Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 115 Young Master Mo Is Not a Normal Person

Chapter 115 Young Master Mo Is Not a Normal Person

Moxiluo kept his eyes on the jeans on her body, no matter how you looked at them, they were not pleasing to the eye.

"Your grandfather asked us to sleep in his palace at night." In the silent atmosphere, Feng Sumo spoke first.

A faint snort escaped from the tip of Moxiluo's nose, but he didn't say anything.

Feng Sumo, on the other hand, was obviously surprised by his reaction.

Didn't he find it strange that he had a place to live in the palace, but arranged to go to another place?

Feng Sumo thought for a while, then smiled, "Your grandpa has already given the order, so I'm sorry if you don't go, or, why don't you go?"

A silly girl!
Mecillo didn't need to guess that Prince Canocci's arrangement today was obviously because Mrs. Debbie had passed on to him the fact that they saw the two separated in bed last night.

If they still sleep separately, it will undoubtedly irritate him even more.

Taking a deep breath, Moxiluo took Feng Sumo's hand and walked out, with a playful voice, "In order to prevent you from being troubled by insomnia, I have decided to take you with me."

Feng Sumo glared at him angrily, and the hand he was holding began to struggle, "Who told you I wouldn't be able to sleep?"

Without him, she would definitely sleep soundly until dawn.

Mexilo just raised his lips lightly, and walked steadily towards the Kanoch Palace.

When it comes to matters of identity prejudice against Feng Sumo, he will firmly stand on his own stance. However, the situation is different now. Mocilo knows that Kanocci is concerned about his married life. If he does not go, there is no doubt that It will make Kanocci feel more serious about Feng Sumo.

In the prince's palace, Messilo's palace needs to walk for about 10 minutes, with several corridors in the middle.

The corridor at night is very quiet, and occasionally the Royal Guards pass by.

Moxiluo and Feng Sumo walked in the corridor one after the other, with an indifferent expression on their faces and a tangled expression on their faces.

In the corridor connected by a cross, a figure quietly watched the backs of the two of them, his eyes slowly slid from Feng Sumo's clear side face to the hand holding Moxiluo, the bottom of his eyes was black...

The two arrived at the prince's palace 10 minutes later, and under the arrangement of the female officer, they checked into the room next to Kanoch's bedroom.

Less than half an hour after entering the room, Mrs. Debbie knocked on the door.

Feng Sumo sat on the leather chair by the window, and Moxiluo opened the door.

"Your Highness, this is the tonic soup that the prince ordered the chef to make specially for the two of you." Mrs. Debi glanced at Mocilo, and handed him the tray containing two small bowls of soup.

"I see, you can go back and deal with errands." Moxiluo glanced at the soup in his hand, and said indifferently.

"Then Debi will step back first." Looking through Moxiluo's shoulder to Feng Sumo sitting by the window, Mrs. Debi pursed her lips, turned and left.

Moxiluo picked up a small bowl of soup, brought it to his nose and smelled it, frowned slightly, and put the bowl on the table next to him.

Feng Sumo curled up on the leather chair with his arms around his knees, staring absently at the night scene outside the window, thinking secretly how to get through the night safely.

Feng Sumo felt very sad.

It seems that after meeting Moxiluo, she seems to have to think about how to avoid being swallowed by him every day, but she doesn't understand, how can the needs of men reach such a frequent level? !

In the end, Feng Sumo concluded that Moxiluo is not a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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