Chapter 176
In the night, there was a dull oppression in the darkness.

Feng Sumo stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the master bedroom, frowning slightly, with vague uneasiness floating in his heart.

She didn't know where this mood came from. She was like this after going out today, and she was a little dazed when doing things.

"Princess Su Mo, the bath water is ready." Hannah poked her head out of the bathroom and called her.

Feng Sumo recovered after the call, glanced at her, and walked to the bathroom.

Feng Sumo doesn't like being served by others, Hannah waited for her to take off her clothes, and walked out of the bathroom with the changed clothes.

The moment the door was closed, a tiny chip fell out of the clothes.

Looking down at the thing that fell on the ground, Hannah bent down to pick it up with a cold arc on her lips.

Being in the underworld, she naturally knew what it was.

The tracking chip commonly used by wealthy families to prevent family members from being kidnapped...

Today, she has been thinking about how Moxiluo was found so quickly at that time. The reason is because of this thing...

The door was gently pushed open, and Ji Er walked in, looked at the closed bathroom door, and turned her gaze to Hannah, "Has the matter of Princess Su Mo been dealt with?"

"Take the clothes and wash them, and today's business will be over." Hannah hid the chip in her hand, and handed the clothes to Jier.

"If it's okay, you should go to bed earlier." Ji'er replied lightly, her eyes beckoning her to leave the room with her.

Hannah nodded and followed her out.

Mecillo returned to the room a few minutes later.

The bathroom door was opened not long after, and Feng Sumo walked out, wiping his wet hair with a towel as he walked.

"Why did you go back to your room so early?" Feng Sumo was a little surprised to see him sitting in the room.

"The matter in the study has been dealt with."

Mocilo sat lazily on the head of the bed, half of his white shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his sexy and sensual skin, his deep eyes were extraordinarily bright, looking at her with gentleness and danger, Seeing Feng Sumo's heart beating faster, his mouth was a little dry.

"Come here." With a slight lift of his thin lips, Moxiluo said two words lightly, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Feng Sumo swayed slowly, sat on the bed, and before he could speak, she was pulled into his arms in a whirl, and his strong arms trapped her.

"I'll do it." Above her head, Moxiluo's magnetic voice sounded low, took the towel from her hand, and wiped it off for her.

Feng Sumo was slightly taken aback, but did not refuse.

As if caring for a precious treasure, Moxiluo's movements were very light, and his eyes were tender and tender.

Feng Sumo snuggled into his arms, leaning against each other's bodies, feeling his steady and powerful heartbeat, the corners of his lips curled up, warming up from body to heart.

The atmosphere is very quiet and warm.

However, this atmosphere lasted less than 2 minutes, but it was broken by Mexilo's playful words.

"Are your boobs getting bigger?"

To be blunt, the expression on Feng Sumo's face froze a little bit, and he looked down at his chest that was pressed against his chest, his face flushed, "This is a natural phenomenon after pregnancy."

The corners of Moxiluo's lips raised a slight arc, and the hand that was wiping her hair stopped, wanting to verify it with his own hands, but Feng Sumo stood up abruptly, and stood a long distance away from him.

"Come here." Moxiluo frowned dissatisfied.

"No." Feng Sumo ignored him, turned his body and walked towards the makeup mirror.

Moxiluo wanted to go over to arrest someone, but a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Nuo Qi's voice came through the door, "Your Highness, the prince is here."

Feng Sumo and Moxiluo were stunned after that, and looked at each other, their eyes dimming at the same time.

It's so late, why come here in person?
(End of this chapter)

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