Quan Shao steals his wife's marriage

Chapter 162 Xu Youning Questions

Chapter 162 Xu Youning Questions

Bai Shenxing glanced sideways to see who was standing at the door, and after only a second, he turned his gaze back to Gu Yan's swollen ankle, his eyes were cold, distressed, and even slightly angry.

Seeing Gu Yan sitting on a chair and Bai Shenxing dragging her feet, Lucy immediately rushed in and put the coffee in her hand on the coffee table, squatted down to look at Gu Yan's leg, seeing the swelling, she was a little displeased and said, "You silly Yeah? Can’t stand still, don’t know what to say?”

The words were full of worry, but hearing these words made Bai Shenxing unhappy.

Her eyes shot at Lucy like a knife, she was not afraid, she gave him a proud look, you can bully others to the extent that I, GL, can't do it.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Jin also rushed over. Seeing Gu Yan like this, he couldn't help saying, "You go back first! We'll hold the meeting, and I'll send you the summary later."

Pregnant women's bodies are not as good as ordinary people's. Gu Yan went down to check today, maybe it's because of walking too much, and the ankles are all swollen.

Bai Shenxing pursed his lips and said nothing, his handsome face was always covered with frost, he picked up Gu Yan and strode out. Seeing that he was unhappy at the moment, Gu Yan was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word. He just hugged his neck tightly.

If it is said that she was justified just now, then she is a little guilty now, why?Because what Bai Shenxing hates the most is that she suffers a little injury.

From GL to Shanshuiju, Bai Shenxing never said a word, and he always turned a blind eye to Gu Yan's tricks on him.

And Xu Zan didn't dare to breathe when he saw this, he was a little angry when he went up, why is it even worse when he comes down now?Isn't it usually when the wife says a few nice words and the husband calms down?At this moment, it looked more like he was holding back his anger. He shrank his neck and resigned himself to his fate in front of the driver, thinking that it would be better for Uncle Feng to do such things in the future. He seemed a little unable to do it.

When they arrived at Shanshuiju, when Gu Yan thought he was going to walk in by himself, Bai Shenxing yanked open the car door and carried her out. The movement of opening the door was loud and angry, but the movement of hugging Gu Yan was very gentle.

How did Bai Shenxing treat Gu Yan?Even if she was trampling him into the dust, treating his kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs, and hurting his heart, Bai Shenxing was reluctant to let her suffer the slightest bit of harm. He was always careful when he spoiled her and spoiled her, for fear that she would knock her down. I touched it, but today was fine. I went out in the morning and was fine, but when I came back in the evening, my legs were swollen, and it was not light.

Since Gu Yan became pregnant, Bai Shenxing read a lot of pregnant women's notices, books about pregnancy, what are the signs of a pregnant woman, and what are the signs of a pregnant woman? When he was pregnant, his first reaction was why other pregnant women's legs started to swell at five or six months, while Gu Yan was less than three months old, how could it be so fast?
When he bent down and squatted down to check, he knew by looking at the swollen ankle, it was not pregnancy swelling, it was swelling after standing for a long time, that time, Bai Shenxing admitted that he seemed to be crushing Gu Yan to death.

How could there be such an ignorant woman in this world, why couldn't he listen to a single word he gave her every day?

The servants of Shanshuiju came in with Mr. Bai holding his wife in his arms with a gloomy face, and each of them was like an enemy. His first reaction was that his wife was sick again, and Shanshuiju would have to live a few days of fearful life up and down. .

"Zhang Lan, come up with the footbath," Bai Shenxing strode upstairs with Gu Yan in his arms.

Then he said, "Let the doctor come over."

Seeing that he was in such a big fight, Gu Yan couldn't help opening his mouth in his arms; "It's just that if you stand for a long time, you'll be fine after soaking your feet." Bai Shenxing's cold eyes swept over her, making her shut up in fright. .Dare not speak any more.Gu Yan buried his head in his arms, his fingers tightly clutching the white shirt on his chest.

Bai Shenxing kicked the door open, causing Gu Yan to tremble in his arms. Bai Shenxing subconsciously tightened his hands, and then put her on the sofa in the bedroom. The sound of Bai Shenxing kicking the door made him tremble with fright.

"Sir," Zhang Lan called softly.

"Go put in the hot water and bring it out." Zhang Lan took the basin into the hot water, wondering if the two masters had quarreled again.

