The First Ugly Concubine: Raiders of Male God Cultivation

Chapter 25 Can beggars also come to book the venue?

Chapter 25 Can beggars also come to book the venue?

The people sitting in the hall watched Bai Qingran and his party go upstairs. Zhaocai and Jinbao seemed to feel their backs straightened, and followed Bai Qingran away without squinting.

To go to the fifth floor, you don't have to take the usual route, but there is an exclusive passage for VIPs, and you can go directly to the fifth floor in one go. Bai Qingran is somewhat satisfied with this arrangement, as she doesn't like crowds.

Xiaoer was leading the way, wondering if all the nobles are so low-key these days?The clothes are not worth a few gold coins, but the food is ten thousand gold coins. Sure enough, he can't become a nobleman, he doesn't understand the world of noblemen at all.

There is only one room on the last floor, which means that the entire floor is booked. The booking fee is [-] gold coins, which is enough for ordinary people to spend for several years. Even some wealthy people in Beijing rarely rent a floor. At most, it is only on the third and fourth floors, and only on the fifth floor for private bookings during the holidays or when there are happy events.

Not only is the reservation fee expensive on the fifth floor, but all the dishes that are exactly the same as the ones below will be charged a high price of 50.00%, which is called a service fee.

Of course, people who can go to the fifth floor to book a room don't care about such a small amount of money. Besides, people who go to the fifth floor usually do it for face, don't they want class?Money is class.

Qing'er thinks that although her young lady still has several million in her hand, spending money is like flowing water, and the two of them will still live in the future. She manages the house on the premise of not wasting and not wasting, while Bai Qingran depends on her mood.

As long as little Bibi refines her medicine a few more times, the gold coins Qing'er can get in exchange for a few lifetimes, so she doesn't care so much, thinking that she has reached the seventh level now, and the growth has been slow during this period, she It's better to start learning medicine. Thinking about what Little Bibi said, there are a lot of medicinal materials in the depths of the icy forest, so let's go after making proper arrangements for things here.

Xiao Er brought over the menu, Bai Qingran didn't have too many demands on what to eat, but she held Mo Zhi and didn't know what the spirit beast should eat, "What do you like?"

She asked Xiaoer to read it again, and Mo Zhi didn't show any interest on his face, but fell asleep in her arms as soon as he closed his eyes, "No, today is your shell-breaking day, since you don't know anything If you don't like it, then... Xiaoer, cook us a bowl of longevity noodles."

Xiaoer was taken aback, "Girl, what are longevity noodles?"

Bai Qingran didn't know how to explain it. In modern times, she would cook a bowl of longevity noodles for her birthday every year, but it seemed that after eating so many bowls, she still couldn't live a long life. This habit has always been preserved.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself, you take me to your kitchen, and you can also order a portion of other special dishes." She put Mo Zhi on the soft couch at the side, and left with Xiaoer.

Zhaocai and Jinbao sat at the table, everything seemed like a dream, "Isn't this master a little too approachable, and let us eat at the same table with her?"

Qing'er's eyes flickered slightly, as if Bai Qingran was very approachable as long as she was three feet away from her, she would cook for a spirit beast herself, she felt a little bit emotional, such a master could not be found even with a lantern Yes, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, so... maybe it's not bad.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, there were special musicians playing, dancers dancing, Zhao Cai Jin Bao and both of them stared straight at each other, only Mo Zhi turned a deaf ear, his small body curled into a ball, on the soft couch Sleep soundly.

After waiting for a while, a high-pitched voice suddenly came from my ear: "What, the fifth floor is covered?"

"Yes, Ms. Nangong, there were already guests taking reservations just before a stick of incense, and the fourth floor was empty, miss..." Xiao Er's voice came out.

"My sister's birthday, I came here specially, how dare you let us go to the fourth floor, fortunately we spend our birthdays with you every year, call your shopkeeper." The woman's voice was very noisy, as if she was about to come up.

A trace of worry flashed in the eyes of Qing'er and the others. The Nangong family is not something they can offend. The Nangong family only has two daughters. The eldest daughter, Nangong Wan'er, belongs to the same type of white lotus as Bai Zhiyan. screaming in front of people, then it is the youngest daughter Nangong Ling, who went to Tianjianmen to practice since she was a child, and was only at home for about two months a year.

It just so happens that today is Nangong Wan'er's birthday, so I rushed back. Hearing this voice, she is not someone to be provoked. The young lady is not around now, so Qing'er is a little scared, and even knows how to make money. Not good, listening to the music sounds like chewing wax.

"Hey, Miss Nangong, there are indeed people on the fifth floor. Do you think it's okay to do this? Can you come back after the guests in front have finished their meals?" The shopkeeper's voice was a bit embarrassed.

"My sister and the others are coming soon, and you asked us to wait for them to finish eating?" The woman was arrogant.

"This... Otherwise, I'll go say hello to the guests above, and see if we can negotiate to make room..." The shopkeeper is no match for Nangong Ling, and the four major families have always fought against each other. Today, Nangong Wan'er celebrates her birthday, so many people will definitely come. He definitely doesn't dare to offend. The woman who came today is very strange. She is dressed in simple clothes, but she pays 1 taels of gold coins when she makes a move. Maybe the people on both sides are already familiar with each other?

With this in mind, he hurried up, "What are you talking about, Miss Ben, go and talk, get out of the way." Nangong Ling pulled the shopkeeper aside, and walked up.

If the shopkeeper hadn't been supported by Xiaoer, he might have fallen to the first floor, and he hurriedly followed up with lingering fear. His intuition must be that something was going to happen. This is the reason why he has been standing for so many years. Silently praying that people on both sides can get to know each other is happy.

The few people sitting on it felt like they were sitting on pins and needles. The young lady was not there, and Qing'er was used to being bullied.

Although they know that their master is a little different from ordinary people, after so many days, they don't even know what the identity of the master is. Thinking of the bloody appearance when they first met the master, he must have been beaten by the enemy, and now they feel very sad. Nervous, hands full of sweat.

Nangong Ling stepped up in a few steps. She had just carefully asked Xiao Er who had booked the venue, but Xiao Er faltered and couldn't explain it. Since he didn't even know Xiao Er, then he was not a very powerful person.

Coming up, looking at the people sitting at the table, the luxurious table is made of golden nanmu, and the floor is covered with a carpet made of golden silk magic sheep, and the furnishings inside are extremely luxurious, The sound of silk and bamboo is like a fairy sound, and the pleasant smell of incense permeates the nose.

Originally thought that the people who could afford to cover the fifth floor were at least powerful or rich, but when they saw that their outfits were clearly incompatible with this atmosphere, Nangong Ling was stunned at first, "Shopkeeper, your specifications have dropped to such a low level." Can beggars come to book the venue too?"

After she said a word, several people had different expressions, red and white, as if they had been stripped naked and put in front of others to be judged.

(End of this chapter)

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