The First Ugly Concubine: Raiders of Male God Cultivation

Chapter 59 In My Heart, You Are Always Unique 1

Chapter 59 In My Heart, You Are Always Unique
Back in the house, Mo Zhi's face was still a little smelly, "Why didn't you let me kill him just now?"

"Have you forgotten? I have another match with him half a month later. If I kill him, I will encounter a lot of trouble. If I hurt him, I don't want to be invincible." Bai Qingran explained the reason.


"He is the prince. If you kill the prince of a country casually, wouldn't we become wanted criminals? At that time, the imperial court will send many people to encircle and suppress us." Bai Qingran smiled lightly.

"Will I be afraid of these bastards?" He snorted, as if all living beings were like flies or bugs in front of him, and they could be crushed with a light pinch of his fingers.

His sense of superiority was not deliberately disguised, but spontaneously from the inside out. Some people are born with their own light, and he is like this. But after a long time, when Bai Qingran knows his true identity Only then will he understand why he was so contemptuous of human life.

"Yeah, I know you're not afraid, but I don't like trouble, Momo, promise me that you won't make any moves in the future, okay? Even if someone scolds me, don't rush to make a move, I will take care of it myself." She hugged His neck, which man would not agree.

"Okay." He tore off her veil, leaned over to kiss her, and was lingering again. His movements became more and more skillful. Even Bai Qingran was amazed at his learning ability. up.

She blew out the candle, "Go to sleep."

"En." He replied softly, and this time he closed his eyes with her, hoping to enter her dream and be with her in the dream.

The two leaned on each other, and Bai Qingran unconsciously hugged the man's body with her fingers. Since she was a child, no one could get close to her, except Mo Zhi, her long-empty heart seemed to be filled at this moment.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, he had never slept so soundly like now, had a good night's dream, and when the two woke up, Mo Zhi had already opened his eyes for a long time.

He played with her long hair in his palm, waiting for her to wake up, "Momo, good morning."

"Morning." He kissed her on the lips.

This guy learns fast enough. She used to have a habit of dropping a kiss on his fluffy head every day when she went to bed or woke up, and then said good morning, but now he has learned it. She had a good morning kiss or a good night kiss before she went to sleep and before she woke up.

She gently rubbed his handsome face, although it was not as easy to rub as fluffy, but he would not dodge at all.Just let her rub and flatten her.

As expected, he got a baby, and it was a handsome baby. Seeing the smile on the corner of her mouth, he became very happy, "What are you laughing at?"

"I just think you are very good, I am very lucky." She said honestly.

"Bai Bai, why do you never let people come within three feet of you?"

"Momo, maybe you won't believe it even if you tell me..."

"I believe it." Before she finished speaking, he was eager to affirm, because no matter what she said, as long as she said it, he would believe it.

Bai Qingran smiled softly: "Well, actually my body is very strange, as long as anyone comes within three feet of me, I will definitely be affected by people's emotions, if they touch my body directly Know what he is thinking? This ability bothers me a lot. I am easily affected by people's emotions, especially those who are resentful, or even more angry, and greedy. They will suppress me.

I don't like many people, and I hate being approached and touched even more. Only you, I can't feel your emotions since you broke the shell, you can get close to me, so I named you Mo Zhi, you are the only one who can The one who holds my hand. "She explained lightly.

Mo Zhi suddenly seemed to understand the sadness in her eyes. This person seemed to have been alone all this time, not to be touched by others, that's why he kept talking to him. He was indifferent to everyone, but only intimate to himself. .

"In your mind, I am different from others?"

"Yes." She affirmed, "But I like you not only because you can approach me, but also because you are kind to me. I... like it very much." Her face was stained with the shame of a little daughter. heh.

But he loves her shy appearance very much, "You are the most unique one in my heart, are you hungry?" He knows her habits well, at this hour, she should have a meal.

"Yeah." She got up to change her clothes, and when she came out from behind the screen, Mo Zhi had already put on a new one. Although it was still a black robe, there were many dark patterns on the cuffs of the clothes, and the loose strands of his hair It has also been fixed.

Such a short time should not be enough for him to dress up, Bai Qingran was a little puzzled, "Mo Mo, how did you change your clothes?"

Mo Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that they had to put on makeup every time, but he never used it, "Do you want to see it?"


In the next second Mo Zhi's body engulfed him in a cloud of black mist, and when the black mist dissipated, he changed into another robe and hair bun, "Did you change it? "

"It can be said that." This kind of ability is simply not possessed by ordinary people.

"Momo, I'm getting more and more curious about who you are!" Bai Qingran circled around him, as if everything about him seemed confusing.

"It doesn't matter who I am, in short, I just want to be by your side."

"Well, me too." The two looked at each other and smiled.

After the two of them had breakfast, Bai Qingran roughly looked through the account book. These shops have made a lot of profits over the years, and they have made the Bai family cheaper for nothing, but she will take back everything after today, the corner of her mouth With a smile, Mo Zhi turned into a fur ball again and lay on her shoulders. In short, the two of them are like conjoined twins, and they are not separated for a moment every day except for bathing.

Qing'er followed behind Bai Qingran, "Miss, where shall we go first today?"

"Go to Tianyifang and have a look." The former Bai Qingran really missed too many things. The most popular clothing store in Beijing is the most famous Tianyifang. Who would have thought that her mother would build it here? of?

The second lady has made a lot of money these years, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and from today onwards, she will take over here.

Bai Qingran and Qing'er soon arrived at Tianyifang. The clothes she was wearing were only very ordinary clothes, so the shop assistants disdained her as soon as she entered the door. habit.

As she left, she quietly glanced at the store, but she never thought that she would meet some annoying people when she casually went out, for example, the first time Murong Xin saw her, she said, "Oh, the ugly monster is still there." Want to buy clothes?"

 O(∩_∩)OThank you for those who voted, and those who left messages to encourage, I will work harder to write better stories, if you like this article, please add to the reader group, you can go to the group Looking for wine to play~ There are many cute girls in the group who are very loving, everyone can discuss the plot together.Of course, the more important thing is that red envelopes will be given out during the Chinese New Year~ Come on, {428244751} Please verify your identity as a reader when entering the group.

(End of this chapter)

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