Planar Causal System

Chapter 532 So Big, So Big!

Chapter 532 So Big, So Big!
Lena smiled and said, "Okay."

After she finished speaking, she withdrew her leg that was stepping on Cheng Yaowen, and took two steps back, as if she was very interested in what kind of power this man could erupt.

Li Xuan felt that the power in Cheng Yaowen's body was getting stronger and stronger, even reaching the level of a second-generation super soldier.

It can only be said that the genes in this world are really powerful, and the growth rate of strength is almost catching up with Journey to the West.

The monkey listened to the Tao for several days, and he became a fairy.

But here, a group of otaku dicks have only practiced for a year, and several of them have become gods...


A stone pillar suddenly appeared at Leina's position just now, and drilled out at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Reina took a step back as if she had been frightened, because she was running towards her lower body just now.

Cheng Yaowen struggled to stand up, his body was still trembling from the injury just now, or the sudden force.

He lowered his hands, lowered his head, and said in a deep voice, "What if I'm afraid the damage will be too great?"

Lena said with interest: "How big can it be?"

Bang, a stone pillar appeared at Xin Zhao's location, almost bursting Xin Ye's chrysanthemum.

Cheng Yaowen's body was filled with black air, and he seemed to be unable to suppress it any longer.

I saw him roaring: "How well it's being repaired here, what if we destroy the official business?"

Lena put her hands on her hips, smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll pay for it."

Li Xuan shrugged, and whispered to Xiao Yu, "I bet fifty cents that this girl is about to suffer a tragedy."

Xiao Yu looked at Cheng Yaowen's strength visible to the naked eye, and said in surprise, "This Cheng Yaowen has such great potential?"

Li Xuan said with a smile: "It should be said that the potential of these children has no upper limit."

buzz, buzz, buzz...

The power of Cheng Yaowen's body radiated to the surroundings, and countless smoke rose in the eyes of everyone.

This is a precursor to his big move.

Cheng Yaowen sneered, "You said that!"


Cheng Yaowen opened his hands, the ground began to shake, and broken pieces of the stone ground appeared in the smoke and dust.

Puffs of black smoke rose from the ground, and following Cheng Yaowen's movements, more and more fragments were seen in everyone's eyes.

Qilin murmured: "So fierce?"

Qiangwei also looked at Cheng Yaowen with complicated eyes. In the morning, she was still the cannon fodder for her casual abuse, but she became so powerful after a while?Her three views have begun to be destroyed to nothing.

Pop, pop.

Reina took another two steps back.

Cheng Yaowen shouted loudly: "I, Cheng Yaowen, swear on the honor of the Guangdun family! Ah!"

A huge stone pillar drilled out of the ground, at least 20 meters high!
Slowly, more stone pillars also drilled out from the ground, completely destroying the surrounding area, and seemed to form a circle, enveloping everyone inside.

Xin Zhao raised his hand and said, "Mom, the sky is falling apart!"

Teacher Liu is in his office, waiting for Miss Miss to show him the new weapon, and also waiting for Li Xuan to come back from work to discuss education issues with him.

But the current scene made him a little uneasy. Countless famous paintings on the wall fell down due to the trembling of the earth. If he could not feel the extraordinary energy, he would have thought it was an earthquake.

He looked towards the window and saw Cheng Yaowen roaring below, with a knowing smile on his face.

Seeing that all the stone pillars had appeared, Cheng Yaowen felt as if the power in his body had been emptied, and he looked up to the sky and screamed: "Demacia!"

The teaching building of the Super Theological Seminary, plus the square in front, are full of huge stone pillars more than 20 meters high and seven or eight meters square, firmly surrounding everyone in the middle.

Although Li Xuan had seen it in anime before, it is only now that he has experienced this power for himself that he realizes how powerful it is.

Let's not talk about power for now, but this kind of shocking ability far surpasses that of Jarvan in La La La Demacia!

Really, really spectacular.

Sona clasped her hands together, interlocking her fingers, and murmured, "Okay, so beautiful!"

Xiao Yu closed her eyes and said with a smile, "This kind of power of the earth is really wonderful."

Qiangwei also walked to Qilin and Yaya's side with complicated emotions, looked at the huge wall that seemed to be trying to compete with the sky, and said with emotion: "Maybe he really has super god potential."

Liu Chuang also said with a complicated face: "Damn, I rely, I rely, this is the Super Seminary! This shit is too fierce, I won't go to Durban to play in the future, this shit is terrible. "

Ge Xiaolun murmured: "This, this is Cheng Yaowen's power? It's so powerful, so powerful, can I be so vigorous in the future?"

Xin Zhao also said: "For sure, I believe that the Lord will be so fierce in the future."


There was a burst of crazy laughter, and Cheng Yaowen seemed to be crazy, kneeling on the ground, laughing at the sky.

His hometown was destroyed by the power of the sun's light, that was Reina's grandpa.

And it was his father who guarded that world.

It's a pity that he didn't summon that powerful force at that time, and could only watch helplessly as his motherland was wiped out under the power of the sun.

Now that he finally has the power that his family has, which is the power to control the earth, how can he not be surprised, how can he not be excited?
This crazy laugh was like a burst of venting.

Lena also looked at this power in shock, this person really has the potential to be a super god.

This is also her first time seeing a man differently.

She just came to this world today, and she thought she was invincible, but when she saw Li Xuan and others, her self-esteem took a small blow.

But remembering what Teacher Liu said to her, that is an ancient god. In his previous life, he was as strong as his grandfather, and he also accepted the power of his previous life in this life, which is why he is so powerful.

And Xiaoyu is over five hundred years old no matter what, Yaya is estimated to be eight hundred years old, and Sona is much younger, but maybe there are other opportunities?

So these people, just like Teacher Liu, were excluded by her.

But today, she witnessed with her own eyes a dick who had just been stepped under her feet, possessing the power of the earth, how could she not impress her?

When a woman becomes interested in a man, fate has actually come quietly.

Cheng Yaowen looked up to the sky and screamed: "I succeeded, I succeeded! Father, I succeeded, father!"

Everyone looked at Cheng Yaowen's gaffe, but no one laughed at him, but felt the heaviness in his voice.

At this moment, everyone recognized him.

Lena also said in surprise: "Wow, it's so big, so big, so powerful!"

Hmm... very misleading words...

Cheng Yaowen stood up, pointed at Leina and said, "How is it? Goddess sample!"

Lena nodded again and again: "Yeah, not bad, and then?"

Cheng Yaowen said proudly: "Then? Lose money!"


Reina fell to the ground...

This atmosphere is completely destroyed.

 Push "The Story of the Demon King in the City", the author is very beautiful, cute and elegant, transforming articles, daily articles, if you like it, you can read it O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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