Chapter 187 Passing by
The clear communication sound is still eye-catching even in the banquet hall where the music flows.

After that, all the guests in the audience looked at the source of the sound.

At the entrance, Moxiluo walked in front of the owner Reid and came towards the banquet hall. His black eyes were like a bottomless deep lake, his thin lips were lifted up arrogantly, and a very faint smile condensed on his lips , exuding temperament, indifferent and alienated.

Feng Suluo looked at Moxiluo who was approaching, his handsome face covered by the silver mask froze for a moment, turned his head to the side, and slowly looked at Feng Sumo beside him.

It's been seven years, and I actually met at this place...

However, Feng Sumo just looked at Moxiluo indifferently, as if he was facing a stranger.

His eyes only paused on his face for a while, and Feng Suluo continued walking towards the door lightly, holding Feng Suluo on his arm.

As soon as he entered and as soon as he exited, Moxiluo stared straight ahead, his evil and handsome face couldn't find any expression, Feng Sumo held Feng Suluo affectionately, and didn't even look at him from the corner of his eye, Just walk your own way.

Two figures passed by.

The moment the shoulder missed, Feng Sumo's head drooped, and he rested his pillow on Feng Suluo's shoulder. Naturally, he completely avoided his eyes with his face.

Moxiluo's black eyes were as deep as a bottomless vortex. After coming here, his eyes never stopped on anyone.

Feng Sumo walked out with Feng Suluo on his arm, and when he was about to reach the gate of the mansion, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Do you need me to wait for you?" Feng Suluo thought she had something to say to Moxiluo, and gently took away her hand that fell in her arms.

"Brother, you're overthinking." Feng Sumo smiled mockingly, and lifted off the purple mask that covered his face, revealing his beautiful face.

Slowly turning his head to the side, squinting from the corner of his eyes at Moxiluo, whose eyes were turned away from him, there was a gloomy look in his clear eyes.

"Momo, it's been seven years..." Feng Suluo wanted to say something, but Feng Sumo interrupted before he could finish.

"Let's go back!" Throwing the purple mask in his hands aside casually, his slender arms took his hand again, and Feng Sumo dragged him to the door.

Moxiluo's heart skipped a beat when he entered the ball hall, his handsome face turned sideways slowly, his eyes just touched the two figures who went out the door side by side, and the purple mask that fell after drawing an arc in the air.

Such a familiar figure...

"Your Highness Heller, please come this way!" Reid pointed to the inner hall at one end of the ball hall without noticing Moxiluo's gaze, intending to invite him in, but just as he finished speaking, Mexilo suddenly pushed him away. He, with slender legs, strode towards the main entrance.

Nuo Qi was baffled by his sudden reaction, and ran along with him.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

As if he couldn't hear his words, Moxiluo locked his eyes tightly in front of the gate, running stubbornly, his quiet black eyes were replaced by shock and joy.

After leaving the mansion, Feng Sumo got into a white Ferrari, sat on the driver's seat, looked at Feng Suluo beside him, and after confirming that he was seated, he stepped on the accelerator and started the sports car.

The long and slightly curly hair fluttered wantonly in the night wind, enchanting and beautiful.

If the 17-year-old Feng Sumo is a pure epiphyllum, then after seven years of transformation, she is a dangerous poppy, suffocatingly beautiful, but once infected, it is a deadly poison...

(End of this chapter)

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