened, he has been nourished by the dragon energy of Emperor Yingzheng, and now the grade is no less than the mountain ax in Li Xuan's hand.

Just three people are enough for each other to drink a pot, not to mention that there are tens of thousands of soldiers behind them?
As for the soldiers who have just surrendered, they dare not use them. At most, they are used as cannon fodder, and then promise a lot of benefits, so that they can barely obey.

After discussing it, now everyone will bring those who support Kuiba into the whirlpool island, and then wait for the so-called god of heaven to come.

Center of Vortex Island.

"You are back."

Ying Zheng was sitting on a chair, playing chess with Jing Xin's little girl.

The other two children don't like Jing Xin who speaks according to statistics. The rest of them have hatred against her. Only Ying Zheng, who is like an emperor, can tolerate her.

Ying Zheng can win nine games out of ten. Although Jing Xin is very good at data, data and some so-called correctness can't understand people's hearts, let alone suppress the general trend occupied by Ying Zheng.

Li Xuan, Manji, Liliai, Man Xiaoman, Kara Xiaokepan, these people returned to the whirlpool island.

Chen Qingzhi, Jiang Ziya, and Zhou Yu, these three people are the deterrents of the sea, land and air forces, so that the other party will not dare to act rashly. This time they are also practicing, so as not to be smeared by the world that is not history, at least they have to learn to adapt.

Zhang Yi is outstanding in the way of fighting, but his martial arts and martial arts are not weak, so he left it to Xiao He to help when he was short of manpower.

Li Liai's presence here proves that Shuguo fully supports Kuiba, and they live a very stable life. They are tired of war, and the Wenyao system is not as important as other countries, so they selected an army of [-] orphans and rangers , Handed over to Chen Qingzhi for training.

The same is true for the Dragon Kingdom where Kara Xiaokepan is located. All the other high-level officials are dead.

Although the population is only half of that of Shu Kingdom, they are all dragoons, which saves the trouble of training riding skills.

Man Xiaoman is now the general under Kuiba, and has a so-called political marriage with Shuguo. Of course, he and Liliai themselves do not object.

Man Xiaoman said excitedly: "Now that all the countries have surrendered, it only takes ten years to truly abolish the Wenyao system and spread the Wenyao system I invented to the entire land."

Ying Zheng frowned and said: "Ten years, according to the speed of the heavens, a full-scale war will take two months at most. This time it will not be so easy. The gods are all emotionless guys. If you want to win, you need real swords A real fight with a gun."

Manji sighed, sat next to Jingxin, frowned and said: "More importantly, the heavens and the earth are different. Although their number is not many, less than 2, the people in the earth can't hurt the gods at all. Only you, me, and Mr. Li can do it, so what can we do?"

Li Xuan walked to Ying Zheng's side, and said calmly: "Delay the time and let Qi Hengsan speed up the progress. If it doesn't work, I will find more scientists and transform my Xing Tian into a pulse beast as soon as possible, so as to have a chance of winning. Otherwise, the three of us I'm not too optimistic about dealing with the [-] heavenly gods."

Manji nodded thoughtfully.

Ying Zheng picked up a pawn and said calmly: "There are many paths to success. Since we have chosen the most difficult one, we must be prepared."

Yingzheng's mission is to abolish the Wenyao system. If you don't help Kuiba, you only need to join forces with Li Xuan, and five years will be fine.

But Li Xuan needed Qi Hengsan's ability, and Ying Zheng also wanted more difficulty and more rewards, so he could only be passive.

"According to my calculations, your [-] troops can't last long at all. Even if Li Xuan and Manji take action, they can only last for a year. Are you sure you can make a pulse beast in a year?"

Jing Xin is unmoved, everything is based on calculations.

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "As long as I think about it, nothing is impossible. Now several countries have contributed countless Wenyao. If you want to make the Basteel Blade into a weapon that is not weaker than the mountain ax in my hand, you just have to do it." I know if Xiaoman can use it now."

Li Liai also looked at Man Xiaoman worriedly.

Man Xiaoman scratched his hair and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, I am a god, I will definitely be able to do it when the time comes, I will definitely be able to do it."

"If not, let me do it."

Karashokpan said indifferently.

He sparred with Man Xiaoman on the way, even though Man Xiaoman had reached the sixth meridian, he was still not as good as this genius, fortunately Li Liai was not by his side, otherwise he would be ashamed.

Li Xuan shrugged and said: "I didn't intend to stop you from taking action. Prince Zhuyun's sword is also a powerful weapon, and it will be upgraded at that time."

"Quiba, you're back."

The exhausted Qi Hengsan came to the central house, and was taken aback when he saw Manji.

He originally wanted to find Ying Zheng to discuss Li Xuan's pulse beast issue. After all, only Ying Zheng could contact Li Xuan, but he didn't expect that he and Kuiba were both there.

Manji smiled and said: "Well, the war on the border has ended, faster than expected. It was fought for hundreds of years before, but this time it only took one month. It's incredible."

Li Xuan shrugged and said, "That's because you didn't find the right method before, and everyone has weaknesses."

This wins?Qi Hengsan felt a little unbelievable, but it was good to win, and his previous wish finally came true.

No, now is not the time to think about this, there are more important issues to be resolved.

Qi Hengsan shook his head, walked in front of Li Xuan, and said solemnly: "Now I have found the clue to discuss the pulse beast. There are two options now, one is to let the spirit possess the body Entering your body, you can fully borrow his power, but the downside is that your spiritual power will be connected with him, and if his soul disappears, your spiritual power will also disappear."

Li Xuan shrugged and said, "What about the other one?"

In fact, this is acceptable, even if he is possessed by Xing Tian, ​​he can turn over, so it doesn't matter if his spiritual power is there or not.

Qi Hengsan said indifferently: "Of course it's the same as a normal pulse beast. Go inside and drive."

(End of this chapter)

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