Chapter 553
Keisha frowned slightly and said, "Two such existences."

Although Ge Xiaolun's current strength is not very good, but he is the power of the galaxy, and theoretically equal to her.

Keisha snorted and said, "Morgana, a bitch, dares to read our on-site data. I said Earthlings, your system has been invaded by Morgana like your own, and you are fighting her like this. ?”

Li Xuan hugged the Pangu axe and said with a sneer, "We won, didn't we?"

Keisha clicked her fingers and said as she clicked: "One, two, three, four, um, four powerhouses with a lower level of authority, plus yourself, can indeed defeat Morgana, but if you don't eliminate her , she will continue to spread corruption, and ultimate terror."

Ge Xiaolun said to Li Xuan: "What are you talking about? I don't understand. What are they trying to do?"

Li Xuan shrugged and said, "She's going to fight a demon, but that will affect people on Earth."

Ge Xiaolun was angry at the time, pointing at Keisha and said, "Are you sick? Why don't you go home and fight?"

Keisha whispered: "I'm sorry, the power of the galaxy. Since the Super Seminary has done so many things here, I won't participate. I have a reserved attitude towards Principal Kieran's philosophy. It's just that we are against the traitors. Trial, innocent people may be hurt."

Li Xuan said coldly: "So, no authorization."

After speaking, he patted Ge Xiaolun on the shoulder, and said to him: "You also have the right to authorize her, don't authorize her, she will hurt the earth like that."

Ge Xiaolun pointed at himself and said in surprise: "Me? What authority do I have? What are you talking about?"

Li Xuan nodded and said: "That's right, don't look at you as a weak chicken now, but in the future you will stand on the same level as me."

Ge Xiaolun came to his senses now, and hurriedly said: "No authorization!"

Although he doesn't understand what Li Xuan is talking about now, he knows that he only needs to listen to Li Xuan at this time. He is an existence that can roam countless planes.

Li Xuan held a big hand, Xiaoyu, Yaya, and Monkey King surrounded Kaisha in a four-cornered posture.

Li Xuan said coldly: "Don't even think about launching a big trial on Earth, Keisha, or we don't mind killing God today. Leina, Wei Ying, Liu Chuang, get ready to fight God. Cheng Yaowen, Xin Zhao, Qiangwei, protect Du Admiral Kayo."

Ducao hurriedly said: "Listen to him!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Wei Ying, Liu Chuang, and Leina all appeared outside the encirclement of the four, forming a larger encirclement.

"Attention, Morgana is flying over Juxia City. Now that the trial is being executed, there will only be about 1000 casualties, but if she arrives completely, it will cause millions of casualties."

The voice of the angel next to Kesha sounded.

Li Xuan snorted and said, "Wars are about the soldiers, not about us, and have nothing to do with you!"

Keisha said indifferently: "What you do will only cause more people on Earth to die. If you eliminate Morgana now, you will prevent the interstellar catastrophe in advance."

Suddenly, Morgana's phantom appeared in everyone's sight. This is an interstellar message, high technology.

Morgana's huge projection pointed at Kesha and cursed: "Go to your uncle's bitch, Kyle, do you think you can destroy me? Hahahaha, launch your trial, besides blowing up Juxia City to the sky, I will still live in style, and then watch you be swallowed by the ultimate fear, hahahaha! Come and destroy me, Bichi!"

Keisha said in a deep voice: "Even if I die, I can't let go of any chance to destroy her. You don't understand that Morgana is the root of all depravity and the starting point of all evil. She has plunged countless worlds into darkness. She spreads the ultimate fear in the universe, spreading the idea of ​​​​incomparable evil."

Li Xuan snorted and said, "Put all the depravity and crimes on Morgana? Then kill and set fire to be able to feel at ease? Don't make trouble with Kesha, this is a symbol of human desire. We will deal with it ourselves if we are guilty, and we will not blame anyone. Man, if the ultimate fear existed, I would smash it to pieces with the axe."

After speaking, Li Xuan raised the Pangu axe, and looked at Kaisha coldly, as long as there was something wrong with her, Li Xuan would strike first.

Civilians are innocent in war.

Although as she said, more people will die, but now that Li Xuan is a soldier and the patron saint of China, he will not let this happen.

No matter what position he stood on before, but at this moment, he is a city wall, a barrier.

Even if he made a mistake, he would pay for it himself, instead of entrusting the responsibility, or the future, to others.

"I spread the ultimate fear because the ultimate fear really exists! Lena, explode your power, all civilized worlds, only your power can control the sun! How great and dazzling, let it destroy the Deno galaxy, Cheng Yaowen he Father's world is the same..."

Cheng Yaowen murmured in a low voice: "How can I bear it, now..."

Morgana's influence disappeared immediately, everyone looked up, Li Xuan's ax was pointed there, and a huge space crack swallowed Morgana's influence.

Li Xuan took the ax away and said, "She talks too much, it's uncomfortable to hear, Keisha, are you determined to do it?"

Ducao looked at the expressions of Lena and Cheng Yaowen, and shouted: "Did you see? Keisha, they are emotionally unstable now, stop me."

Keisha's voice was rare, and she said coldly to Ducao: "Look, why did you bring such a dangerous thing to the earth?"

After speaking, he pointed to Reina.

Duka Holland said: "Because I believe that they are kind."

Li Xuan shrugged and said: "Even if she is used, I can open the space door and send her away. How about sending her to Morgana's hometown? Anyway, it won't explode on Earth."

Kaisha stared at Li Xuan and said, "Right now, you don't have enough strength to open a stable space channel."

Li Xuan said indifferently: "There will be, don't worry."

Keisha snorted and said, "Let's do this today. Look at yourselves. The problem is much more serious. Let's deal with yourselves first. Let's go first."


The huge space teleportation technology, Kaisha and those angels finally disappeared in front of everyone.

Li Xuan and others also returned to the Juxia.

Ducao breathed a sigh of relief, and when he came to Li Xuan, he said in a deep voice, "Thank you very much today, Major General Li Xuan."

Li Xuan said with a smile: "Defending the country is the duty of a soldier, but after a while, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle to be fought. Angels are not bad people, but they are not good people either. The same goes for demons."

Speaking of this, Li Xuan looked at Ducao seriously and said: "Their choices may be right or wrong. These children are still too young, and their future is in your hands. Admiral Ducao."

(End of this chapter)

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