Chapter 127 You Are More Attractive Than Food

Ian smiled back at him, "Brother Xiluo, you should be gentle."

Gentle P!

Dare to snatch a woman from him, just split him up and throw him into the Mediterranean Sea to feed the fish, he's still gentle!
Thinking of this, Moxiluo's face became more and more ugly, he raised his hand, and was about to trample on Ian again, but Feng Sumo grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Feng Sumo guarded Ian behind him, looking at Moxiluo warily.

"He robbed me of my wife!" Young Master Mo was very annoyed, and said one sentence with confidence.

"Then just don't let me have that chance?" Ian poked his head out from behind Feng Sumo, and said without fear of death.

"You little boy, do you know what marriage is?" Moxiluo slapped him on the head, pulled Feng Sumo into his arms, and walked out of the hall with her in his arms, with an obvious sense of exclusiveness.

Ian looked at the two people who were leaving, and suddenly turned his head to look at Lance, who was silent beside him, "What was the reaction of Brother Xiluo just now?"

He doesn't understand the relationship between men and women, but he can also see that Mesilo seems to have a very strong reaction.

"Possessive desire." Lance spit out three words leisurely, thought for a while, and added another sentence, "Maybe it's love, something children don't understand."

Ian, "..."

After the opening dance, Mesilo took Feng Sumo directly back to the palace, the room far away from Kanocchi, regardless of whether he was the protagonist of the dance.

Considering that Ares was still there, Feng Sumo felt it was inappropriate and wanted to go back, but Moxiluo refused and stubbornly led her into the room.

"Change clothes." Turning his head to the side, he glanced at Feng Sumo next to him, and only uttered two words with his thin lips, Moxiluo walked to the closet in a few steps.

Feng Sumo thought he was going to change clothes, and was hesitating whether to turn his back or go out, but Moxiluo walked up to her with a simple skirt.

"If you want me to help you, or do it yourself." Mo Shao's typical question, choose two, but there will always be only one result - undress in front of him.

Feng Su Moxiu blushed, and wanted to ignore his words, but Moxiluo refused, and began to pull at the skirt on her body.

"What are you doing? Where are you going after changing your clothes?" Feng Sumo pressed his hand to stop him from moving.

"Go out to eat." Moxiluo answered very simply, regardless of whether she liked it or not, he tore the skirt on her body with a snap.

Feng Sumo blushed with shame, and wanted to protect her body, but Moxiluo ordered domineeringly, "Don't cover it!"

"Bastard!" Feng Sumo scolded, pulled off the clothes he picked out, and put them on indiscriminately.

Moxiluo smiled evilly, took her into the car, and went straight to the outside of the palace.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at a cruise ship by the sea. Dinner was served on it. There was a private room, red wine, music, warm candlelight, and the atmosphere was very romantic.

However, neither of the two showed that taste.

Moxiluo felt that such things were hypocritical and disdainful. When he found this place, he just randomly picked a place with a good night view.

Feng Sumo felt that Moxiluo had nothing to do with romance at all.

I don't know why he suddenly took her out for dinner. Feng Sumo's mind was full of the idea of ​​finishing up early and going back early. He ate the meal on his own without saying a word or even looking at him.

Young Master Mo was seriously ignored, and felt very upset.

Dare he, is he not as attractive as the food on her plate?
"Come here." His face darkened, and Mesilo simply pulled her chair to his side.

Feng Sumo raised his head and glanced at him, subconsciously licked the remaining juice on his lips with the tip of his tongue, stood up and ignored him.

Moxiluo's black eyes were locked on her lips, and a glint of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, he pulled her body, pressed her on the dining table, and kissed her directly...

(End of this chapter)

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