The ugly husband of the sturdy peasant girl is spoiled by the sky

Chapter 77, Ready to go into the mountains to pick chestnuts

Chapter 77, Ready to go into the mountains to pick chestnuts

The shopkeeper of the shop saw several little girls entering the shop, and immediately stepped forward to greet them warmly.

"What do you ladies want to see?"

This is the first time that cauliflower, scallion, and bean curd are called Miss.

He pursed his lips and secretly smiled.

Huzi felt that this was a shop only for women, so he waited outside, watching people come and go on the street, Huzi thought about what to sell in the future?
Walking around the streets or going to the countryside, selling some things, and doing homework, as if anticipating the bright future, Huzi suddenly smirked.

In the shop, Shu Xin and his sisters looked at a lot of things, and bought a pair of hair rings for cauliflower, green onion, and bean curd. Although they were not as exquisite as the pair given by Shen Duowang, they were still worth a pair of silver.

Shu Xin also took a fancy to a silver hairpin and a bracelet, both of which add up to five taels of silver.

"Shopkeeper, please help me wrap it with a red cloth!"

A total of [-] taels of silver, Shu Xin bargained and asked the shopkeeper to send another pair of hair rings.

As for wearing pearls, Shu Xin thought about returning home, and gave her a pair of pearl earrings and a pearl bracelet, which should also be named after her pearls.

After buying something, I left the jewelry store and went to buy vegetables.

There are rice noodles at home, but not many, Shu Xin wants to buy some back, but he can't feel wronged by Dai Zhenzhu.

The shopkeeper of the rice shop rolled his eyes when he saw Shu Xin, and greeted Shu Xin warmly.

"Nowadays the frontiers are at war, and this food is probably going to be expensive. If you have extra money, you can buy more!"

Is the frontier at war?

Shu Xin didn't know anything in Shujia Village, but Dai Zhenzhu nodded, "I heard my father say it, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Shu Xin thinks that there is no field at home, and everyone else is harvesting rice, but her family only has corn and soybeans, and it is okay to buy some back.

Just how to bring it back?
Even Hu Zi, Hu Zi wants to buy some.

Now that I asked Shu Xin to borrow money, it would be unreasonable if I went to Shu Xin's house to get rice and flour.

"Ah Xin, why don't we each buy a few dozen catties and eat it first? Everyone in the village is harvesting rice, and some people will sell rice at that time. The rice is cheaper!"

"Although millet is cheap, you have to grind it yourself. It takes a lot of time and effort. It's better to buy polished rice!" Shu Xin said, asking the shopkeeper for a hundred catties of polished rice, mung beans, red beans, glutinous rice, flour, sugar, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar. Ask him to help send it to Daiji Buzhuang.

Especially salt, Shu Xin bought more.

Autumn is coming soon, many things will not go bad when pickled, and salt is essential to pickle things.

Huzi bought [-] catties of polished rice and [-] catties of flour. Seeing the money go out, his heart ached.

"Shopkeeper, you must be accurate, we are all regular customers, if you are short of money, we will not come next time!" Shu Xin said again.

The shopkeeper hurriedly apologized, "Don't worry, Miss, you will never make a mistake, I will give you more of everything, and besides, there is no reason to extrapolate for a big customer like Miss, and don't worry, you will never be short of money!"

"Then I would like to thank the shopkeeper, and trouble the shopkeeper to send it to Dai Ji!"

"It should be, it should be!"

A few people went to the street to buy vegetables again. There were vegetables at home, and they mainly bought meat. In autumn, there were already early-ripe oranges and grapefruits. Shu Xin bought some for Hu Zi to carry, while she led Dou Hua.

Maybe it's time for lunch, there are far fewer people on the street, and Douhua can see a lot, but she is now immersed in the joy of getting a hair tie, and she can't see anything sold on the street.

It is cauliflower and chopped green onion.

Both of them blushed, their eyes were full of smiles, and they felt light and light when they walked, a little unreal.

Although it was only a pair of small hair ties, it was the first time they had received such a valuable gift since they grew up so big.

It was the eldest sister who earned money to buy them for them.

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling very happy in their hearts.

Shu Xin also knew how happy the three younger sisters were, seeing their happy faces, he was also very happy in his heart.

I bought spare ribs, fat pork, a pork belly, and three catties of leg meat, and put them in the back basket.

Huzi didn't feel any difficulty carrying it on his back, he just admired Shu Xin, not to mention being able to make money, he spent money with pride.

Buy it if you say it, without hesitation at all.

Unlike him, he hesitated for a long time when he wanted to buy something.

I bought another half a catty of onions, and took them back to grow delicious onions.

Some people were even selling chestnuts and kiwis. Shu Xin once again lamented that the ancients were actually very good at eating.

