Chapter 458
Wang Fugui also looked at Bai Yue in dumbfounded, as if it was hard to understand why Bai Yue became so violent.

With cold sweat dripping from his hands, Fan Qi said to Wang Fugui: "Young master, young master, are we also..."

Wang Fugui said as if nothing had happened: "I suddenly remembered something very important."

After speaking, he turned around and left without any intention of staying.

Fan Qi hurriedly said, "Let's go."

Qing Tong also followed.

Looking at the posture above, they may really be affected if they stay here.

the other side.

Lao Wang said awkwardly to the old man Altman: "Father, are we..."

A powerful aura suddenly spread from the old man Altman, and he said proudly: "Hmph, I really want to see how Queen Tu Shan deals with the demon-killing fire, pure Yang Yan."

"Step aside."

Yaya said indifferently to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan dragged Su Sula away from the spot, and dragged her near Rong Rong.

He also has no good way to deal with the pure Yangyan, unless he tears the space and teleports the pure Yangyan away.

Bai Yue took a few breaths, seeing Li Xuan left without chasing him, a large mass of pure Yang flames appeared in his hand, and burned towards Yaya.

The huge flame came into Yaya's eyes, and Yaya smiled and said, "Is this worthy of being called Shenhuo?"


A short-lived waterfall emerged from Bai Yue's head, immediately extinguishing the pure yang flame on his body.

There was smoke on Bai Yue's body, and he looked at it in confusion, as if he couldn't believe that the magic fire in his hand had been extinguished.

"Times are different."

Bai Yue suddenly turned his head, and saw Rong Rong, Li Xuan and Su Su on the cliff behind, with a huge machine beside him, and it was Rong Rong who made the sound.

Rong Rong continued to smile and said: "100 years ago, we, Tu Shan, developed this nine-turn xuan gun, as long as it is added to water at a concentration of one-thousandth, it can extinguish the pure yang inflammation."

After speaking, he took out a few empty bottles to show off, as if mocking Bai Yuechu.

Li Xuan followed and said: "The development of science and technology is really fast. It is estimated that after a thousand years, things like Tears of the Void and Pure Yang Yan will be able to be produced."

Rong Rong nodded and said: "It's really possible. Our Tushan's technology is progressing very fast. After all, we have a lifespan that human scientists don't have."

Bai Yueyue roared loudly and turned his head around, as if he was looking for something to make a comeback. Suddenly, a group of fox demons caught his eyes, and he quickly flew towards the gathering point of fox demons.

Those fox demons seem to be eating, and there is a huge sign next to it: Temporary shift to eat.

Li Xuan was stunned and said: "There is a fight here, and they are eating as if nothing happened? Or beef with onions? This is the halo of the villain's brain."

Rong Rong smiled unnaturally and said, "After all, they trust my sister."

Li Xuan patted his forehead and said: "Forget it, let me take the shot, I'm afraid I can't count on you."

After speaking, Li Xuan took Susu and flew in the direction of Bai Yueyue. Seeing that Bai Yueyue wanted to escape, the old Altman followed.

Yaya didn't stop her at all, she seemed to have a mysterious confidence in herself, and followed slowly.

When Bai Yuechu arrived at the gathering point, he scared away the fox demons who were eating casually, grabbed a boxed lunch, and ate it quickly.

This appearance of eating like no one else is really jaw-dropping, as expected of Bai Yue.

Li Xuan pulled Susu, Lao Wang, and the old man Ultraman, all standing not far from Bai Yue.

Old Wang said in surprise, "Onion? This is to summon the Tears of the Void."

The old man Altman said in a deep voice: "As the Yiqi Daomeng who is in charge of him, you must not sit idly by. Come on, son, and I will cover it."

Old Wang said seriously: "Well, that's right, father, you have great magic power, and my son dare not use an axe in front of you. Go ahead, my son will protect you."

The old man Altman pointed at Lao Wang and shouted: "Are you kidding me, you, this is the tear of the void, it will kill people."

Lao Wang also followed suit and shouted: "You know it too, so you still let me go?"

Su Su tugged at Li Xuan's sleeve, pointed to Bai Yue and said, "Big Brother, is Brother Taoist hungry? He seems to have eaten a bun today, and it's still poisonous."

Li Xuan nodded speechlessly, and glanced at Old Wang and Altman with disdain. These two useless members turned out to be the leader of the Yiqi Dao League. If the owner of Wangquan knew about it, he would definitely crawl out of the grave in anger. ?

How did they do such a shameful thing?

Didn't you see yourself here, tears of the void or something, Li Xuan is really not afraid of taking things.

Yaya also walked over slowly at this time, looked at Bai Yue dumbly, and said in a low voice: "You are still eating, so not serious, it really makes me very angry!"

After Yaya finished speaking, she put her plain hand on her mouth, and a gust of cold air blew out, immediately freezing Bai Yue in place.

The old man Wang and Altman suddenly changed into astronaut clothes, which were covered with spells to prevent the cold.

The old man Altman laughed and said, "Our weakness just now was completely faked."

Old Wang followed suit and said, "Yes, that's right."

The old man Altman continued: "We already have a plan to seal the tears of the void."

Old Wang ran to the vicinity of Baiyue, and asked doubtfully, "What is father's plan?"

The old man Altman took out a bottle from nowhere, and said proudly: "The most important thing about this plan is my great invention. No matter how powerful the tears of the void are, they are just tears. Just use this special bottle of potion I made to seal them. The lacrimal gland will do."

After finishing speaking, he held the bottle and ran towards Bai Yue.

Old Wang said excitedly: "That's amazing, father!"

Li Xuan patted his forehead, and said helplessly: "Why do I feel that these two guys are here to add chaos and make fun?"

Yaya snorted and said, "One Qi Daomeng, that's all."

Sure enough, as soon as the potion was poured on the ice where Bai Yue's eyes were, a small hole was torn open in the ice.

Originally, Bai Yuechu's monster power was completely blocked by the ice, and he couldn't break free at all. Fortunately, the old man Altman gave him a way to vent his monster power.

Pure Yang Yan directly melted the ice on his body along the small opening, and exploded.

The old man Ultraman and Lao Wang were blown away without accident.

Li Xuan said with black lines all over his head: "These two guys really came to make trouble, if it weren't for them, Bai Yue would have been restrained."

Yaya said indifferently: "Don't worry, he won't be tossing around for long, you just watch it, you don't need to take action."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "You are really proud, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it's just an enemy of this level, I believe you can handle it."

(End of this chapter)

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