Chapter 211 Stay tonight
Seeing that he was just silent, Feng Sumo felt a deep sense of disappointment in his heart, stood up and wanted to leave, but was pulled by Moxiluo's wrist, and his slender body fell on his lap.

Moxiluo took a deep breath and murmured slowly, "I was thinking of sending you away temporarily. Although I don't know when I will be able to pick you up, I never thought of letting you go."

Feng Sumo was surprised, stunned for a moment, and lightly sarcastically said, "If your grandpa never approves of me, does it mean that you will never take me and my child back?"

"Who told you that I sent you away because of this?" Moxiluo raised his eyebrows lightly, and his handsome face turned blue on the spot.

"Isn't it?" Feng Sumo asked without answering.

"Am I the kind of person who looks at people's faces?" Moxiluo stared at her coldly and roared in a rough voice.

If he cared about Canocci's opposition to her, he wouldn't marry her against his will.

"..." Feng Sumo was stunned.

"Try to believe me, and I'll tell you when this matter is resolved, okay?" With the darkness in his eyes hidden, Moxiluo's tone contained a faint plea.

"What's the matter?" Feng Su Momin felt his words and frowned slightly.

Things I don't want you to face.

Moxiluo thought in his heart, but didn't say it.

This is his way of love, as long as he is included in his protective wings, he will stop all the storms for her, even if she knows that she may hate herself.

Seeing that he did not answer, Feng Sumo felt inexplicably uneasy.

As noble as him, he would never speak to her in such a tone, what kind of things need to be kept from her like this?
"Now, it's time to solve your problem." Thinking of the brats of unknown origin, Moxiluo's face turned cloudy again.

Feng Sumo felt guilty, stood up abruptly, and wanted to leave, but Moxiluo held her waist domineeringly and refused to let go.

"Didn't you say clearly where you want to go?" Moxiluo's eyes changed slightly, and there was a trace of sharpness in his eyes inadvertently.

Feng Sumo, if you dare to get involved with other men, you will die!

"It's none of your business." Feng Sumo still had depression in his heart, and didn't want to forgive him easily.

"Feng Sumo, you owe me a lesson!" Hearing the obvious repulsion, Moxiluo's previous gentleness was out of tune, and he clasped her waist with his hands, and roared in a rough voice.

Feng Sumo stood up, looked at him indifferently, and said indifferently and distantly, "I'm sorry, I should go back."

Moxiluo suppressed the anger on his face, slowly stood up from the sofa, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and his tone was light, "Okay."

Obviously did not expect him to be so easy to talk, Feng Sumo stepped back a few steps, his delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Moxiluo straightened his clothes, looked at her lazily, took her wrist and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Feng Sumo followed behind, looking at him because he didn't know.

"Aren't you going home?"

"where are you going?"

"Send you home." Moxiluo answered as a matter of course.


With his back to her eyes, Moxiluo floated a faint smile, and the corners of his lips rose even higher.

"I don't want you to send it." Feng Sumo came back to his senses, and couldn't help twisting the wrist held by him.

If he really sent her back, wouldn't her life be exposed under his nose?
With a negotiable tone, Moxiluo turned around and met her eyes, "Then stay here."


Feng Sumo stared at him blankly, his star pupils widened a little.

What it means to stay here, she knows very well.

After marrying him, except for her having a baby and the few days every month, he never let her go...

(End of this chapter)

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