Chapter 180 Showdown, One on Two
Infiltrating the palace, Hannah's mission was to hijack Feng Sumo, and it was purely a coincidence that Kanoqi arranged her in the castle.

What the master wants is Feng Sumo. As for the child of Moxiluo, the future crown prince of this country, he definitely does not want to see him.

Feng Sumo's spine shivered after her words, and he couldn't help protecting his stomach with his hands. He looked around for a few times with his star eyes, trying to find a tool for defense, but there was nothing on the side of the road.

"Come with me!" Hannah smiled and looked at her again.

Feng Sumo's eyes were calm, and he secretly estimated the probability of winning if he confronted her.

Hannah had an extra gun in her hand at some point, played with it a few times, and pointed the muzzle at Feng Sumo's stomach.

Feng Sumo's heart trembled, and he took a few steps back, looking coldly at the gun in her hand, regardless of whether he could make a large arc at this time, raised his leg, took advantage of Hannah's unpreparedness, and snapped Shot down the gun in her hand and picked it up.

"You!" Hannah didn't seem to expect that she would make such a sudden move. After a brief surprise, she looked at her leisurely again, "Yes, the reaction speed is very fast."

Feng Sumo snorted coldly, and pointed the gun in his hand at her.

He received special training from Jia Ye since he was a child, so his reaction speed is naturally fast.

Hannah didn't panic, she put her hands on her chest, and began to grope secretly.

Feng Sumo was vigilant and guarded against her every move, while backing away, trying to stop a taxi and leave. He tried several times, but no car was willing to stop.

"Follow me..." Hannah's charming voice suddenly sounded.

Feng Sumo was stunned after saying that, and turned his head slowly, his eyes met her, suddenly he turned his head, and pulled the trigger with a "snap".

This woman can't stay, otherwise, she will be the one who suffers in the next second.

The bullet shot out from the muzzle and drew an arc in the air. When it was about to approach Hannah, it was knocked away by a bullet flying horizontally——

Without the expected sound of falling to the ground, Feng Sumo turned his head stiffly, only to see a man wearing a golden mask approaching not far from the two of them.

Golden mask!

After the last incident, Feng Sumo was very impressed with him.

Hannah is with him?

"Master Hannah, you're doing well." The man in the golden mask glanced at her and waved his hand to signal her to leave.

After hearing the man's words, Hannah's previous indifference dissipated, and she retreated respectfully.

Feng Sumo looked at the two of them silently, then the gun in his hand suddenly turned and aimed at the man with the golden mask...

She didn't know the identity of this man, but he once wanted to hurt her, and even had grudges with Moxiluo.

"Do you think you've won me over?" The man in the golden mask was very disdainful of her behavior, playing with the gun in his hand, with a hint of playfulness in his casual tone.

"Then try it!" Feng Sumo slowly pulled the trigger——

A gunshot pierced the night sky. However, the man in the golden mask hadn't touched it yet, but he avoided it.

Looking sideways, he glanced at Feng Sumo, and the man walked towards her step by step.

Feng Sumo retreated step by step, wanting to squeeze the gun in his hand again, but after several times, no bullet was fired.

out of ammo...

A trace of panic appeared in Feng Sumo's eyes inadvertently, he lowered his eyes, pondered for a while, and secretly fumbled for the phone on his body.

Mecillo doesn't want her and the child anymore, she has no other relatives in Monaco, only Ji Fengwu.


(End of this chapter)

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