Shu Xin wanted to buy chestnuts and kiwis, but Huzi stopped her, "I know there are some in the mountains, I'll get them tomorrow!"

"Really?" Shu Xin asked in surprise.

She is almost blind from embroidery at home, and she has long wanted to go to the mountains to make strings.

In the past, she and Caihua didn't dare to go deep, but now that there are more cubs, she naturally wants to go.

This chestnut, tomorrow is a good thing, delicious and nutritious.

Huzi nodded heavily.

"Then listen to you, I won't buy it, let's go to the mountains to get chestnuts and kiwis tomorrow!"

On the way back, Dai Zhenzhu whispered, "I want to go too!"

"Can sister Pearl do it?" Shu Xin was afraid that Dai Zhenzhu would not be able to climb the mountain.

"Why can't I, my strength is very good. Last time I went to the temple with my mother to offer incense. It was very tall. I climbed it. Let's see!"

Shu Xin laughed, "Then I can wait and see!"

Smiling, he went back to Daiji Buzhuang. The food was almost prepared, and he could eat after washing, even rice grains were brought over.

"Sit down and eat!" Mrs. Dai greeted gently.

He called two more daughter-in-laws over. The two younger brothers were at school, the second brother went out to buy goods, and the eldest brother just came back.

Shu Xin glanced at the eldest brother who was helping his sister-in-law with food, and at the harmony of the Dai family. He realized that only open-minded parents could educate Dai Zhenzhu who is as gentle, kind, generous and resolute as Dai Zhenzhu.

That Xiao Jiguang was really blind, he didn't know how to cherish such a good girl.

After eating, Brother Dai began to move things to the car. Huzi stepped forward to help, and Brother Dai patted Huzi on the shoulder, "Boy is strong enough!"

"Brother Dai!" Hu Zi called out in a low voice.


Shopkeeper Dai called Shu Xin to the inner courtyard, and handed four hundred taels of silver bills to Shu Xin.


"I'll give you the silver first. If someone in the village sells millet, you can buy more and store it. Now that the frontier is fighting, we don't feel much in this small town. The price of food in big counties is one day. Buy as much as you can. Some, maybe when it will be used!"

Shu Xin nodded.

Shopkeeper Dai thought for a while and then said, "Your house is not very good after all. If there is an accident and there is no one to help you, what is the condition of Huzi's house? If you can't live on, you can borrow some money." Give him the money and build the house next door to your house, I think his grandpa and grandma are sensible people, so living next door to your house will take care of him!"

"Thank you godfather, I told Brother Huzi about this yesterday, and I also lent him the money. His house will be repaired soon!"

"This is good, this is good!"

Shu Xin put away the banknotes, and said a few more words to shopkeeper Dai, nothing more than to ask him to beware of the Xiao family, Xiao Jiguang is so bold, let alone the rest of the Xiao family.

Shopkeeper Dai nodded in agreement.

He even told Shu Xin that someone in the town was talking nonsense to slander Pearl's reputation, otherwise Pearl wouldn't have said that she was going to Shu Xin's house, so she would have gone.

Shu Xin broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

Angry and furious, "This Xiao Jiguang is really shameless!"

After loading everything into the carriage, Dai Zhenzhu bid farewell to her parents and sister-in-law, and happily boarded the carriage to Shujia Village.

Watching the carriage leave, Madam Da complained to her husband, "What a heartless person, just leave as soon as you say, look at how happy she is!"

"It's also good to go out for a walk. Ah Xin's family is honest, friendly and friendly. Pearl will only learn well when she goes there. Don't worry. If you miss her, go see her, or bring her back!"

"I'm afraid that when the time comes to pick her up, she won't come back!" Mrs. Dai said, somewhat sad.

This is just a short stay, what if I get married in the future?

It's fine to marry and live a good life, but if a bunch of bad things happen...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Dai almost cried.

He secretly told himself that he couldn't think about it anymore, and if he continued to think about it, he would be humiliated in front of his two daughters-in-law.

The two daughters-in-law were also sharp-eyed and clever, and quickly coaxed Mrs. Dai into the backyard.

In the carriage, laughter and laughter.

Brother Dai and Hu Zi sat on the driver's seat, one shook his head and laughed, and the other was also full of joy.

He called Dai Zhenzhu earlier, Dai Zhenzhu answered him sweetly, and even smiled at him.

In fact, he was already ready to be blinded and ignored.

But she didn't want Dai Pearl to ignore him.

A little bit of joy in my heart!

Shu Xinjia

The third grandma and the third grandpa came to work in the field early, and Mrs. Liu brought her two children and couldn't go to help, so she cooked mung bean soup and sent it over. After lunch was cooked, the two old people came to eat.

