Planar Causal System

Chapter 545 Karl Appears

Chapter 545 Karl Appears
"Check the battlefield, is everyone OK?"

Jagustin ordered everyone to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner, and the war was over.

Li Xuan stood with his three sisters, quietly watching from the sidelines.

Although he is basically playing soy sauce this time, it is because of his existence that he has protected countless ordinary soldiers, and people are full of respect for him.

Ge Xiaolun didn't know how Teacher Wu judged Sun Wukong, but he knew that in Li Xuan's heart, Sun Wukong must be a good person, or an indomitable...monkey?

Suddenly, a huge black phantom appeared in the sky.

This is, Carl, right?

"Hello, inhabitants of Earth."

A magnetic voice came out, but because it was too far away, it seemed a little distorted.

"Many of you don't believe in my existence, but now, you see, I am your god of death."

Just when everyone was stupefied, Li Xuan took a step forward, stood up, and said with his ears open, "Shao Te BB, speak human terms, don't be so fucking male and female."

Carl was not annoyed by Li Xuan's swear words, anyway, he said in a calm manner: "You, the ancient god of this planet, Xing Tian, ​​right? Unexpectedly, it actually exists instead of being created."

"Not only you, but also the three girls behind you, it turns out that [-]% of their souls are evolved from one, what a strange existence."

Seeing that he was indifferent, Li Xuan also put away the rascal, and said in a deep voice: "Carl, or the god of death, I understand your dark world. In your eyes, as long as you die, your mind can be preserved, and it can even be transformed into a universe. Dark matter, inheriting dark civilization, am I right?"

Karl's phantom seemed to smile, and said calmly: "Unexpectedly, someone understands me. Why, do you want to come with me?"

Li Xuan shrugged, folded his arms and said, "Let me introduce your civilization."

Ducao said anxiously: "Li Xuan, what are you going to do..."

At this moment, the communication was interfered by Karl.

Karl nodded and said: "Okay, it's rare to meet a bosom friend. Some people say that God is the end of civilization, no, God is the beginning of civilization. Everything in the past, endless reproduction, in the void and shadow of the vast universe It seems that they are all just preparations for the civilization of the universe.”

"As long as you are with me, you can witness the real universe, what kind of existence it is."

"Of course, if you don't want to be with me, or if you're afraid, that's fine. Sooner or later, you will be cursed by Morgana."

"Or, be extremely ruled by Kesha, and even repeat the tragedy of 1 years ago."

"The grandfather of one of your gods detonated the sun of the Deno galaxy because of anger."

"Even if none of this happens, most of you still cannot escape the end of the nuclear age. Because every god has experienced such a catastrophe in history."

"Thus, they were able to create a divine body that is immune to the nucleus."

"Think about it, do you want to build eternity with me?"

Li Xuan picked his ears and said, "Are you sure, you really know what kind of existence you are?"

Carl nodded and said, "Of course."

Li Xuan took out the Pangu ax and said with a sneer: "Stop making trouble, don't talk about anything else, you can't even analyze the power of the ax in my hand, or even explain how I got here. Besides, you don't even know Angel Nebula How is your fighting power, you can't even limit your own strength, why are you still talking about this?"

"If you don't believe me, go and see your boring big clock, can he understand my existence?"

"As for your so-called great cosmic civilization, it is just that everyone enters the world of the dead from the world of the living. If you have time to read the biography of Li Xuan I wrote in the past six months, I have seen the real reincarnation of the six realms, and there are even countless The human soul, if I think about it, can even make a person immortal."

"Morgana's curse? Kesha's rule? Stop messing around. Although my three daughters-in-law and I can't destroy the entire angel group or the devil group, but if they really come, then my good Erlang of Huaxia, I don’t mind fighting to the death to defend my home and country!”

When everyone heard the last eight words, they all burst into flames, and Ge Xiaolun shouted: "That's right, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Rui Mengmeng followed suit: "Yes, I want to defend my motherland!"

Liu Chuang patted his chest and shouted: "I am the same, for the country, shed the last drop of blood!"

Carl finally changed his attitude, no longer the indifference before, and said to Li Xuan in a deep voice: "Is there any benefit for you to do this?"

Li Xuan picked up the Pangu ax and said with a smile, "I'm so happy! Can you control it?"

Carl frowned slightly and said, "You actually mean what you said."

Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Yes, when the power reaches my level, what about Morgana and Keisha, I have only existed for more than 100 years, and I am not much different from them. Are they really sanctified? Are they still my opponents?"

"The reason why the strong are strong is because they can do whatever they want. And the reason why human beings live is because they still have seven emotions and six desires."

"Otherwise, even if you keep your mind and life, if you can't keep your freedom, what's the difference between death and death?"

"I know what you want to say, there is no absolute freedom, right? But, I think, therefore I am, as long as we think we are free, that's fine, it's none of other people's business?"

"As for the composition of the divine body, don't be ridiculous. I haven't gone through the nuclear age, but I'm definitely as hard as Keisha or Morgana now. This is called the body of a saint. You are only in the realm and soul and power now. It's just taller than me, the physical strength of the two of us is about the same?"

Teacher Liu was sweating coldly at the headquarters and said, "This, this is basically better than you, and you are still so provocative..."

Ducao was very interested, but it was the first time I heard what Li Xuan said, and it was quite interesting.

At this time, Li Xuan pointed to Cheng Yaowen and said, "Leina's grandfather did indeed destroy his country and his planet."

At this time, Leina quickly looked at Cheng Yaowen, and Cheng Yaowen also looked at her.

But Li Xuan changed the subject and said with a sneer: "Don't make trouble, don't say they are comrades-in-arms, even if they don't, they will draw their swords at each other? That was done by Leina's grandfather, not by Leina. Zixian, this is a generation behind."

"If the hatred of the grandparents is counted, then there are no human beings in the world now. The Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China and let Huaxia blow up the earth with them. Who has no hatred? That goes back to In essence, if hatred is calculated in this way, in fact, during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the world should have come to an end."

"Which slaughtered city has few remnants, you slaughter me, I slaughter you, how nice it is for everyone to finish playing together!"

(End of this chapter)

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