"What's the matter, madam?" Zhang Lan asked softly as she put the hot water in front of Gu Yan.

"Your legs are a little swollen after standing for a long time. Go down and tell them that it's okay, just soak your feet." Gu Yan saw a room full of servants walking with their heads down when they saw Bai Shenxing, so he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. worry.

Bai Shenxing came in from the outside, saw Zhang Lan put the water in front of her, and reached out to take off her shoes.

"Let me come!" Seeing Bai Shenxing so hastily, Zhang Lan said.

"Go down and do your work," Bai Shenxing's irresistible tone recalled from one side, and Gu Yan flirted with Zhang Lan, motioning her to go down.

Gu Yan let Bai Shenxing put her feet in the hot water. The water temperature was too high and it was a little hot. She subconsciously raised her feet. Bai Shenxing reached out to test the water temperature, and without saying a word, he took the basin into the bathroom , but after a while, he came out with a basin.

Gu Yan sat on the sofa and watched him squatting in front of him, pouring hot water onto his feet with his hands, and gently rubbing his swollen ankle with his fingers.

"What's wrong with you today? You're so angry?" Gu Yan tried to find something to chat with him.

It's a pity that Bai Dong is very arrogant and doesn't plan to talk to her.

"Fortunately, the secretary's staff had almost left at that time. If they saw it, they would think you were treating me badly!" Gu Yan said slowly in a coquettish tone, and Bai Shenxing rubbed the hand on her ankle. pause.

"I'm going to inspect it all day below today. It's inevitable that there will be some swelling after walking a lot. It's okay, don't worry!"

Gu Yan reached out to touch his cheek, but Bai Shenxing dodged it.

She withdrew her hand embarrassingly, holding back her mouth, she was really arrogant.

Gu Yan deliberately acted like a baby, but Bai Dong turned a blind eye to it.

It made her speechless.

Bai Shenxing kept his hands on her ankles and gently rubbed them to relieve her swelling. He frowned and told Gu Yan that Bai Dong was in a bad mood at the moment, and it would be best if he could say something to make him happy. Happy.

"Can we ignore the company's affairs for now?" Bai Shenxing seemed to think for a long time before saying this sentence, but such a simple sentence made Gu Yan tremble, and then looked at Bai Shenxing with some surprise.

in spite of?

"It's a bit difficult," she replied shallowly.

"En," Bai Shenxing uttered the last word, and stopped talking.

This idea has been circling in his mind from the moment he found out that Gu Yan was pregnant. He wanted Gu Yan to have a safe baby at home, and he didn't want to see anything that was not good for her. Seeing her overworked today, his psychological Is actually distressed and angry.

Feeling sorry for her suffering, Gu Yan was angry because Gu Yan seemed to have forgotten that she was pregnant.

What if she is so overworked and hurts the baby?
With thousands of hopes and hopes, he definitely cannot tolerate any mistakes.

That night, Dong Bai took Mrs. Bai's feet away from the sink, took the water into the bathroom and put the bath water in order to signal her to take a bath, but only made eye contact without saying a word.

Mrs. Bai held back her mouth and went into the bathroom.

Then he put on his pajamas and came out. Bai Dong casually threw a book about pregnant women to Mrs. Bai who was leaning against the bed. The meaning was obvious, and he asked her to read it for herself.

Mrs. Bai resigned to her fate, turned the book carefully, her eyes were on the book, and she didn't know where her mind was.When Bai Dong came in with dinner, he saw her leaning against the head of the bed, looking like she was going to sleep, and she was angry.

Standing beside the bed, he called coldly; "Gu Yan."

Mrs. Bai woke up suddenly, and looked at Mr. Bai with her big cute eyes in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Bai asked.

Mr. Bai put the dinner in his hand heavily on the desk, "Eat."

Can I not eat it?This sentence lingered in her mouth for a long time, but she still didn't say it in the end. She is not stupid, wouldn't it make Bai Shenxing unhappy if she said it at this time?

Gu Yan was extraordinarily well-behaved tonight, he didn't need Bai Shenxing to coax him, he didn't need to say more, he ate up the bowl of beef noodles he brought up, even finished the soup, looked at Bai Shenxing after eating, behaved The cute eyes seemed to be asking, is Mr. Bai satisfied?

Bai Shenxing cast an appreciative look, pressed the inside call to let Zhang Lan come up with the bowl, and went into the bathroom by himself.