Not rich, but not bad either.

After the meal, the third grandpa and the third grandma were going to work again, Mrs. Liu stopped them and persuaded them,

"San Bo, San Aunt, the work in the field is not in a hurry, you still have to take care of your body, if you really want to get tired, you will not blame yourself, and you will have to spend money to hire a doctor to buy medicine. Good deal!"

The third grandpa fell silent in Wenyan.

He was thinking that he finally got the land again, and it would have to be reclaimed, and it would be good to plant anything. Looking at the empty place, he felt uncomfortable.

After all, there has been no land for many years.

"His grandfather?" the third grandma called out.

"Then let's rest for a while before going!"

Mrs. Liu breathed a sigh of relief, "Uncle and Aunt San, let's live in the room next to the main room. The mats are clean and the room is cool. Go to sleep before doing it. The town is back, let Ah Xin and the others help with the work!"

The third grandpa looked at Liu Shi for a long time before entering the room to rest with red eyes without saying a word.

The third grandma looked at Liu Shi, "Chong Niang, thank you!"

Liu Shi smiled and said nothing.

What is there to thank for this.

Feed the two dogs, secure the gate of the yard, and take my younger brother and younger sister into the house to sleep for a while.

Thinking of the few children who went to the town, Liu still missed them.

Especially chopped green onion and bean curd is the first time to go.

I was afraid that I would be lost by a kidnapper.

When Shu Xin and others came back, the door of the house was closed. Shu Xin and the others looked at each other, and then started clapping and shouting, "Mom, we're back!"

Tuanyuan and Pingan cooed in the yard.

Liu Shi was awakened.

Even the third grandpa and the third grandma got up quickly.

The third grandpa came out first and opened the door. Seeing the children returning safely, he smiled, "I'm back!"

"Third grandpa!"


Dai Zhenzhu looked at the third grandpa, thought for a while and then called out, "Third grandpa!" Teng Dengdeng hid behind Shu Xin.

She is afraid of dogs.

"Sister Pearl, don't be afraid, they don't bite!"

"But they're so big!"

"You can take care of the nursing home!" Shu Xin said, asking Caihua to shut the two dogs to the backyard first.

Only then did Dai Zhenzhu stand up from behind Shu Xin, and shouted to Liu Shi, who was carrying Yaomei and younger brother, "Aunt Liu!"

Step forward to take the younger brother.

Huzi and Brother Dai are the ones who move things.

Seeing that he had bought so much food and packed it in cloth bags, Liu didn't say much, "There's mung bean soup in the kitchen, Brother Dai also drinks a bowl before leaving!"

"it is good!"

After eating mung bean soup, Brother Dai went back to town.

Shu Xin wanted Dai Zhenzhu to live in her room, but Dai Zhenzhu chose to sleep with Douhua.

It should mean that she wants to sleep with Dou Hua tonight, with Cauliflower tomorrow night, and with Scallion the day after tomorrow, and Shu Xin will take turns.

Shu Xin had no choice but to let her go.

The sisters helped Dai Zhenzhu put away the clothes and put away the food, and Huzi went to help with the work.

Shu Xincai took Liu Shi and asked her to sit on the stool, with cauliflower and green onion holding the younger brother and the younger sister.

Douhua is happy.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Shi knew something, but is it really possible?

Although Shu Xin likes to buy things, they are all food, and he never buys things randomly.

"Mother just close your eyes!"

"That's right, Aunt Liu, close your eyes and leave the rest to us!"

Mrs. Liu was sitting on the stool, and Shu Xin took a comb to loosen Mrs. Liu's hair. She took the comb to comb Mrs. Liu's hair. Looking at the white hair between Mrs. Liu's hair, Shu Xin's eyes were slightly red, and she turned her head deeply. Take a breath.

Only then did he continue to comb Liu's hair into a bun and fix it with silver hairpins.

He took Liu's hand again and put the silver bracelet on her.

There was something cold on her wrist, and Liu could feel it without opening her eyes, and immediately shed tears.

When I was a girl, my mother still bought her a pair of hair rings. Later, when I was older, I got a silver hairpin when I married, but my sister-in-law cried and asked for it.

After marrying Shu'amu, let alone silver hairpins, even silver has never been touched.

Unexpectedly, Shu Xin, the eldest daughter, was thinking about her.

"Why spend all this money!"

"I'm willing to buy it for my mother and my younger sisters!" Shu Xin said, squatting in front of Mrs. Liu, "Mother is so pretty!"

He took a handkerchief and wiped Liu's tears, "Mom, don't cry!"

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's a good thing, why should I cry, it made Pearl laugh!"

Dai Pearl smiled and said nothing.

