Chapter 23 An Agreement Between Two People
"Except for this matter, I don't care how you want to pay me back." Feng Sumo recovered and looked at him again.

A sneer curled up on the corner of Moxiluo's lips.

In addition to this matter, she still has more bills.

This is the first time he was kissed by someone at such a big age!For the first time, a woman dared to throw money at him!The first time I was provoked, the first time I was kicked...

If it weren't for those eyes that looked like that little girl, she might have died in his hands several times by mistake.

Feng Sumo's nerves were tense, he squinted at him from the corner of his eyes from time to time, and his heart tightened.

"Be my maid." Thin lips spit out a few words, and Moxiluo looked indifferent.

"Maid?" Feng Sumo murmured and repeated his words, "As long as I'm your maid, you don't care about everything?"

"Doubt the integrity of my words?" Moxiluo raised his eyebrows.

"You won't kill me?"

"You talk so much, are you looking for death?" Moxiluo's eyes turned fierce, and he shot at her coldly.

Feng Sumo stepped back in shock, crossed his hands into swords, and looked at him vigilantly.

This person has a very strange temper. He was obviously calm just now, but now he has such a bad tone. If she agrees to him, she must ask for a gold medal to avoid death.

"You have to promise me." Feng Sumo insisted.

Her little life is very valuable, and she doesn't want to die so early.

"It depends on your performance." Resisting the urge to ruthlessly trample her, her tone was cold.

"No, you have to agree!" Who wants to do a job where the head may move at any time?

"Want to die now?" Moxiluo stared at her coldly, his eyes turned cold.

Feng Sumo couldn't help shivering, and took a few steps back again, wanting to continue asking questions about the deadline, but, touching his eyes, he endured it.

"Which country are you from?" Thinking of Ji Fengwu's words, Feng Sumo suddenly asked.

When Ji Fengwu met him, the first sentence he said was to welcome him to China, which means that this person is not Chinese, at least his nationality is not Chinese.

Moxiluo had a cold handsome face, and looked at her with strange eyes.

This woman is not usually not afraid of death, but she dared to talk to him about such an irrelevant topic at this time.

"Say it and you won't die." Feng Sumo insisted on asking.

"Monaco." Mecillo had the urge to pinch her and bury her on the spot.

Feng Sumo lowered his head, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Mom and Dad have already issued an engagement announcement. If they continue to stay in T City, they may not be sure, and a marriage order will be issued directly in a few days. If they don't escape now, when will they wait?

Although this person in front of him is very vicious, but he is very skilled. If he is with him, if the family members find him, maybe he can help him get rid of it.

As long as you use him to go abroad, things will be much simpler.

It is easier to get rid of one person than a group of people.

"The smile is so ugly." Moxiluo looked at the smile on her face coldly, always feeling weird in his heart.

This woman, isn't she planning something again?

"I didn't let you see it." Feng Sumo was in a good mood thinking that he could escape the marriage.

Moxiluo's handsome face suddenly turned green after that, and he looked at her, "Is your life too long?"

Feng Sumo watched in horror as his face changed dramatically within a second, his body shrank back, and his hands were once again in a defensive move.

"Come here!" Moxiluo glanced at her hand with disdain, and gave an order indifferently.

"What are you doing?" Feng Sumo was very vigilant.

"Start your first job as a maid."


(End of this chapter)

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