Chapter 233 Similar Ruthlessness

Mecillo came to the palace in the evening.

When the prince heard the news that he was coming, he waited in the council hall ahead of time.

Mrs. Debbie stood beside him, her eyebrows lowered.

"When did you come back?" Watching him enter the door, the prince asked coldly.

"Today." Moxiluo said two words indifferently, walked to the chair beside him and sat down, very deliberately distorting the fact that he came back yesterday.

"What's the matter with you and Feng Sumo?" Kanoqi turned his back, locked his eyes with sharp black eyes, and there was a hint of sullenness in those eyes, showing the deep dissatisfaction in his heart.

"You sent someone to investigate me?" Moxiluo narrowed his black eyes slightly, and the eyes suddenly turned cold.

"You are my own grandson, I am concerned about you." The cold tone made the anger in Kanoqi's chest intensify, and the chill on his body became even stronger.

"Grandson?" There was a trace of sarcasm on Moxiluo's lips, and he growled at him in a low voice, "Because I am my grandson, so do I have to care about which woman I love? Because I am my grandson, I can do everything for me marriage and love? Can you announce in front of so many media that I'm going to marry another woman without even telling me in advance?"

Mecillo had thought about it, the royal spokesperson dared to announce such explosive news, the instigator behind it could only be Canocci!
"Mexilo, what's your attitude? I'm your grandfather, how could you compete with me so much for a woman of low status?" Kanoqi's face turned green on the spot as long as he was doing this for Feng Sumo.

"What is low status? It's not a royal family, not an aristocrat, and it can't bring you any political benefits. It's called low status?" Mesilo spoke directly, and his sentences were like stabs, which made people feel hot and painful.

For this point of Canocci, Mesilo sees it very clearly. He is high above himself, and he is the only one who is the only one. If there is value in use, he will make full use of it, and those who have no value in use will stand aside.

Wei Lai back then was an example, so Mo Yunqi's relationship with her went very hard, and Feng Sumo now is another example.

Two women, one is his mother, the other is the person he loves the most, both are the most important people in his life, but they have to face the same fate, Mesilo thinks about this, and he hates Canocci in his heart Just aggravate.

Kanocchi's lips trembled after being stimulated by him, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Moxiluo took a deep breath and slowed down his speech, "I will not marry the princess you arranged. I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be the only one who will be embarrassed."

"Mecillo, you're on the wrong side!" Canocchi was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his almost threatening words, and raised his hands excitedly.

Moxiluo's face was calm, without any intention of avoiding it, his eyes just looked at him indifferently, waiting for his slap to fall.

"His Royal Highness!" Mrs. Debi, who was serving on the left and right, was so frightened by his movement that she walked up to him in a few steps and held his hand.

Although he is a grandson, Moxiluo is also the first crown prince hand-picked by him after all. He is the most honorable man in this country after he is removed. How can he fight?
Kanocchi raised his hand for a long time, trembling, and finally, he endured it.

It's not that he didn't dare to teach him a lesson, it's just that, in Kanocchi's heart, Mesilo has always been his most beloved grandson.

Although, he is the most daring to oppose him.

(End of this chapter)

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