Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 105 You are the only scenery in my eyes

Chapter 105 You are the only scenery in my eyes

"What's wrong?" The sudden movement made Feng Sumo's body slightly stiff, and he froze for a few seconds before gently pushing him away.

If it was before, she could get along with him regardless of the difference between men and women, but now, she is the crown prince and concubine of this country and the wife of Mexilo. Although it was only half a year, when she was still in Monaco, Feng Sumo didn't want to create some groundless criticism.

The movement of repelling caused Ji Fengwu's eyes to change slightly, and his hands still kept embracing her, froze on the spot.

Feng Sumo waved his embarrassment from the bottom of his heart, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and joked with a smile, "Do you think the blonde beauty in Monaco is more beautiful than the beauty in T City, so you are reluctant to leave?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Ji Fengwu's eyes, "Who told you that I like blonde beauties?"

"Didn't go back these days?" Feng Sumo changed the subject.

"En." Ji Fengwu responded lightly, his deep eyes concealed too many emotions.

In fact, he stayed here because he was worried that she was alone in Monaco. He didn't know the reason why she chose to get married in the end, but he had a hunch that it would not be a good thing.

"Prince, when did you become so idle?" Feng Sumo joked with a smile as he thought about Chenfeng's many jobs.

"Why did you marry Moxiluo?" Ji Fengwu asked the question he was most concerned about, ignoring her words.


"tell me!"

Feng Sumo took a deep breath and smiled, "It seems unnecessary to say these things now, right? The fact that I married Mocilo has become an unchangeable fact."

"Su Mo!" Ji Fengwu still wanted to say something, but when his eyes touched Moxiluo who appeared not far away, he was slightly startled, and all expressions froze on the spot.

Sensing that something was wrong with him, Feng Sumo slowly turned his head and followed his gaze.

In the rain, Moxiluo stood not far away at some point, holding an umbrella in his hand, and locked his eyes on her face.

The four eyes meet through the rain curtain.

One gaze was stunned, while the other pupil was full of incomprehensible complexity.

After looking at the drenched Feng Sumo from head to toe, Moxiluo walked towards her step by step while holding an umbrella.

His eyes are always on her face, as if, in the whole world, this is the only scenery worth stopping for.

"We're just..." Thinking of his previous overbearing, Feng Sumo moved his lips, trying to explain, but Moxiluo put the umbrella in her hand, hugged her by the waist and walked towards the car parked beside him .

"Mexilo!" Behind him, Ji Fengwu's call suddenly sounded.

Moxiluo paused, turned his head slowly, his eyes fell on his face, and his indifferent tone was firm, "This woman is my wife!"

Ji Fengwu's eyes suddenly turned pale, and he walked to the two of them step by step, his tone was cold, "Listen, if you let me know that you treat Su Mo badly, I will definitely take her away!"

After a pause, he emphasized, "Regardless of everything!"

"You won't have that day." Moxiluo looked down at Feng Sumo, who was drenched in his arms, and continued to walk towards the private car.

After getting into the car and helping her to fasten her seat belt, Moxiluo started the car without stopping for a moment.

Ji Fengwu stood absent-mindedly under the rain curtain, looking at the leaving car shadow, his heart ached as if being split by a sharp knife.

Has his love for her withered before it bloomed?

Su Mo...

(End of this chapter)

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