Gu Yan was already a little sleepy when he was full of warmth and thinking about sex. Usually, if Bai Shenxing woke her up when he wanted to sleep, he would definitely make a fuss, but tonight, she did not make a fuss about Mr. Bai.

Bai Shenxing was taking a shower in the bathroom, thinking to himself, Gu Yan is a typical little girl who eats soft things and fears hard things, and she usually hums and chirps for a long time when she coaxes her to get up and eat something, but today she calls her to get up with a cold face. , but very well-behaved.

After he came out of the shower, he saw Mrs. Bai lying on the bed already breathing lightly. She sighed helplessly. After closing the hall, she lay down on the bed. Perhaps feeling the temperature around her, Gu Yan subconsciously arched in his direction. Arching, Bai Shenxing hugged her in his arms, holding her with one arm, and gently stroking her belly with the other.

I've been worried that Gu Yan's health is not good, and he refuses to eat. The little guy in his stomach probably won't grow up so fast, but now he feels that he has more meat than usual. As for the effect, Bai Shenxing was quite satisfied with this.

But then thinking that Gu Yan seemed to often forget her identity as a pregnant woman, she couldn't help but sigh.

Babies and mothers are careless, you have to be strong, and father will protect you.

Baby, mother is very hard, you have to be considerate of mother.

Bai Shenxing's gentle voice probably disturbed Gu Yan, causing her to arch in her arms restlessly, then turned over and casually rubbed the tip of her nose against his chest.

"When will you be able to put back your temper of working hard?" Bai Shenxing lowered his head and kissed her between the eyebrows, tightening her body.On this day, Xu Youning was on night shift, and it was rare for him to hang around leisurely at home during the day, but at this time Xu's second child surprisingly didn't go out to find a girlfriend, but sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and dangled.

She went downstairs and flirted with him.

"What do I mean by staring at me so early in the morning? Are you afraid that your eyes will pop out?" Second Xu said angrily, why is his sister so unlikable? "You don't care about me," Xu Youning yelled at him, turned around and went into the kitchen, poured a glass of water, came out and sat opposite him.

Looking at the newspaper on Mr. Xu's lap, he asked casually.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Youning asked.

"You don't know?" Xu Laoer's surprised voice sounded, and he looked at Xu Youning in disbelief.

"Know what?" Xu Youning looked at him with an expression of whether your brain is sick.

"The boss company was sued by the Bai family, and it's all on the news. Why don't you pay attention to the family information? Is your surname Xu?" Xu's second son coaxed her a little unhappy.

Hearing this, Xu Youning paused for a moment with the hand holding the cup, and then he couldn't believe it; "Say it again?"

The boss's company was sued by the Bai family?Isn't that Bai Shenxing's company?Why are they suing the boss?

Second Xu took the trouble to repeat it again.

"What did the boss say?" Xu Youning asked worriedly.

"I asked, but he didn't say anything. I came home today to wait for him," Xu Laoer said bluntly.

He is also worried. The newspaper said that the court will be held on Wednesday. How many days are left?Every time I called him, he always said that it would be resolved, but then he simply refused to answer, and it was almost impossible to wait for others when he went to the company.

"I've never heard of it," Xu Youning said quietly.

She didn't even hear Gu Yan mention it, so didn't she know?
"Your girlfriend didn't tell you?" Xu Lao Er insinuated, Gu Yan has a good relationship with her?Didn't Bai Shenxing and Gu Yan already announce their relationship?This relationship should be good, right?Gu Yan didn't say anything to her? "No," Xu Youning said bluntly, Gu Yan never told her about Bai's plan to sue their boss.

"Why sue the boss?" Xu Youning was puzzled.

"It's because the boss has a problem with the building materials, but I don't think it's that simple," Xu Laoer is usually a ruffian, but he still speaks at critical moments. After all, he also has a small, er, company outside. If he had a lazy temper, he probably wouldn't be able to open any company.

"I'll ask," Xu Youning said as he went upstairs and changed his clothes, then went downstairs with his bag and drove all the way to GL.

Lucy was reporting the contents of last night's meeting to Gu Yan, when she heard the knock on the door, she turned and looked back.

"Come in," Gu Yan said in a deep voice, the interruption of the report really made her feel a little heartbroken.

Xu Youning opened the door and came in and saw Lucy standing in the center holding a tablet and brushing something, then said, "You do your work first, and I'll come in after I'm done."

With that said, he closed the door and turned to go out.