What a joke.

Mother loving son filial piety, how wonderful!
Shu Xin showed Liu Shi a mirror.

The mirror at this time was actually still very blurry, only a blurry shadow could be seen, but it did not hinder Liu Shi's joy, holding the mirror to look carefully, her eyes were red again.

Shu Xin braided Dou Hua and put a ring on her hair.


Dou Hua giggled.

When I came back, I decided not to tell Liu's embroidery that it had been robbed. In addition to a false alarm, I bought hair rings. The cauliflower, chopped green onion, and bean curd were very happy. Let them go to the town, and they are very happy.

Liu Shi didn't even think about those bad covers.

When the place was cleaned up, Shu Xin took the cauliflower and green onion to help Huzi with his work. What the third grandpa wanted to say, he didn't say anything in the end. He just worked hard with red eyes, thinking about getting the ground After the reclamation, wait until the weather is cold, and plant some wheat. In the next spring, there will be wheat, and it is also very good to sell it for flour.

In addition, the house was going to be built next to Shu Xin's house, so one mu of land had to be returned to Shu Xin's house, and it had to be reclaimed earlier.

Dai Zhenzhu was very curious, tried a few times and found that he was not the material for this.

In addition to the two dogs crawling around in the ground, Dai Zhenzhu tried to tease the two dogs, suppressing her fear, and they played together very quickly.

Picking up a stone and throwing it out, he was quickly bitten back.

Dai Zhenzhu wanted to make a hydrangea ball for them to play with, so she went back and asked Mrs. Liu if she had any rags. Liu took some out and made a hydrangea ball with Dai Zhenzhu.

The people in the field were working hard, and Liu accompanied Dai Zhenzhu to make hydrangea balls, and let Dou Hua watch over her younger brother and sister Yao, while she was busy with dinner in the kitchen.

Pork belly needs to be cooked for a longer time, braised pork ribs, pork ribs soup with yams, lean meat fried bean sprouts, fried vegetables, steamed pumpkin buns, and porridge.

Wait for Shu Xin, Huzi and the others to come back and eat it by hand.

There was scalding hot water in the clean pot, Shu Xin insisted on working and washed his face with hot water, drinking boiled water to cool down.

Gradually, it seemed that Shu Xin had gotten used to it.

The dinner was placed on the stone table in the yard, surrounded by a table, poured a small glass of wine for the third grandpa, and the third grandpa sipped it comfortably, enjoying this peaceful moment very much.

Shu Xin's family regards them as their relatives, so naturally they do too.

After living next door to each other, we can take care of each other, and we can sit down and talk after eating without rushing home.

"Ah Xin, I heard from Huzi that tomorrow you are going to go to the mountains to pick chestnuts and vine pears (kiwis)?" the third grandpa asked in a low voice.

"Well, brother Huzi knows where it is. I want to go and see if I can pick some up and cook them!"

"It's okay to go to the mountains, but you must bring the hatchet, and don't go to the deep mountains!"

"Listen to the third grandpa!"

Back home, the third grandpa had to give Huzi another order. He is an older brother and has to take care of several younger sisters. Don’t go to the deep mountains. When encountering ferocious animals, don’t think about running away alone, but take a few younger sisters with you. Run away together.

Tiger nodded.

"And you remember!"

"Grandpa, I remember!"

"Just remember it, go to sleep!" Wrapped in a stick of dry tobacco, he smoked it.

It's finally starting to feel good.

Thinking of this, I laughed.

Since she was going to go into the mountains, she had to wear pants, and Dai Zhenzhu was also going. Shu Xin had prepared pants and shoes for her early on.

Even the back straps and sacks are ready.

"Looking at you like this, do you think you can pick up a lot of chestnuts?" Dai Zhenzhu asked in a low voice.

"Of course, maybe we want to bring back all the thorns, and of course we have to bring sacks!"

"What if it doesn't exist, or is picked up by someone else?"

"There's a lot to eat in the mountains. If we don't have this one, let's pick up other ones, not just this one!"

Dai Zhenzhu nodded and fell asleep peacefully.

The home of the county magistrate of Dafeng County, the county seat above Conghe Town.

Shen Duowang jumped off the high wall and landed outside the county magistrate's study. Seeing the lights on in the study, he seemed to be busy alone, so he yelled, "Gou Zhicun, come out!"

Gou Zhicun is the county magistrate of Dafeng County. It has been so many years that few people call him by his first and last name like this. He stood up angrily and left the study room. He wanted to scold him, but he saw the golden token that read Yu Zi, suddenly frightened his legs, and knelt on the ground, "My minister Gou Zhicun pays homage to my emperor, long live, and the imperial envoy!"

(End of this chapter)

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