Planar Causal System

Chapter 563 Hope

Chapter 563 Hope (The Finale)

At the beginning of chaos, countless planets reorganized, and the stars became suns that were emitting faint light.

Countless breaths of life came from this chaos, mountains, rivers and earth appeared on the two planets, and hundreds of rivers flowed into the sea.

If you have read the history of the Deno galaxy, you should know that this is when the two planets were just born.

There are no living things inside, just some weak spores, but after thousands or even ten thousand years of reproduction, they will become real life and eventually dominate this planet.

Everything is so beautiful, this is the greatness of life.

Karl stared blankly at the reappearing galaxy, feeling that his three views had been refreshed, so powerful, so powerful, his ultimate fear was too weak.

His ax just now gave birth to countless hopes called life.

Li Xuan walked out of the galaxy step by step, even though it was an endless void, even though everyone was separated by an unknown number of light years.

But with every step Li Xuan took, it seemed as if it was beating on the chests of Karl and Lena.

He did it, he really did it.

With the power of one person, he can open up the world and prevent the world from being annihilated by the ultimate fear. Is this his power?

Li Xuan instilled the memories and souls of his old friends, as long as they had died, into the Deno galaxy, and believed that ten thousand years later, they would take root and sprout.

He can't create a saint, he can't create a god, but he can create hope.

The figure of Li Xuan stood quietly in front of Carl, silent, just looked at him indifferently.

Karl was also looking at Li Xuan, the young man with double pupils.

He changed into a black armor, and the gray inner coat, black outer robe, and the huge ghost characters on the back seemed to put him under endless pressure.

Even Guiguzi Wang Xu himself may not have the power and influence of Li Xuan now.

The power of the two is no longer in the same dimension.

Just now, he was like an indomitable giant, transcending time, space, life, and death.

Karl lowered his proud head and said in a deep voice, "I... lost."

He didn't think he would lose, because in his opinion, no one can create life out of thin air.

But if no one else could, how did he do it?
Li Xuan nodded, and said softly: "Life and death are born together. You are not wrong, and I am not wrong. The three thousand roads lead to the same goal. I hope you will understand one day."

Carl whispered: "What do you want me to do?"

A cold light flashed in Li Xuan's eyes, and he smiled and said: "Mobilize all the troops you can mobilize, right here, and I want to accelerate the growth of this galaxy."

Carl frowned slightly, and asked doubtfully, "Are you trying to prevent them from invading the Milky Way?"

Li Xuan shook his head, his eyes flashed, and the image of the crystal that he ate before played out in the void along Li Xuan's eyes.

Ge Xiaolun and Leina looked at the scene played by Li Xuan in surprise. Some of those strong men even surpassed Leina's grandfather, Kieran, and Karl.

Fortunately, the strongest part has fallen.

Is this the world facing such an enemy?

Karl smiled slightly, and said calmly: "I understand, I will put all the gluttonous fleets here, and I will let those guys who hinder me from seeking the truth be completely annihilated in the Deno galaxy."

Sona whispered: "The life of the enemy will be turned into nourishment, and the blood of the enemy will nourish life. Let their death witness the true recovery of the Deno galaxy."

The huge space portal opened, and it was the power of the big clock. Countless fleets appeared on the opposite side of everyone, that is, on the other side of the galaxy. This is the strength of Karl's subordinates. They have completed the development of the void engine and equipped it with the void engine army.

Li Xuan smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly turned into empty white light.

Again, two gigantic black holes lit up, and Morgana, unaware, and her army of demons, appeared on one side of the galaxy.

Opposite them is the army of angels, including Angel Yan, who has just become the commander of the angels, appearing opposite them.

This is not Li Xuan's power, but Li Xuan plus Carl, plus the power of the big clock, which pulled them all over.

Correspondingly, there are countless fleets under the order of angels, and countless fleets under the order of demons.

The four directions of southeast, north and south are full of strong men.

To the east, Li Xuan and his party, plus Karl and his gravediggers.

There are not many people here, but they are all first-class powerhouses with super destructive power, and there is a portal here. As long as the reinforcements from the Super Seminary arrive, they can come out continuously.

To the west is Karl's Gluttonous Fleet. Although it has the largest number of people, it is also the weakest. After all, there are too few strong ones, and they are all piled up by technology.

To the south is Morgana and her army of demons, and her heroes are also there, and now they are angrily calling Li Xuan shameless.

To the north is an entire army of angels, all of whom are second-generation super fighters and above, and many of them have reached the level of the third generation.

With the addition of the fleets on both sides, it is estimated that it is enough to drink a pot.

Yan looked at Ge Xiaolun through the endless void, and Ge Xiaolun also looked at Yan through the endless void.

The two nodded at the same time, without saying a thousand words.

Li Xuan's movements didn't stop, the Pangu Ax was empty, and a huge space crack appeared on the star.

Thousands of guys dressed in weird shapes showed up there.

These are the enemies of Li Xuan, the enemies of Dimensional Office, and even the enemies of this world.

Ge Xiaolun drew out his big sword, pointed at the group of intruders, and shouted: "I will lead the charge!"

Xiaoyu's hand lit up with a purple real fire of the lunar eclipse, as if it could burn even time.

Yaya's body was filled with chills, as if even the space could be frozen.

A black stone staff appeared in Karl's hand, with a black light that could kill people.

The power of the sun emerged from Reina, she is the choice of the sun, the real sun god.

These enemies, their flesh and blood, will only accelerate the growth of the De Nuo galaxy. For Cheng Yaowen, she is duty-bound.

Li Xuan transmitted the influence to the minds of angels and demons.

If they want to fight, they can kill the enemy in front of them first.

On the other side, a guy dressed like a future soldier yelled: "Ambush among us, kill all these guys, break out, and hand over the leading angel to me!"

Yan smiled slightly, and said in a low voice, "Is the taste of an angel so delicious?"

The sound of Sona's piano spread throughout the galaxy, except for the enemies who were all blessed and enhanced by her power.

Li Xuan pointed at those traversers with the Pangu axe, and said coldly: "Do you want this world? Ask the angels, ask the demons, ask Karl, ask the Xiongbing Company, ask...I, Li Xuan!"

Immediately, Li Xuan's eyes were bleeding, and Xing Tian's fierce aura appeared on Li Xuan again, and Li Xuan shouted: "For the sake of this universe, let's kill!"


All the strong men rushed towards those traversers.

Numerous space-class battleships aimed at them.

On Li Xuan's axe, a bloodthirsty light shone.

The smile on the corner of Karl's mouth never stopped.

Companions far away on the earth, watching their comrades in phantom.

In this battle, no matter whether it is victory or defeat, no one will back down. This is everyone's hope!

The whole book is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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