Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 184 The Secret That Can't Be Said

Chapter 184 The Secret That Can't Be Said
All the upper floors of Shenyin Hall live in small independent villas.

Feng Miya came out of the conference hall and was about to go back to her room, but was startled when she saw a small figure outside the courtyard.

In the garden of the villa, under the brilliantly blooming tung tree, a little girl about four years old stood on a bench, stood on tiptoes, stretched out her short arms, trying to reach a low-blooming tung tree .

The girl was young, short, with short arms. The bench was built on two rickety benches, and she looked like she might fall down at any time.

However, the little girl still didn't know it, she pouted her red mouth and stretched out her arms stubbornly, as if she would not give up until she picked the tung blossoms.

"Xiao Qi, it's dangerous!" Feng Miya frowned, and ran over in a few steps.

Hearing the familiar voice, the corners of the little girl's lips curled upwards, she glanced sideways at Feng Miya who was rushing, and waved at him, "Miya!"

One movement caused the unbalanced stool to sway again, and the next second, the petite body fell to the ground——

Feng Miya's bright black eyes widened a little, and she quickened her pace, before the little girl landed, stretched out her arm, and caught her.

The two children, after that, both fell to the ground.

Under the tung tree is the grass, Xiao Qi fell down, but did not feel any pain, her big bright eyes flickered, her small red mouth slanted up, and she smiled at Feng Miya beside her up.

"Mia, you're fast again!"

With a cheerful tone, without the slightest introspection, Feng Miya raised her brows slightly, and helped her stand up.

He looked her up and down, and after confirming that there was no sign of injury, he took her hand and walked towards the room.

"Xiao Qi is hungry..." Xiao Qi followed behind, rubbing her dirty little hands and holding onto Feng Miya's hand pitifully, refusing to leave.

"Brother, go back and look for snacks for you." Feng Miya is two years older than Xiaoqi, and with Feng Jiaye's education, she is also much more sensible than Xiaoqi.

"Xiao Qi likes to eat the tiramisu made by Mommy." Xiao Qi followed behind him, thinking of the tiramisu made by Feng Sumo, a silver thread slipped quietly from the corner of his lips.

"Okay, brother will help you see if there is any more." Feng Miya turned her head, helped her wipe the crystal liquid from the corner of her lips, and walked to the refrigerator.

Xiaoqi likes pastries, and there are usually some in the refrigerator at home, with a variety of flavors.

Feng Miya took out a small piece of cake and put it on the dining table.

When Xiao Qi saw the cake, she happily lay down at the dining table and ate it. After taking a bite, she took a small spoonful and handed it to Feng Miya, "Grandmother said, tiramisu can taste happiness, you should try it too !"

Feng Miya just thought she was nonsensical, swallowed the cake with the spoon she brought to her lips, and shook her head calmly, "It's tasteless."

"Why is it tasteless? It's obviously bitter, but it's also a little sweet." Xiao Qi explained.

Because Yue Luoran told her so, in Xiao Qi's perception, the taste of happiness is bitter with a little sweetness.

After the bitterness, it is sweet...

Feng Miya corrected it blankly, "That's the smell of cocoa powder."

Xiao Qi disagreed with his words very much, picked up the cake and swallowed it mouthful after mouthful, and would not give up until he had a taste of happiness.

The pink-carved and jade-carved face is full of anger, and the expression is very cute.

This is Xiaoqi, the little princess in the eyes of everyone in Shenyin Hall. Xiaoqi is just a nickname, but her real name is Feng Shuyu!

As for the age, Mommy said, this is a secret that cannot be revealed, and must be guarded to the end!
(End of this chapter)

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