Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 214 The Unified Front of Mother and Child

Chapter 214 The United Front of Mother and Child
Feng Sumo turned his head sideways after those words, glanced at Feng Miya, and gave him admiring eyes.

As expected of being trained by my father, I learned to speak cautiously at such a young age...

After that, Mesilo and Nuo Qi tacitly set their eyes on Feng Miya's face, one raised his eyebrows slightly, and the other was full of astonishment.

You don't have to be so smart, do you?
Feng Miya's eyes met Moxiluo's face, and there was a slight provocation in his eyes.

For Miya, he is absolutely on the side with Feng Sumo, without any reason!

Feng Sumo smiled triumphantly, seeing Moxiluo's expression on the wall, he felt a little more at ease.

Nuo Qi's eyes flicked over the faces of Mesilo and Mia, looking at the same sharp eyes of one big and one small, the wrinkles between the brows became deeper and deeper.

Suddenly there is a feeling of similarity between the two...

"Little ghost, how old do you say you are?" Nuo Qi asked unsurely, thinking about the words of the people who met him for the first time.

"Five years old." Feng Miya said indifferently.

"Miya, tell me..." Feng Shuyu's watery eyes widened after hearing that, trying to correct her, but Feng Sumo and Feng Miya covered her mouth at the same time.

"Hmm... um..." Feng Shuyu opened a pair of big innocent eyes, looked at Feng Sumo, then at Feng Miya, his eyes were full of innocence.

Did she say something wrong?

Moxiluo stood up slowly, looked lazily at the nervous mother and son, and said in a leisurely tone, "Why are you so nervous?"

Feng Sumo calmed down, pushed Feng Shuyu behind him, and lightly ordered Feng Miya, "Leave this to Mommy, you go back to your room first."

"En." Mia nodded, and led Feng Shuyu into the room.

The mother and son have a very tacit understanding in the united front.

Feng Shuyu turned her head to the side, looked at Feng Sumo, and then at Moxiluo, her eyes were very puzzled.

Why did that uncle care so much about her and Mia's age?

Moxiluo looked at the two small figures leaving, and the brows that were slightly frowned slightly relaxed.

What did that little girl want to say?
Is Mia lying?

"How did you come here?" Afraid of Moxiluo's shrewd detection, Feng Sumo raised his voice to interrupt his thoughts.

"Do you think it's already reached this point, where else can you hide?" Looking away from the two children, Moxiluo's eyes fell on Feng Sumo's face again, and his chest suddenly warmed up, " Isn't Mia five years old?"

"You think too much." Feng Sumo tried his best to calm himself down, concealing the uneasiness in his eyes, and looked at him with indifferent eyes.

"What were you nervous about just now?" Moxiluo raised his eyebrows and asked.

Feng Sumo was surprised.

Moxiluo had the bottom line in his mind, and locked her eyes with sharp black eyes, and continued, "The little girl's facial features don't look similar to Mia's at all."

"Does every pair of brothers and sisters have to look alike?" Feng Sumo asked without answering.

Before he explained what happened last night clearly, Feng Sumo didn't want to just forgive him, even if he had his own difficulties back then.

"That girl doesn't look like you either." Moxiluo's eyes were deep and he analyzed carefully.


In the room, two small faces protruded from the side of the door one by one, and their eyes fell on Moxiluo's face.

"Mia, what is the relationship between this uncle and Mommy?" Feng Shuyu's big eyes were full of curiosity.

"Unclear relationship." Mia thought for a while and explained in one sentence.

"Like me and you?" Feng Shuyu raised his head to look at him above, his clear eyes were dazzling.


(End of this chapter)

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