Frowning, he leaned against the wall and waited for Lucy to come out. Zhang Jin came out to the tea room to get coffee. Seeing her leaning against the wall leisurely and frowning, he couldn't help asking; "What's wrong with you? It looks like a deep hatred."

Hearing the sound of joking, she raised her head leisurely, glanced at him, and slowly lowered her gaze.

"Big aunt, depressed." Xu Youning looked at him with a half-smile, Zhang Jin was ashamed and blamed himself for talking too much. "Wait for the boss? Go in and wait! Lucy just went in and out, so it might take a while," Zhang Jin said as he pushed open the door of the pantry to signal her to go in.

Xu Youning didn't delay, and turned around and went in.

"What would you like to drink?" Zhang Jin put the cup under the coffee machine and asked Xu Youning calmly.

"Anything," she replied.

"That's the same as me, let's have an American cup!" Zhang Jin reached out to take out a cup from the disinfection cabinet.

"Okay," Xu Youning sat on the bar counter with his chin propped up and looked out the window, his mind was in the evening.

"What has Gu Yan been up to lately?" She asked casually.

Zhang Jin brought the coffee in his hand to her, leaned against the edge of the bar, sipped the coffee and said, "The work team who was busy inspecting the work below, their legs were swollen from walking all day yesterday, and it's hard for her, a pregnant woman." Zhang Jin Jin sighed softly, it is really worrying for a pregnant woman to work so hard every day, why doesn't Chairman Bai know how to take his wife back to recuperate?

"Gu Yan is pregnant?" Xu Youning was surprised, she didn't seem to have heard her mention it?

"You don't know?" Zhang Jin couldn't believe it. Isn't she Gu Yan's doctor?She didn't even know that her patient was pregnant?

Xu Youning paused, she didn't know that Gu Yan was pregnant, but did Shu Ning know?

Zhang Jin knew it, and Lucy must know it too, Shu Ningni?She should also know, so she is the only one who doesn't know?
She had a vague feeling of being abandoned.

When Zhang Jin saw Xu Youning's complexion changed, he knew that he had said the wrong thing. He took a sip of the coffee in his hand and then seemed indifferent; She can't come to the company because she is raising a baby at home, so she probably won't tell us, the boss said she is afraid of accidents."

Hearing what Zhang Jin said, Xu Youning's inner turmoil subsided a little, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

"Miscarriage phenomenon?" Xu Youning asked shallowly.

"Yeah~ I haven't come to the company often recently. Both Lucy and I are going crazy, taking the money from selling cabbage to sell white powder, alas~," Zhang Jin sighed, looking like he was completely exploited Shaking his head like that, there is really no way!Have no idea!

"You are not her doctor, but you have to take good care of her body so that we can live a better life," Zhang Jin got up with a cup of coffee, and said to Xu Youning while leaving the tea room. After he finished speaking, he disappeared the door.

It was half an hour after Lucy came out of Gu Yan's office, Xu Youning walked in leisurely, handed Gu Yan a glass of boiled water in his hand, and put it on her desk, she raised her head from her busyness and smiled at her.

"Night shift?" Gu Yan asked.

"Well, night shift," Xu Youning looked at Gu Yan looking at the computer screen with the document in his hand.

Xu Youning sat in front of her and watched her turn over a page of paper, and was about to speak, when Gu Yan's cell phone placed underneath showed that a text message had come in.

She glanced sideways, and then turned off the screen, with no emotion on her face.

"How is your health recently?" Xu Youning asked.

Gu Yan stretched out his hand to touch the mouse, and said in a low voice, "It's not very good, but it's being recuperated, it's nothing serious."

She spoke slowly, her words were quite plain.

"That's good," Xu Youning nodded.

"Pay attention to your body when you're pregnant," Xu Youning said while sitting opposite her and looking at her.

"Yes, I still want you to be a godmother!"

"Bai Dong agrees?"

"I have the final say."

Xu Youning held the water glass and looked at her with a slight smile, until Gu Yan signed the document in his hand, put it aside, took a couple of sips of water from the water glass, and then she slowly opened her mouth.

"Why is Mrs. Bai suing our boss? Can you tell me?" Xu Youning asked shallowly. She didn't come here today to ask Gu Yan to help her or anything.Just want to know what happened.

Gu Yan's fingers holding the water glass tightened, and he obviously felt a mental shock.

