Planar Causal System

Chapter 514 Virtual Battlefield

Chapter 514 Virtual Battlefield
In the virtual battlefield, Li Xuan was sobbing at the corner of his mouth, not knowing why things developed like this.

On the road: Rui Mengmeng.Middle Road: Xiaoyu.Jungle: Yaya.

And the bottom lane is him and Sona.

Although Xiaoyu meant to create opportunities for Li Xuan, Li Xuan still felt it was weird.

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield, can kill them."

A mechanical synthetic sound came out, and Li Xuan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Although it has not yet joined the store system, this thing is still very strange.

It's not that they need to reach level six to fully use their skills, but they already have all of them, and every level up will increase some of their power.

In this virtual battlefield, no matter how strong they are, they will be suppressed to the same level. What matters is the consciousness and will to fight.

Since the other party is a friend of Sanji.

Li Xuan said to Mike in front of his mouth: "People on the line, take ten steps forward, and then retreat decisively with flash."

This microphone will not be interrupted even if it is dead. It is a virtual composition and is used for team voice.

Although they didn't know what Li Xuan meant, everyone on the line listened to Li Xuan's order and walked ten steps forward.


Sure enough, when Li Xuan finished his tenth step, three bastards emerged from the grass on the lower road and rushed towards Li Xuan.

And Li Xuan also strictly followed his own tactics, decisively flashing back.

Because he has already been hit by a bullet, and the bullet still has a net.

As long as he doesn't flash decisively, then he's here to explain.

Seeing that there were no enemies, Rui Mengmeng, who was on the road, began to attack the virtual soldiers.

If you don't turn up the emulation here, you won't feel the smell of blood, and it won't hurt if someone hits you.

But Li Xuan didn't like this kind of thing very much. He directly adjusted the simulation to [-]% of the online restoration, which would allow him to exert stronger strength.


A song played, and Li Xuan felt that his body was much lighter, it was Sona's assistance.

The four of them squatted down on the road, how easy it was to go on the road and play in the jungle. When they returned to the line, they were all two or three levels.

The card master in the middle has already met Xiao Yu, and the two are throwing skills at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

However, the advantage of clearing monsters is that the cards are bigger, and Xiaoyu has a faint tendency to be suppressed.


There was a loud noise, and a circle of huge stones instantly appeared around the three friends of the grass.

This is Jiawen's unique move, and the sky falls apart.

But because they missed Li Xuan, they locked themselves in, blocking Caitlin's vision along the way.

Li Xuan shrugged helplessly, and smiled at Sona, the gap between them lessened a bit.

If Galen knew that it was because he made Sona accept Li Xuan faster, would this guy go crazy?
Sona changed the song in an instant, and two energies rushed towards the inside of the boulder. After hearing two screams, she knew that someone had been tricked.

This attack can definitely hit the enemy, but whoever is hard to control is hit.

Although Sona has been able to control skill attacks due to the sublimation of her soul, the problem is that she has not yet re-certified as a hero, so she still uses the same skills as before.

But even if it is certified, it is useless. If it can be controlled, it will definitely be weakened elsewhere. Sona is still used to the current fighting style.

As for the one-level subsidy, Sona said that she is not short of money, after all, she is also a big star.


The effect of Skyfall and Earthquake disappeared, and Xin Zhao and Jiawen squatted on the ground, it seemed that the move hit them just now.

Jiawen looked at Sona and said bitterly, "Sona, did you betray us and let the enemy see through our invincible strategy?"


Sona covered her mouth and laughed, but didn't answer Jarvan's question.

She was not used to his serious questioning.

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said contemptuously: "Please, one of the three roads is online, and you are still called the Three Friends of the Grass. Of course I know where you are."

Xin Zhao suddenly realized: "So, you are a wise man."

Li Xuan's head is full of black lines, you can think of this thing with your heels, okay?

"The boss is mighty, I'm almost level three."

Rui Mengmeng's voice came from the headset, she didn't have to fight the hero, she was just high when she abused the soldiers.

Galen was shocked and said: "No, if this continues, the road tower will be demolished, I have to go back quickly."

"Xin Zhao, you blocked my bullet."

An angry voice came from the grass, and it was unmistakably Caitlyn.

Small soldiers have appeared on the road and are fighting with each other. Li Xuan's unscrupulous replenishment here is due to Xin Zhao and Jiawen blocking Caitlin's vision like two mountains...

Xin Zhao snorted and said, "Excuse me, I'm going to the jungle right now."

After speaking, he turned around and left without any regrets.

Li Xuan smiled slightly, and said calmly: "You three, die here."

After speaking, Li Xuan's figure disappeared instantly and appeared behind Galen. He was critically hit by Li Xuan's hundred-step flying sword just now.

Immediately, Li Xuan didn't stop, and made another move of Flying Immortal, knocking Galen back again and again.

"Three against two, let's go."

Jiawen was pleasantly surprised, carrying a long gun, and rushed towards Sona together with Catherine.

Sona took two steps back casually, returning to the range of the tower.

Seeing that there was no way to attack Sona, Jiawen and Caitlin rushed to the middle of the river, where Li Xuan was.

A huge cold air rises, absolutely zero!
Caitlin thought to herself: It's over, there is an ambush.

And what about Xin Zhao?Now the jungler is playing happily, and I don't have any thoughts of helping online.

Yaya's figure appeared beside Jiawen and Caitlin, and she punched Caitlin in the stomach, exorcising the demon.

Caitlin was beaten back again and again, just getting into the attack range of Tower and Sona...


Li Xuan upgraded again, and Galen didn't stand still, he raised his big sword and slashed at Li Xuan.


Parry, counterattack, traverse the Quartet.

Galen turned into white light and disappeared.

Li Xuan and Yaya smiled at Jiawen, Li Xuan said calmly, "Tell me, who do you want to be killed by?"

Jiawen raised his spear and said proudly, "Can't you not want to die?"

Click click.

He was frozen by Yaya's chill.

Li Xuan went up and slashed at him, and Sona and Yaya also used long-distance to join in the fun.

Not long after, Jiawen disappeared as a white light.

After killing Jiawen, Li Xuan shrugged and said, "No."

Fortunately, this battlefield can simulate his weapons, otherwise it would be difficult to play.

The rest is a one-sided massacre. The advantage was too great before. The card was caught and killed by Yaya several times, and the up and down road collapsed. They couldn't hold on at all.

And Xin Zhao, still playing wild quietly...

In a five-on-four situation, the opponent's highland crystal was easily destroyed by Li Xuan and others.

Xin Zhao is also at this time, come back after playing wild to see how the crystal exploded...

Well, Caitlin has already thought of the consequences, it would be strange if she won with these three...

(End of this chapter)

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