Planar Causal System

Chapter 537 Black Armor

Chapter 537 Black Armor
"One, one, one two one."

In Jagustine's slogan, the first batch of fighters of the Super Seminary slowly walked towards their destination, which was the place where the equipment was distributed.

And Li Xuan was already waiting there.

This side is full of men's armor, and the women's armor is on the other side. After all, it is impossible to be together when changing clothes. Although the men's armor is just a coat, the women's armor must be changed, otherwise let them It's better to kill them than to be bloated.

This is a huge factory with an airplane in it and countless machines.

When those students saw the plane, they were amazed and wanted to touch it very much. This is a real fighter jet.

Teacher Liu pointed to the side and smiled: "Don't touch it, there are even cooler ones here. The Super Seminary has made professional suits for everyone, but the cost is expensive. The first batch sent today is the first batch, and there will be another batch tomorrow. "

Ge Xiaolun asked strangely: "What professional suit?"

Li Xuan flew into the air and said with a smile: "I'll try it first, do you have any objections?"

Teacher Liu nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand and said, "Let's go."

A ray of light poured into Li Xuan's body. It was a piece of armor, which just hit Li Xuan.

Li Xuan stood still in mid-air, and countless armor parts were inlaid on his body.

His armor is slightly thin, most of it is defense points, and the rest is designed for his agility without using too many materials.

Although there are not many materials used, the hardness is definitely first-class. This is Li Xuan's black armor.

When all the parts were equipped on Li Xuan's body, he shook his hands tightly. This black armor is really handsome!
He then quietly put the clothes he was wearing into the space, leaving only the black armor and the black leather jacket that he brought.

He had always wanted such a set when watching anime before, but he never thought that his dream would come true now.

Li Xuan summoned the Pangu Ax from the void, and the color and shape of the Pangu Ax changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the technology of this era. They regard the Pangu ax as the core, just like Ge Xiaolun's saber. Using the best core and putting a hard coating on the outside can also make the power of the artifact even better. play.

Pan Gu's ax gradually changed from a one-handed ax to a two-handed axe. The dark and tough feeling matched the armor very well.

This ancient artifact finally showed its due radiance.

Li Xuan did not limit the aura of the Pangu Axe any longer, a force that could open up the world and even make the world full of vitality was continuously released, making Li Xuan's whole person a mysterious color.

Countless small space cracks opened and closed around Li Xuan, closing and opening, as if adapting to Li Xuan's excited mood.

In fact, even if the appearance of the Pangu Ax is changed, its power cannot be increased, but what he originally asked for was not power, but good looks...

Anyway, it can't be improved, so it's okay to change the shape, right?

Although this coating is not as hard as a weapon of the flame sword level, if it is broken, it can be repainted anyway.

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin shouted: "It's so handsome, I want it too, I want it too."

bang bang bang...

After a while, everyone put on black armor.

This is the mainstream of the Super Seminary: Black Armor.

Xiaoyu, Suona, and Yaya also appeared beside Li Xuan at this time. They changed before Leina and the others, and they didn't want to be watched, so they came to Li Xuan immediately.

Their bodies are mainly made of leather armor, and they also focus on the key parts. They are not dragged down by heavy armor, but they perfectly show the curves of their bodies, which makes Li Xuan dumbfounded.

If it weren't for the fact that these three girls belonged to Li Xuan, those males would be drooling and whistling.

Xiao Yu smiled at Li Xuan, "It's really pretty, very similar to my previous clothes."

Well, the style is indeed similar to the clothes that Xiaoyu wore in Qin Shimingyue before, except that there are some more armors, and the color is all black.

And what about Yaya and Sona?Their clothes are also similar, but the styles are slightly different. The country has checked their shopping records and made them according to their favorite styles.

If the three of them stood in a row, it would happen that the busts would go from large to small, which made Xiao Yu feel a little discouraged.

Although she has long since reached the point where she can change her appearance at will, she is still used to her original appearance, and Li Xuan also prefers her original appearance.

Teacher Liu looked at the students who had already put on the black armor, with a satisfied smile on his face. These are the future of China and the future of this world.

Xin Zhao patted his chest and said, "Lord Xin feels that he is invincible."

He has a custom long gun and looks very handsome.

And Ge Xiaolun's weapon is the double-edged sword that Li Xuan has seen before. Its power is not weaker than the Xuanyuan Sword, an ancient artifact. As long as he has the ability, the attack power of that sword is unlimited.

In terms of output alone, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and Leina even surpassed Li Xuan in strength.

But Li Xuan is playing space tearing, which is not the same as their way of using it.

Zhao's weapon is the same as that of Master Yi in another time and space. It is a sword-like weapon. When Li Xuan is idle and bored these two days, he still guides him in swordsmanship.

This guy's swordsmanship is not bad in this world, but there is more room for improvement.

Liu Chuang's weapon is naturally a huge axe, which is a bit similar to Li Xuan's axe, but it has one more function, that is, the ability to pull the enemy back.

As for the power, it is far behind Li Xuan's Pangu axe. If he uses the power of killing gods, he still has to rely on his own strength.

pat, pat, pat.

At this moment, the remaining three girls: Qilin, Qiangwei, and Leina walked towards this side.

Qilin and Qiangwei's outfits are similar, except that Qilin's clothes look more like one piece, while Qiangwei's abdomen and neckline are exposed.

The black armor on Qiangwei's body now is different from the one after the Juxia battle, so it should be regarded as the first version, right?There will be no dead spots on the body in the second version, and it will provide more comprehensive protection than the current one.

Qilin is holding a long sniper rifle, which is also made with the latest technology. It is many times stronger than the Barrett that Yaya gave her. Although this gun cannot kill gods, it is also very powerful. powerful.

What Reina wore was different from others. It was black silk with a skirt and a coat. This was also specially made for her, as if to take care of her Queen Fan?
Anyway, in terms of defense power, it is similar to armor, except for the lack of those black metals. With the hardness of Leina's body, she probably wouldn't care about such a difference.


"Oh, the beauty is here!"

The group of students booed a lot, all showing off their charm after wearing black armor.

Lena waved her hand and said proudly: "Kneel down, you scumbags!"

And those beasts also made coordinated movements, posing in a pose and saying in unison: "Please ravage me, my goddess!"

Li Xuan looked at these children quietly, and said in a low voice, "It's nice to be young."

(End of this chapter)

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