She slowly put the cup on her knees and said softly to Xu Youning; "Bai's Group bought a batch of building materials from your brother, but there was an accident during the construction process. The construction party decided that it was the willingness of the building materials, so Bai Sue your brother for this matter," Gu Yan took out the original words from the newspaper and told Xu Youning without adding any words in between. The things she said are well known.

"Why can't it be resolved privately?" Xu Youning asked.

"Although I don't know the rules in your business, I've been with you for a long time and I've been with you for a long time. Can such a matter be resolved in private?" Xu Youning asked in the reading. "I don't know about the rest," Gu Yan shook his head, expressing that he didn't know about other things.

"Gu Yan," Xu Youning looked at her and called out slowly.

"If the Bai family wins the lawsuit, what will happen to my brother?" "If it's light, you should pay the liquidated damages. You have to ask your brother how much, or if it's serious, you'll go to jail because of an accident," Gu Yan said directly.

She thought, Xu Youning probably didn't ask her for anything, but just asked about the situation, so, if you ask, I'll just say it.

"What do you think of the severity?" Xu Youning asked.

"How will the judge judge?" Gu Yan answered directly.

Xu Youning is not stupid, she is not in this circle, but when she was with Gu Yan in the past, she told her a lot about this aspect, and she still knows a thing or two.

"I don't believe that my brother is the kind of person who pretends to be second-rate," Xu Youning firmly did not believe that her boss would be such a person, at least in her impression that the boss has always been a gentle and elegant gentleman.

Gu Yan's hand holding the water glass tapped on it with his fingers one after another, and even if he smiled slightly, she didn't know what to say about this time.

"Is there any way to get Bai to withdraw the lawsuit?" Xu Youning asked.

"I don't know, I basically don't know anything about Bai's affairs," Gu Yan said slowly.

Xu Youning knew that Gu Yan would not lie about this, so he just nodded to express his understanding, and didn't say anything else.

"Look at the court session next Wednesday," Gu Yan said softly when she was not in a high mood.

On this day, when Xu Youning got out of GL, he was sitting in the car thinking about something, but he always felt that some problems were broken and could not be connected, so he simply lay on the steering wheel and thought hard.

When she came home, she thought her second child had already left, but she was still there.

"How about you go to Gu Yan to solve it?" Second Xu asked worriedly.

"Tell me about the situation of the first trial," Xu Youning threw the bag on the sofa and repeated Gu Yan's words.

"Xu Youning, are you stupid? You don't know how to ask her to give you advice? If the withdrawal of the lawsuit before the trial has no effect on the boss, as long as the process reaches the first trial, even if the boss wins the case, it will have a certain impact on the reputation of the boss. It may be difficult for him to gain a firm foothold in this circle in the future, since you have gone to see Gu Yan, you should ask her to help you figure out a way! Aren't you two on good terms?" Xu Laoer roared angrily. She really didn't know what was going on in her sister's mind. "Why didn't you tell me when I went out? What's the use of blind bibi now?" Xu Youning yelled back.

It's just that I can't stand this idiot.

"I thought you knew," Xu Er Er angrily said.

"If my old lady knows, you still need to talk about it?" If she knew about the matter, she could still do it like this. She just spoke to Gu Yan, how can she say it right now?

Going back to ask her for help?
"Aren't friends just for annoying each other? What are you worried about?" Second Xu looked at her suspiciously, as if doubting the friendship between her and Gu Yan. "Boss has been in a lot of trouble recently," Xu Laoer said a few words, casually threw the book in his hand on the coffee table, and went straight to it with a look of unbearable.

This afternoon, when Gu Yan was packing his things and getting ready to leave work, his cell phone rang, and he took a look at the call and picked it up.

"What's wrong?" the voice said softly.

Xu Youning thought over there for a long time before slowly saying; "I know that what I say may make you a little uncomfortable, but Gu Yan, I want to ask if you can help me talk to Mr. Bai so that he can treat me Brother withdraws the lawsuit, because you and I have known each other for many years," Xu Youning knew that some things would change qualitatively as soon as they were spoken out, and what she said to Gu Yan at this moment was undoubtedly asking her to do something.

"Xu Youning, you and I shouldn't be associated with such a thing," Gu Yan's hands that were packing up his things slowly came down and rested on the table.

"He's my family,"

Xu Youning directly told Gu Yan about this in five simple words.

Gu Yan took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said slowly, "I will try my best."

