Chapter 229 A Meaningful Kiss

Feng Sumo was taken aback by her words, seeing her expectant eyes, only thought her words were funny, "Little girl, do you know what bribery is?"

"I picked up this word from my grandfather." Feng Shuyu was very proud of this.

One of her biggest characteristics is that she likes to ask questions if she doesn't understand. Once she passed Feng Jiaye's study and heard him talking to others, and accidentally picked up the word "bribery". He explained clearly before he was willing to give up.

"Grandfather still taught you this word?" Feng Sumo was a little ashamed.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Feng Shuyu begged, shaking Feng Sumo's arm.

"How do you want me to bribe Daddy?" Feng Sumo didn't know if she understood the meaning of this word, and his tone was leisurely and joking.

Feng Shuyu stood up, looking at her sitting on the same level, and said amazingly, "During the plane, Daddy seemed to enjoy the way Mommy kissed him, so Mommy can bribe him with kisses, if Daddy I'm so happy, talking should be much easier, right?"

"Little Seven!" Feng Sumo never expected to hear such words from her mouth, his face flushed red, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

Ji'er pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

The little girl is clever.

"Mummy, are you okay?" Feng Shuyu saw that she did not agree, and continued to beg, with cunning and grievance in her big twinkling eyes.

Feng Sumo quietly looked at her childish face, thinking that the two children were still young, and Moxiluo's method seemed to be a little too much, so he hesitated for a while, then nodded lightly.

"Mummy, you're so kind!" Feng Shuyu was very happy, and her little mouth poked at the side of her face, her little face burst into a smile.

Feng Sumo stood up and walked to the window. Through the window, his eyes fell on the manor.

Moxiluo was standing on the grass, and Feng Miya was still trotting. After running for an unknown number of laps, it seemed that he was too tired to run, and his legs were trembling slightly.

Feng Sumo looked very distressed, turned and walked out of the room.

After going downstairs and directly on the grass, Feng Sumo glanced sideways at Moxiluo who was next to him, and walked up to Feng Miya in a few steps, blocking his way forward.

"Mummy..." Feng Miya was drenched in sweat, and looked at her a little laxly.

Feng Sumo knelt down, gently wiped the sweat off his forehead, and led him into the room.

Feng Miya glanced at Moxiluo, a little hesitant to leave, her steps were very stiff.

"Go and rest first." Feng Sumo didn't care so much, and stubbornly pulled him forward.

Mexilo didn't say anything, and followed into the room.

Feng Sumo first asked Feng Miya to wash his lower body, and after he was changed and cleaned, he asked Jier to take him to the restaurant for breakfast.

Mesilo stood behind her, and from beginning to end, he didn't say a word.

Feng Sumo looked at the two people who were leaving, closed the door, and met Moxiluo's eyes.

"Have something to say?" Moxiluo raised his eyebrows softly.

Feng Sumo didn't talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point, "The child is too young, reduce the difficulty of training."

Moxiluo's eyes drooped slightly, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, "You should know their identities, especially Mia, who will face not only the background of the crown prince's son, but also the dark night, the hidden hall of God, and his own Luo family. Night. Every identity may pose a threat to his safety."

"But Mia is only six years old. The child is not made of iron. He almost couldn't hold it just now."

"Mia is a boy, he has endured those hardships."

Unexpectedly, he would be so persistent on this matter, Feng Sumo became a little anxious, Meimou glanced at him, stood on tiptoe, brought his lips to his lips, and kissed him deeply...

(End of this chapter)

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