She has known for a long time that this matter will come sooner or later, once Xu Youning knows that Bai Shi is dealing with Xu Mingyi, she will come to her as an intermediary, and at this time, she really wants to see if Xu Youning is a family member psychologically What matters is her. Obviously, she takes herself too seriously.

The green plants on the table were shining brightly with green light. Gu Yan was staring at the pot of plants in a daze. The phone in her hand was vibrating. She picked it up slowly, and said to the side; "Wait a minute."

"it is good."

Gu Yan straightened up and sighed slowly.

Friends should help each other, but the standard of getting along between her and Xu Youning is to never interfere with each other's work, just like when they lived in Linshuiwan, they never stepped into the study room when the other was away. same step.

There is a metric at any time, and maintaining that metric takes two people.

Xu Youning's opening this time was obviously to make things difficult for her.

She has known Xu Youning for many years, and she has never asked her for anything, but today she said, it was because of their acquaintance for so many years.

Xu Youning was leaning on the bed at the moment, putting her arms over her eyelids, her mind full of thoughts. She knew where the norms between her and Gu Yan were, and once they were broken, she would feel a strange feeling.

She raised her hand to wipe the crystal liquid from the corner of her eyes. Over the years, they never asked each other too much, but today, she seemed to ask her to do something.

What a wonderful pure friendship, why bother with so much right and wrong?It's just bad.She knew that Gu Yan felt a little bit of guilt towards her in her heart, so she directly said that she saw that we had known each other for so many years, and she directly used her trump card as soon as she made a move. She has never asked Gu Yan to do it for her in so many years. What, press her directly as soon as you open your mouth.

She admits that she has too much selfish desire in her heart, but it seems that there is no other way, she believes that Gu Yan can make Mrs. Bai withdraw the lawsuit against her boss, that's why she said that, otherwise, she really dare not say this easily.

With how much Bai Shenxing loves Gu Yan, if Gu Yan wants the stars in the sky, Bai Shenxing will pick them up for her!

She reached out and pulled the quilt aside to cover herself, tears flowing in silently.After Gu Yan stood in the office for 10 minutes, Lucy knocked on the door and came in. Seeing her standing in the office in a daze, she couldn't help but frowned, "Aren't you leaving?" "Let's go, you go first!"

"Are you okay?" Lucy worried when she saw that she was in a bad mood.

"It's okay, you go first, I'll think about something," Gu Yan said, Lucy gave her a suspicious look, and finally took them out.

When Lucy drove away from GL, she saw Bai Shenxing's car lying on the side. She drove in front of him, stopped slowly and opened the car door to go out, knocked on Bai Shenxing's window, Xu Zan sat in front and watched she.

"Lucy," he nodded in greeting.

Lucy nodded, then cast her eyes on Bai Shenxing who was in the back seat and said, "Boss is not in a good mood, Director Bai will go up and have a look?"

She was worried about Gu Yan, that's why she came to talk to Bai Shenxing. If it wasn't for Gu Yan, she thought she would not be willing to talk to a man like Bai Shenxing.

Hearing this, Bai Shenxing looked up at her and thanked her.

He closed the computer in his hand, put it aside, opened the car door and walked into GL Gu Yan's office.And Gu Yan who just came out of the office bumped into him, and Bai Shenxing gave her a complicated look when he saw her come out.

"Why did you come up here?" Gu Yan was a little puzzled.

"Come up and have a look," Bai Shenxing said slowly, of course he wouldn't say that he came up because he heard what Lucy said.

"Let's go~" Gu Yan said.

The two went downstairs back and forth, back to the Shanshui Residence, on the way Bai Shenxing put Xu Zan down, and drove away by himself.

And Gu Yan didn't say a word from the moment he got in the car.

Thinking about something.

It is very difficult to choose between Xu Youning and Xu Mingyi, if Xu Mingyi does not get rid of, then this opponent will definitely create some troubles for them from time to time in the future, it can be said to be a ticking time bomb.

But if i didn't agree to Youning this time, I would be sorry for Xu Youning's unrequited care for her for so many years.

For her, the choice between Xu Mingyi and Xu Youning was really quite difficult.

Bai Shenxing was sitting in front of the car, seeing Gu Yan's frown getting tighter and tighter, he couldn't help feeling worried.

It would be bad for them to let Xu Mingyi go, and if they don't let Xu Mingyi go, I'm sorry for Xu Youning.

In the beginning, she wanted to avoid this problem, so she didn't interfere in the matter, but now, it seems that she still can't escape this fate! "What are you thinking?" Bai Shenxing was worried when he saw her frowning.

"Xu Youning came to see me today," Gu Yan said softly, and she knew what Bai Shenxing meant when she said that.

The hand holding the steering wheel slowly tightened, and then she said to Gu Yan, "What do you want to do?" "What do you think?" She listened to Bai Shenxing's opinion on this matter.

"Xu Mingyi can't stay, at least during this period of time," Seoul is now in a state of turmoil, if Xu Mingyi can't stand with them or can't be alone, then it will definitely be a big obstacle for their subsequent actions.

At that time, I'm afraid they will need to spend more energy, manpower and material resources to deal with him.

In order to prevent regret, it is better to solve it this morning.

"En," Gu Yan nodded; "We both think the same about this point." She also felt that Xu Mingyi couldn't stay in the current situation. "As for how to deal with Xu Youning, you can think about it. After all, I don't know the past between you, so it's hard to comment on how much sacrifice you can make for her," Bai Shenxing's eyes flickered when he said this. There was an imperceptible gleam of light.

It is said that Bai Shenxing is good at calculations, he is indeed, and now, he has used this calculation on his wife.

Gu Yan was struggling with his relationship with Xu Youning and wanted to hear his opinion. He bluntly said that he didn't know how far they were related and what kind of sacrifice they could make. If Gu Yan really wanted to hear his honest opinion, he should give her Tell him about Xu Youning's past.

This is the most basic.

Gu Yan cast his eyes out of the window, what is the relationship between her and Xu Youning?

At least in her opinion, it should be a close relationship between life and death.

After all, the days between them abroad were stained with blood.

But now that she's back in China, what happened to Xu Mingyi's side really gave her a bit of a headache.

She thought, how to solve it.

Bai Shenxing observed the road conditions, his eyes wandered to Gu Yan in the back seat from time to time, he kept his mouth shut, and allowed him to be mentally stabbed.

After a long time, he asked casually; "What do you want to eat tonight?" "Whatever," she said without any appetite.

"Well, I'll go back to Shanshuiju and ask if the chef can make this dish," Bai Shenxing joked.

In exchange, Gu Yan rolled his eyes.

When the two got out of the car, they were surprised to see Bai Lang and Chen Han strolling in the courtyard of Shanshuiju. The two were chatting about something, and saw Bai Shenxing getting off the car with Gu Yan. Chen Han stretched out his hand to say hello.

"Why did you come back at this time?" Chen Han stepped over and took Gu Yan's hand and asked.

"Walk around on the road," Bai Shenxing answered for Gu Yan.

"Be careful when you're pregnant," Chen Han glanced at Bai Shenxing lightly.

Bai Shenxing touched his nose, but said nothing, seeing Bai Lang looking over, he called Dad.

"Your mother came here to ask when you and Yanyan are going to make up the wedding. If you don't make up, you will get big." Chen Han pulled Gu Yan in, and Bai Lang stood outside and said this to Bai Shenxing. talk.

"We need to ask for Yanyan's opinion on this," Bai Shenxing said softly, he had thought about this issue, but the current situation is not suitable for a wedding.

"When you proposed in the whole city, you never asked for opinions," Bai Lang scolded him.

"There's been some turmoil in Seoul recently, you know that," he wanted a wedding after a smooth one, not during a period of turmoil.

"Let them sway in the turmoil in Seoul. Don't take too much responsibility on yourself. Just take a look at what's going on outside. Don't meddle too much in the political field."

Bai Shenxing stood on the side and listened attentively to Bai Lang's teaching.

Seeing that he was silent, Bai Lang looked a little displeased, and said to Bai Shenxing, "Take a step back and take care of the overall situation." "I understand." Of course Bai Shenxing knew this truth, but it might not be easy for Gu Yan to solve it. Qingzhou has an angry relationship with her.

"Uncle's side?" Bai Shenxing asked tentatively. He hadn't had much contact with Gu's family in recent days, so he didn't know what Gu Qingzhou meant.

"Tomorrow, we will have a banquet at Shanshuiju, please invite aunt and uncle to have a meal."

 I've been really busy lately. After finishing my studies last night, I couldn't bear it until after 06 o'clock. I will come at 30:09 if there is no update at 30:[-]. I'm sorry, but if I want to update it, I have to wait. , Dear friends who didn’t vote, remember to vote for me~ (I’m crazy busy)

(End of this chapter)

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